After the Suppressing Evil Talisman made a "crackling" sound in the black mist, Lin Kaiyun showed a look of surprise on his face,

"What a strong yin energy!!!"

The black hole collapsed, but turned into a large amount of Yin Qi, which has been surrounding Lin Kaiyun,

Lin Kaiyun's body was also wrapped in Yin Qi.

Seeing this, Lin Kaiyun frowned slightly.

"No, I have to dispel the Yin Qi on my body, otherwise I may be controlled by the Yin Qi, and I will be in trouble at that time!!"

Lin Kaiyun quickly circulated the innate qi in his body, and then wrapped it towards these yin qi.

And those yin qi gradually receded under the action of the innate qi.

At the same time, the three-headed monster roared and rushed towards Lin Kaiyun,

Clouds of black mist sprayed out from the mouth, and sprayed out in the direction of Lin Kaiyun.

Seeing this, Lin Kaiyun quickly took out the five emperors' money, made a few handprints on his chest, and then stuck it on his chest.

Then I saw that the five emperors' money became bigger and bigger, blocking Lin Kaiyun like a shield.


The three monsters hit the five emperors' coins, making a loud "bang".

Lin Kaiyun felt that the five emperors Qian Yi was shocked, and his feet were also constantly retreating. With a kick, he took out the Seven Star Longyuan Sword, and slashed at the three-headed monster.


The seven-star Longyuan sword collided with the three heads of the three-headed monster, making a loud noise.


Following this voice, a howl sounded.

But Lin Kaiyun didn't let go, bit the tip of his tongue, spit out a stream of bright red blood, and drew a Tai Chi gossip in the air.

Then he dripped his blood on the Tai Chi Eight Diagrams.


With the rotation of the Tai Chi gossip, the yin energy around Lin Kaiyun's body began to disappear, while the head of the three-headed monster was pressed to the ground, motionless.

When Principal Liang De saw such a situation, he couldn't help being amazed.

"Master Lin is really amazing."

After Lin Kaiyun heard Principal Liang De's words, he smiled faintly, "Hehe! It's okay! Now I should deal with this monster."

Lin Kaiyun stepped forward, holding the Seven Star Longyuan Sword and directly chopped off the head of one of the three monsters, and then he waved his hand,

A golden light hit that head, and one head of that monster was annihilated in ashes.


The monster with only two heads left kept roaring, but was tightly suppressed by the gossip, unable to move.

"Hey, are you still struggling?"

Lin Kaiyun smiled and raised the Seven Star Longyuan Sword, beheading the remaining two heads,


The two heads were cut off in an instant, as if they had been cut into tofu.

Seeing such a scene, Principal Liang De was already dumbfounded.

"This, is this the end?"

Seeing such a scene, Principal Liang De couldn't help opening his eyes wide.

"Here, Master Lin Kaiyun, you are too powerful, right?"

Principal Liang De opened his mouth wide in disbelief.


Lin Kaiyun smiled and put away the Seven Star Longyuan Sword.

And at this moment, an extremely powerful Yin Qi came from the school.

"No, something went wrong, let's go!"

Lin Kaiyun hurriedly ran towards the school.

And Principal Liang De, after hesitating for a long time, also followed.

When he arrived at the school, Lin Kaiyun found that the whole school was shrouded in Yin Qi,

Moreover, in that dark depth, there is a surge of more powerful Yin Qi.

And the Yin Qi outside came from here.

"This, this, here is...!!"

Principal Liang De couldn't help being shocked when he saw this scene. Now the entire school building has become dark and covered with tentacles.

It was pitch black, full of gloom, and a gloomy atmosphere enveloped the surroundings.

"This is a place where resentful souls gather, and this resentful soul is very resentful."

Lin Kaiyun looked around and said to Principal Liang De solemnly.

When Principal Liang De heard this, he panicked immediately, and quickly said, "Master Lin, since this is the case, let's go outside! This school is probably turned into a ghost cave."

"Go? It is precisely because of this that you can't go outside, otherwise people in the whole county will suffer."

Chapter 452 Breaking into the Demon Nest

The entire corridor was as silent as night, with dim light seeping in from the windows.

Liang De followed closely behind Lin Kaiyun, and suddenly slapped the flashlight in his hand vigorously, calling Lin Kaiyun to stop,

"Master Lin, my flashlight is out of power, we'd better not go up."

His voice trembled, his heart was filled with fear,

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