Lin Kaiyun held the Seven Star Longyuan Sword in his hand, and took out several talisman papers at the same time, crushed them instantly, and a flame gushed out, burning all these tentacles.

And Lin Kaiyun didn't give a chance, and rushed directly into the black mist. Relying on the location in memory, the blade of the sword was shining with light, and slammed towards the broken bone frame, and slammed seven or eight knives in a row, every time. With one blow, the black mist was torn apart, revealing the contents inside.


Then, there was an explosion sound.

A huge head flew out of the black mist and fell to the ground. A huge tail flicked and flew into the distance.

Lin Kaiyun chased after it, holding the Seven Star Longyuan Sword, and slashed at the huge snake head with one sword.


Lin Kaiyun's sword slashed at the snake's head, cutting the snake's head in half.


The snake's head burst open, and the green juice inside splashed out.


Lin Kaiyun was splashed with juice all over his face and mouth.

But Lin Kaiyun didn't wipe it, just stared at the front, the snake's head quickly withered and turned into pieces of broken bones.

Lin Kaiyun didn't rush forward, and took out a few talisman papers. After crushing them, the talisman papers exploded, turning into raging fire, and roasting towards the broken bones.

There is no way, after all, this iron ball is too difficult to deal with, in case there is something tricky.

It wasn't until the flames burned all the broken bones into ashes that Lin Kaiyun stepped forward with confidence. There was nothing left but ashes.

"What the hell is this iron ball? It's the owner that the armored man said before? But this thing doesn't look intelligent."

Chapter 451 Get drunk once in a while

"Hey, what is this?"

After Lin Kaiyun approached, he found a transparent bead in the ashes, and there was a miniature version of the giant snake skeleton inside.

"Good guy, this is just like a bug egg!!!"

After Lin Kaiyun picked it up and studied it for a while, he put away the insect egg-like thing.

All was well.

Although the school has been destroyed in a bad way, it doesn't matter, there are not many students in this school anyway.

At night, at Principal Liang De's house, a table of dishes was prepared for Lin Kaiyun.

After Lin Kaiyun has been busy all day, he is also extremely hungry at this time.

Without being polite at all, he opened his stomach and began to eat.

"Principal Liang, do you still have that chicken leg?"

"Yes, yes, Master Lin, you are welcome, eat as much as you want."

Principal Liang De was very respectful at this time, and quickly took a plate of chicken legs and placed it in front of Lin Kaiyun.

Then Principal Liang De picked up the wine in front of him and said to Lin Kaiyun,

"Master Lin, I'm really not wrong. Sure enough, there is a ghost in the armored iron ball inside the school."


Lin Kaiyun was busy eating and had no time to pay attention to Principal Liang De.

And Principal Liang De didn't care about himself and said, "Young people nowadays! After learning something, they completely abandon the old traditions and don't believe in haunted houses at all. It's just too shameful."

But Lin Kaiyun still ignored Principal Liang De, but began to study with the beads in his hand while eating.

"Master Lin, what is that in your hand? Why are you still looking at it while eating?" Principal Liang De asked strangely.

After hearing Principal Liang De's question, Lin Kaiyun put the bead directly in front of Principal Liang De.

Principal Liang De, who was already a little drunk, suddenly saw the little monster-like thing inside the bead, and immediately backed away in fright, shouting tremblingly,

"Master Lin, what is this? Why is it so scary?"

Lin Kaiyun smiled and explained,

"This is what's inside that iron ball, it should be some monster's egg!"

"And the ghost you mentioned before is this thing, it is he who is making troubles, so there are so many armored men."

Principal Liang De was not so scared at this time. Looking at the little thing inside the bead, he asked suspiciously, "Really? Just such a little thing is so powerful."

Lin Kaiyun said slowly, "Of course, he is so powerful at such a young age, so we must not let this one come out of the soft, or when he really grows up, God knows what kind of consequences it will cause."

After finishing speaking, Lin Kaiyun put away the bug-egg-like beads, and then asked Principal Liang De, "Principal Liang, why didn't that Teacher Sumei come over for dinner?"

Principal Liang De explained,

"Teacher Su Mei should have gone home by now. He was very frightened by what happened during the day."

"But it shouldn't be a big problem. After a night's sleep, it should be much better tomorrow."

Lin Kaiyun nodded without asking further questions.

At the same time, in an unremarkable two-story building in the county town, Teacher Su Mei was eating at home.

It's just that what Mr. Su Mei ate was a little strange. He was holding a few pieces of raw meat in his hand and stuffing them into his mouth non-stop.

To be precise, she was not eating, but chewing, chewing hard on the meat in her mouth.

Teacher Su Mei's face was full of pain, and she kept chewing the meat in her mouth with her teeth, and then spit it into the basin next to her.

While chewing, her face became more and more painful, as if what she ate was not raw meat but arsenic.

"Ouch!! Ooh!!!"

Teacher Su Mei kept retching, her body was shaking violently, her eyes were bloodshot, and her lips were also bruised.


There was another retch.

Then she stood up directly from the chair, ran into the toilet, and kept vomiting.

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