Lin Kaiyun soared into the air, swiped his sword and slashed over, the sword energy flew in all directions, but he couldn't repel the fleshy claws protruding from the iron ball, instead he was caught by the iron claws and pulled back into the iron ball.

Lin Kaiyun only felt that his eyes were dazzled, and his body had already fallen into the iron ball.


Just as Lin Kaiyun stood firm, he heard a loud metal impact. He looked down and found that his feet were actually stepping on the outer wall of the iron ball.

I tried hard but found that my feet couldn't be pulled out at all.

Su Mei, who was already terrified, saw that Lin Kaiyun seemed to be caught, and shouted worriedly,

"Master Lin, be careful!"

"Nonsense, I know it too, be careful!"

Lin Kaiyun tried to mobilize the Xiantian Qi in his body, but he found that he seemed to have lost contact with the Xiantian Qi.

"What the hell is this?"

Lin Kaiyun kept guessing, and many doubts appeared in his mind, but these doubts were not important, he had to find a solution.

"What the hell is going on with this!"

Lin Kaiyun kept thinking.

At this moment, the fleshy claw slapped back, and with a strong wind, it went straight to Lin Kaiyun, the speed was astounding.

Lin Kaiyun's feet were still embedded in the meat ball, so he couldn't dodge effectively, but he couldn't allow the meat claws to attack either.

So he chose to resist.

The meat claw hit Lin Kaiyun's right shoulder, and suddenly, a burst of severe pain came. Lin Kaiyun only felt that his right shoulder bone was almost broken, and the clothes on his right shoulder instantly turned into pieces and fell down.

At the critical moment, Lin Kaiyun felt the innate qi in his body, so he didn't dare to delay, and quickly started to circulate the innate qi to repair the injury on his right shoulder. If it is too strong, the recovery speed of Xiantian Qi will not be enough.

"Five thunders enter the body!"

Lin Kaiyun couldn't defend passively, he directly raised his hands, and for a while, the thunder flashed,

One after another, thick electric snakes rushed towards the inner wall of the iron ball. The electric snakes rushed into the inner wall and disappeared.


There was another metallic crash.

Lin Kaiyun felt his body loosen, and his feet regained consciousness, but they were still stuck in the gap of the iron ball's armor and could not move at all.

"Then I will come again."

"The sky and the earth are boundless, the universe borrows the law, and thunder comes."

With a loud shout, the innate qi in Lin Kaiyun's body gushed out, turning into countless electric snakes, and charged towards the meat ball.

"Ding ding ding ding ding..."

There was a burst of metal crashing.

The gap in the iron ball finally loosened, and Lin Kaiyun took advantage of the situation to escape.

But then a black shadow appeared above Lin Kaiyun, it was the meat claw,

The fleshy claws grabbed it and threw it straight at Lin Kaiyun's chest, Lin Kaiyun hurriedly raised his palm in a panic.

"Bagua 64 palms!"

A series of palm prints were made, blocking the fleshy claws.

But the power of the meat claws was too powerful, Lin Kaiyun's palm force was directly broken, and he followed the trend, and grabbed Lin Kaiyun's wrist, Lin Kaiyun felt a heart-piercing pain.

Lin Kaiyun gritted his teeth and swung his sword with his backhand, the sword glow shot up from the ground,

He stabbed the meat claw straight, but before he could reach the meat claw, he was ejected back. Lin Kaiyun missed the meat claw with several consecutive sword moves.

Lin Kaiyun didn't like to fight, and quickly stepped back.

The meat claws were grabbed like a python, and the corridor walls on both sides were also smashed directly.

At this time, the library and corridors were completely opened up, and piles of bookcases fell to the ground.

Lin Kaiyun also noticed that Principal Liang De was hiding under the bookcase, trembling.

Now Lin Kaiyun has no time to take care of Principal Liang De, it is not conducive to his performance in this narrow place, so Lin Kaiyun wants to lead the iron ball condensed from this armor outside.


Lin Kaiyun jumped up, smashed through the window, and flew outside, followed by meat claws.

Su Mei watched Lin Kaiyun and the iron ball fly past him, but no one paid attention to her, and immediately collapsed on the ground in fright.

Once outside, the place is much more spacious, and Lin Kaiyun can use it to his heart's content. He looked at the iron ball that was catching up, and took the initiative to attack. The two swords in his hands swung again and again.

The sword light shone, leaving afterimages one after another in the air.

But even though Lin Kaiyun was so fierce, he still didn't kill the iron ball, and he didn't even cut through the shell of the iron ball. Lin Kaiyun's sword light only left a few sparks on the surface of the iron ball.

For this, Lin Kaiyun was not surprised, because the armored man he dealt with outside the city before was so resistant to beatings, this armored iron ball's defense ability will only be stronger.

However, Lin Kaiyun could use the meat claw protruding from the iron ball first, the defense power of that thing is definitely not as good as this iron ball.

Lin Kaiyun turned around and took out the talisman paper, aimed at the meat claws, and quickly crushed the talisman paper.

The talisman turned into a flame and flew towards the meat claw, instantly wrapping the meat claw in the flame.

This kind of flame is not an ordinary flame, it contains innate qi, which is fatal to these hard flesh.

Lin Kaiyun saw the right moment and shot again.


A thunderbolt fell from the sky and hit the meat claw.

The meat claw was directly struck by the thunder, and instantly turned into a pile of black smoke.

Sure enough, the meat claws couldn't resist this attack with innate qi.

"Big guy, it's your turn now!"

Lin Kaiyun immediately attacked the iron ball, and the iron ball spun rapidly, a swirling airflow appeared above the ground, and bursts of violent wind roared towards Lin Kaiyun.

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