After speaking, Su Mei turned and left, walking towards the opposite side of the bookshelf.

"Damn it, what kind of attitude does this Su Mei have? She is really defiant. She doesn't take me, the principal, to heart at all."

Liang De looked at Su Mei's back, his face turned red with anger.

"Principal Liang, this female teacher is quite interesting. She is so courageous that she dares to search for materials in the library alone."

Lin Kaiyun said that in this day and age, most people would rather believe in such things than believe in nothing, but this female teacher is not afraid at all.

Liang De said unhappily, "This teacher is a weird person. After that incident, she came alone. Hmph, I think she is a psychopath."

Lin Kaiyun didn't speak any more, but followed Liang De to the depths of the library.

In the depths of the library is a dark passage, this passage does not have any light, it looks gloomy and mysterious.

Lin Kaiyun also took a closer look at the surroundings while walking. This library is indeed very large. There are cabinets one after another. Inside the cabinets are neat rows of books and other items.

After Lin Kaiyun walked around the library, he didn't find anything special. Finally, he stopped, looked at Liang De beside him and asked, "Principal Liang, where is the armor you mentioned?"

"Look there." Liang De pointed to a corner ahead.

"It's there."

Lin Kaiyun looked in the direction Liang De pointed, and found a ball the size of a stone lion on a corner of the wall. Looking closer, it turned out that the armors were folded together to form a iron ball,

This iron ball is more than one meter long and one meter wide. Some runes are engraved on it. It looks like a kind of runes, but these runes are twisted together, which looks very weird.

"Principal Liang, what the hell is going on!"

Lin Kaiyun looked at the huge iron ball in front of him and asked, "Principal Liang, how did you bring this thing back? Did you find anything strange?"

Liang De shook his head and said, "Nothing strange happened, but since the armor ball was dug out, everyone who participated in the construction at that time has died. My wife said that these monsters are causing trouble, so please ask He Shoucai helped us find someone to take a look."

After listening to Liang De's words, Lin Kaiyun frowned and asked, "Principal Liang, do you know what kind of monster is causing trouble?"

Liang De shook his head, "This, I really don't know."

Lin Kaiyun closed his eyes and felt that there was something inside the armor, but he still couldn't feel what it was.

Lin Kaiyun said, "Principal Liang, this iron ball can only be cut!"

"Okay!" Liang De nodded and agreed directly.

And at this moment, a woman's screams suddenly came from another direction in the library, and the voice sounded to be that Teacher Su Mei.

"It's broken, something happened. Go and have a look."

After Lin Kaiyun heard the voice, his heart skipped a beat.

With that said, Lin Kaiyun was about to rush into the library.

Lin Kaiyun immediately ran out of the library following the sound, and several armored men were chasing after Teacher Su Mei.

"Damn it, it's these ghosts again!"

Seeing this, Lin Kaiyun shot directly, and waved two palms forward.

As soon as these two palms were released, a strong wind and wave blew out.

In front of them, a man in armor was directly blown over by the wind and waves, and then fell to the ground, falling so badly that he couldn't stand up for a long time.

Immediately afterwards, another man in armor was also blown to the ground.

"This... this... what kind of trick is this!"

Seeing Lin Kaiyun's attack, Su Mei couldn't help being shocked. He originally thought that Lin Kaiyun was just a liar, but he was able to knock away the things chasing her out of thin air. Is this still human?

And at this time, at the end of the corridor, more and more armored men came out from the darkness,

These armored men held all kinds of weapons in their hands, and it made people shudder to see. This Su Mei, seeing such a scene, couldn't help being so frightened that his legs gave way, and he fell to his knees directly on the ground.

"Teacher Su, you... who the hell are you? How did you offend this group of armor men?"

Lin Kaiyun didn't pay attention to Su Mei, he only thought about what important things this teacher Su Mei had hidden?Why make these armor men so crazy?

Su Mei cried, "I don't know either! I just walked out of the library after looking for materials, and I met these monsters."

At this time, the group of armored men had already rushed over, and Lin Kaiyun had no time to interrogate Teacher Su Mei, so he took out the Seven Star Longyuan Sword and rushed up, fighting with them.




The sound of clashing weapons came to Su Mei's ears, making her feel trembling.

"Who is this Taoist priest! Why is he so powerful!"

Su Mei looked at the scene in front of her, feeling scared and surprised in her heart, and felt a burst of fear at the same time.

Just when Su Mei was surprised, Lin Kaiyun fought with these armor men

At the same time, in the corner of the library, the iron ball slowly spun.

"Bang, bang!"

The iron ball was spinning very fast, and when it was spinning, some of the surrounding walls made rumbling noises.

But at this time, Lin Kaiyun was busy cleaning up the group of armored men, so he didn't notice it at all.

"Damn it, although this group of armored men is not as good as the ones I encountered before, there are too many of them."

Lin Kaiyun cut down on an armored man, and another armored man rushed up inside.

It was a bit difficult for him to cope, after all, he was only one person.


Lin Kaiyun cut off the spear in the hand of the armored man in front of him with a sword, and quickly stepped back, relying on the narrow corridor to resist these armored men.

Chapter 449 A steady stream of armor

Lin Kaiyun retreated again and again, and cut down an armored man in front of him with a sword, but then some armored men rushed up and surrounded Lin Kaiyun. He held a long spear in his hand, swung and assassinated, and defeated all the armored men , but the armored men still rushed forward continuously.

"Ding ding ding!"

Lin Kaiyun swung the long sword in his hand quickly and stabbed in all directions, knocking batches of armored men away, but he found that the muscles in his wrists were already sore, and the mana in his body was consumed extremely quickly. If he continued to fight like this, he would definitely Undoubtedly defeated.

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