However, as she vomited, Teacher Su Mei's belly became bigger and bigger.

After a while, Teacher Su Mei's stomach swelled up like a rubber ball, constantly expanding.


Teacher Su Mei yelled.

At this time, it was as if a snake was crawling in her stomach, and her stomach became bigger and bigger.

Not only that, but she felt as if someone had stabbed her stomach severely with a knife.

A piercing pain rose from her abdomen, which made her hug her abdomen involuntarily, screaming non-stop.

"Ugh!!!!!! Ugh!!!"

She felt her stomach churning, and no matter what she did, she couldn't stop the churning feeling in her stomach.


In the end, she finally couldn't bear the torment in her stomach, opened her mouth to spit, and then passed out.

Lin Kaiyun didn't know the situation on Teacher Su Mei's side, so he covered his mouth and ran outside, throwing up.

Of course, the reason for Lin Kaiyun is very simple, because he drank too much.

In fact, with Lin Kaiyun's current strength, he can completely offset all the side effects of alcohol, but in that case, wouldn't life seem very boring, and besides, getting drunk occasionally is quite interesting.

Principal Liang De also came out, saw Lin Kaiyun's vomit, and said with a smile,

"Master Lin, you only drank a few catties! Why did you vomit!"

"Come on, let's drink!"

After finishing speaking, Principal Liang De continued to hold the jar and pour it into his mouth.

Lin Kaiyun wiped his mouth and said, "Forget it! As long as you feel drunk, I don't want to drink too much."

And at this moment, a person ran over in a hurry and bumped into Lin Kaiyun's body.

Lin Kaiyun staggered, turned around and shouted, "I'll go, who is it! Don't you have eyes?"

Principal Liang De was stunned for a moment, blinked his eyes,

"It seems to be from the county."

After finishing speaking, Principal Liang De put down the wine jar and went up to help the fallen man.

And after that person was supported by Principal Liang De, he didn't speak, but screamed ferociously.


This voice also attracted Lin Kaiyun's attention, and when he looked around, he immediately felt an evil aura.

"Quick, get away from him!"

Lin Kaiyun shouted quickly.

Principal Liang De froze for a moment, then ran away immediately.

But at this time, amidst the screams, that person actually left from the middle, and ran out a three-headed monster covered with meat balls.

"Ho ho ho ho!!"

The three-headed monster was roaring at Lin Kaiyun.

Seeing this situation, Principal Liang De couldn't help being so frightened that he sat down on the ground and murmured, "My God!!"

Seeing this, Lin Kaiyun hurried to Principal Liang De and helped him up.

"Principal Liang, are you okay!!"

Principal Liang De shook his head with a pale face, and then said, "I'm fine, Master Lin, let's go quickly!!"

Lin Kaiyun shook his head and said, "Don't worry, get rid of this thing first, and then we'll talk!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Kaiyun suddenly sobered up. He looked at the three-headed meat ball monster, took out a few talisman papers, and chanted a spell.

These talisman papers are exactly the Suppressing Evil Talisman.

Lin Kaiyun immediately pasted the talisman paper on its forehead, and used the talisman to fix the three-headed meatball monster.

Then I saw the "sizzling" electric sound coming from the three monsters.

Then the three-headed monsters began to struggle frantically, trying to break free from the control of the talisman paper.

However, Lin Kaiyun did not let go, but instead poured mana into these talisman papers.

"Boom! Boom!!"

These pieces of talisman paper made a loud noise, and immediately saw waves of black mist drifting out from inside.

Then a burst of thick smoke rose from the monster.

Accompanied by the smoke and dust, the three-headed monster broke free from the control of the Suppressing Evil Talisman, and then spit out a fireball from its mouth, spraying it at Lin Kaiyun,

"Master Lin, dodge quickly!!"

Seeing this scene, Principal Liang De couldn't help shouting anxiously.

But Lin Kaiyun didn't move or hide, and let the three-headed monster spray fireballs at him.

Although these fireballs look awesome, their power is average.

How could a mere fireball hurt him, Lin Kaiyun easily avoided it.

Seeing that the fireball could not attack Lin Kaiyun, the three-headed monster immediately became even more angry, opened its mouth wide, and spit out balls of black mist again.

The black mist accumulated more and more in his mouth, and gradually formed a huge black hole, like a bottomless hole, making a strange sound in his mouth.

Looking at this black hole, Lin Kaiyun not only felt a hint of threat.

Because the aura emanating from that group of black mist is very evil.

Lin Kaiyun didn't dare to hesitate, and quickly threw the evil spirit talisman in his hand into the black mist.

The Suppressing Evil Talisman fell on the black mist and immediately burned.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!"

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