Lin Kaiyun slashed at the airflow with a sword.

A huge force erupted, knocking Lin Kaiyun straight out, tumbling in mid-air before stabilizing his figure.

It was only when Lin Kaiyun stood up that he saw that there were many armored men in the airflow.

However, these armored men had no effect on Lin Kaiyun, he swung his sword and cut out,

A sword qi shot out, directly cutting a armored man in two, and the remaining armored men were also injured by the sword qi and fell to the ground.

Lin Kaiyun continued to swing his sword, and after beheading the two armored men, he rushed towards the iron ball.

When approaching, Iron Ball stretched out countless hands and grabbed towards Lin Kaiyun.

Like a big net, it enveloped Lin Kaiyun, leaving Lin Kaiyun nowhere to escape.

Lin Kaiyun swung his two swords and chopped off one arm after another, but these arms did not disappear, and they still grabbed him. Even if one was cut off, the second and third would appear.

Lin Kaiyun gritted his teeth, quickly used his steps, and swept towards the distance.

But as soon as Lin Kaiyun left this place, these arms immediately grabbed Lin Kaiyun, locking Lin Kaiyun's footsteps firmly, making Lin Kaiyun unable to break free.


Lin Kaiyun roared for a while, and hurriedly urged Xiantian qi, trying to break free, but when Xiantian qi hit the armor, it didn't have a good effect.

However, it also forced the arm out of the iron ball back.

"This guy, like the old turtle, has too thick skin!"

Lin Kaiyun panted heavily, looking at the iron ball formed by the armor.

"Looks like it needs to be reduced ten times with one force. This thing is the same as the armored man before. Even Taoism can't make much effect, so it must be suppressed with all strength."

After thinking it over, Lin Kaiyun put away the Seven Star Dragon Abyss Sword.

Putting his hands on his chest, a mass of pink energy surged out. Lin Kaiyun put this mass of energy on his face as if wearing a mask.


The pink energy began to burn, and Lin Kaiyun felt warm all over his body, and a warm feeling flooded his whole body.

At the same time, a huge image also appeared in Lin Kaiyun's mind.

A giant, holding a huge axe, wearing heavy armor, black hair, sharp-edged face, cold eyes, exuding a cold evil spirit.

The last time Lin Kaiyun used this power similar to that of a giant spirit god to kill the armored man, this time Lin Kaiyun is also planning to do the same.

In an instant, Lin Kaiyun's whole body changed, the breath of the giant spirit emerged, the muscles continued to grow, the bones became strong and powerful, the blood flow in the body accelerated a lot, the blood vessels protruded, and the skin began to turn bronze. .

A phantom of a giant spirit god gradually appeared, and the aura on his body became stronger and more domineering, like a god, exuding a trembling and terrifying aura.


At this time, like a miniature version of the giant spirit god Lin Kaiyun, he condensed a giant ax with energy in his hand.

Without hesitation, Lin Kaiyun swung his huge ax directly, and slammed it on the iron ball.

At this moment, Lin Kaiyun felt that his own ax made a huge gap on the iron ball, and a crack appeared.

"Ha ha!"

Lin Kaiyun became excited, held the blade of the ax in his hand, and struck the ax again.


The crack appeared deeper and deeper, and finally, the entire iron ball cracked.

Lin Kaiyun looked at the cracked iron ball in front of him, showed a slight smile, and stepped into the iron ball.

In an instant, the iron ball exploded like a watermelon, resulting in a huge explosion, and violent dust was blown like a gust of wind.

Lin Kaiyun felt the sky shaking for a while, his ears were buzzing, his eyes became blurred, he was dizzy, and his ears were filled with a huge roaring sound.


Lin Kaiyun was forced to retreat continuously by the bombardment waves. He felt that his body's internal organs continued to vibrate, the phantom of the giant spirit god disappeared, and his body returned to its original appearance.

In the corridor, Teacher Su Mei and Principal Liang De looked outside in surprise.

Su Mei couldn't believe it, her eyes said, "Oh my God! Is this still a human? Why is it so powerful, like explosives exploding."

Liang De was also very surprised, but he still said, "Teacher Su, do you believe it? Fortunately, I found Master Lin today, otherwise we would all die."

Teacher Su Mei glared at Liang De and complained, "It's all your fault. You have to move that iron ball back, otherwise it wouldn't have happened."

Liang De was speechless for a moment, not knowing what to say.

At the same time, Lin Kaiyun was adjusting his breathing, and suddenly felt that he was in danger, so he quickly avoided.

After dodging for a second, a bone pierced over, almost hitting his body.

The dust gradually dissipated, and Lin Kaiyun also saw that the previous explosion had left a big pit, and there were two slender skeletons on the side of the pit, like the bones of some kind of large monster, exuding an eerie aura .

"Is this guy in the iron ball?"

Lin Kaiyun shook the dust off his body, and took out the Seven Star Dragon Abyss Sword. He didn't believe that this bone frame also had the defensive power of an iron ball.

Lin Kaiyun stepped on the bone spur stuck in his foot, bit his middle finger, dripped three drops of blood, and dripped onto the Seven Star Longyuan Sword. Immediately, the Seven Star Longyuan Sword burst into light.

The seven-star dots on the Seven-Star Longyuan Sword lit up.


The light on the Seven Star Longyuan Sword flashed, and directly drove the remaining dust to the side.

Then, Lin Kaiyun raised the Seven Star Longyuan Sword and slashed forward.


The Seven Star Longyuan Sword seemed to have pierced through the void, and struck the bone frame beside the pit. There was a sound of metal fragments splashing, and the huge bone frame shattered in response.


The moment the huge bone frame was split in half, a large amount of black fog was sprayed out, and a stench came from inside, which made people want to vomit.

Moreover, in the black mist, there were actually countless tentacles, lashing towards Lin Kaiyun non-stop.


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