"It can't go on like this."

Lin Kaiyun took out the talisman paper from his arms, bit his middle finger, drew a few strokes on it, and drew three fire talismans, and then he stuck one of the fire talismans on his body, and then he started to run around frantically .

At this moment, the only option for him is to escape from this narrow place.

However, even with the Fire Talisman, he couldn't get out of here at all, and the group of armored men chased him like a lunatic.

Lin Kaiyun was forced to take a few steps back by the armored man who came suddenly, and he was about to fall to the ground.

Lin Kaiyun suddenly found that he had stepped on a raised brick under his feet. With the help of this brick, he shot up and flew straight into the distance. At the same time, he swung the spear in his hand and stabbed the Several armored men.


With a soft sound, an armor head splashed, and the black solution sprayed into the air, and then landed on Lin Kaiyun's body, Lin Kaiyun quickly avoided it.


Su Mei screamed, she had never seen this scene before, leaning tightly against the corner of the wall behind Lin Kaiyun, trembling all over.

"You bastards!"

Lin Kaiyun casually wiped the black liquid that spilled onto his cheeks, held up the Seven Star Longyuan Sword, and frantically assassinated many armored men behind him.

For a moment, Lin Kaiyun's figure flickered non-stop, one by one armored men fell into the black liquid, the black blood overflowed, and then one after another corpses fell down.

Lin Kaiyun's figure kept moving forward, and along the way, armored men kept falling down.

But these armored men all have one thing in common, that is, they were all killed by a single sword move.

This sword move is the second style of the Seven Star Longyuan Sword Art, newly researched by Lin Kaiyun. The power of the sword move is not satisfactory, but the advantage lies in the wide range of damage. Once this sword move is used, no matter who is hit, it will die immediately .

At this moment, an armored man riding a war horse rushed towards Lin Kaiyun, waved the spear in his hand, and stabbed towards Lin Kaiyun's head. Lin Kaiyun's figure shook quickly, and the spear in his hand also stabbed out.

But Lin Kaiyun didn't go as smoothly as expected, because his sword pierced the armor of the armored army, but it didn't pierce the armor of the armored man, but was shocked back by the force of the countershock.

"Damn it! Riding a horse is different!"

"Come on! Let me meet you!"

As Lin Kaiyun said, he stretched out his hand and took out a blood-colored talisman on his chest, directly strung it on the Seven-Star Longyuan Sword, folded his hands together, inserted the Seven-Star Longyuan Sword into the ground, and then chanted the incantation, the Seven-Star Longyuan Sword slowly moved in the hilt. turned up.

"Heaven and earth are boundless, hurry like a law!"

As soon as Lin Kaiyun's words fell, a red light burst out from the Seven Star Longyuan Sword, and then rushed directly into the body of the armored man, piercing the armored man, the armored man let out a miserable howl, and then He fell to the ground, black blood flowed all over the ground, but the red light disappeared.

With the disappearance of the armored man, the war horse howled abnormally, and the horse's eyes wrapped under the metal armor concealed the red light, which was extremely strange.

The front hooves of the war horse kept stepping on the ground, and rushed towards Lin Kaiyun. Lin Kaiyun quickly put the Seven Star Dragon Yuan Sword into his arms, and then quickly jumped to the side.

"Master Lin, what is this? What is the situation?"

Su Mei looked at the scene in front of her tremblingly, and asked Lin Kaiyun.

"The horse has become a master!" Lin Kaiyun said, and threw a spell into the air, and said silently,

"The sky and the earth are boundless, and the universe borrows the law, and it is as urgent as a law!"

Suddenly, the spells in the air burned, and the burning spells emitted dazzling brilliance.


Lin Kaiyun gave a low shout, and the burning spell flew directly towards the horse.

The war horse neighed in horror, and quickly backed up.


The war horse fell to the ground and twitched for a while, then fell to the ground completely out of breath, and the burning charms in the air turned into ashes and fell to the ground. Lin Kaiyun walked up to the war horse, took out a dagger, and directly smashed the iron of the war horse. The head was cut off.

"Tread! Tread! Tread!"

In an instant, the sound of a group of iron hooves hitting the ground came from not far away.

Lin Kaiyun raised his head abruptly, and saw a group of armored men riding towards them on horseback, looking desperate.

"What the hell is this! Isn't it over?"

Lin Kaiyun couldn't help complaining, looked back at Su Mei, and asked,

"Teacher Su, what exactly did you provoke? Why are there so many armored men? Are you chasing after them?"

Seeing Su Mei looking at him suspiciously, Lin Kaiyun knew without thinking that Su Mei didn't know anything, so he couldn't help sighing,

"Hey! As many as you come, I will send you to the west!"

As soon as Lin Kaiyun finished speaking, the Seven Star Longyuan Sword appeared beside Lin Kaiyun, spinning at high speed,

Gusts of strong wind blew over, causing Lin Kaiyun's clothes to rattle.

"Master Lin, be careful!"

Su Mei said something, and then hid behind Lin Kaiyun, while Lin Kaiyun stood still, looking at the armored man rushing towards him, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, revealing a sneer,

"Hmph! You want me to die, no way!"

As Lin Kaiyun said, the Seven Star Longyuan Sword in his hand slashed out, only to hear a howl of swords, and a sharp sword energy shot out from Lin Kaiyun's hand.

The armored man who took the lead sideways directly dodged Lin Kaiyun,

But the soldier behind him was not so lucky. The soldier who dodged had half of his head cut off by Lin Kaiyun's sword energy, and black blood flowed out of half of the armor in an instant.

"Master Lin, that's amazing!" Su Mei shouted in admiration after seeing Lin Kaiyun's strength.

"It's all trivial, it will make you more knowledgeable! And." Lin Kaiyun shouted loudly, and the Seven Star Longyuan Sword rose into the sky,

Then it changed rapidly in the air, turning into thousands of sword shadows, densely packed and bombarding the group of armored men rushing forward.

"Bang bang bang~!"

The Seven-Star Dragon Yuan Sword in Lin Kaiyun's hand released a series of sharp sword energy, splitting all the armored men who were attacking, but those armored men did not stop at all, and still rushed towards Lin Kaiyun.

At this time, Lin Kaiyun frowned. He saw that this group of armored men was using crowd tactics.

Lin Kaiyun raised his right hand high, emitting a purple light, and the sound of "呵呵" exploded in the direction of Lin Kaiyun's finger,

Purple arcs flickered in the void, looking very terrifying.

Seeing this scene, Su Mei couldn't help being surprised,

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