A sinister smile appeared on the face of the red-clothed female ghost, and she swung her arms, blood congealed into a wall, and slapped the sword light.


The sword light collided with the blood wall, and there was an earth-shattering loud noise, and waves of terrifying power spread towards the surroundings.

In the eyes of the female ghost in red, there was an incomparably cold luster, and she waved her hands, making bloody handprints, and threw them towards Lin Kaiyun.

On these handprints, there is endless ghost energy, and ghost images appear on those handprints.

As soon as these ghost images appeared, in the sky, endless dark clouds gathered and rolled.

In an instant, Yin Qi churned from the dark clouds, forming chains and winding towards Lin Kaiyun.

On the chains, countless dark ghosts appeared.

Every ghost has a breath of terror.

"What is this, how can there be such strong resentment!"

Lin Kaiyun felt those ghosts, and his pupils contracted.

The female ghost in red laughed loudly,

"Hahaha, do you think all I collect are souls?"

"These are all Wraiths! Are you afraid of so many Wraiths?"



Lin Kaiyun took out a large amount of copper coins and sprinkled them on the ground. At the same time, he threw down the talisman paper and stuck it on the ground.

Lin Kaiyun made a fist with both hands.

Strange aura erupted from Lin Kaiyun's body, gathered in front of Lin Kaiyun, and condensed into a series of talismans.

On the talisman seal, a dazzling brilliance shone,


Lin Kaiyun let out a low snort, these talisman seals, above the ground, turned into streaks of light from the talisman seals, met the chains carrying the resentful spirits, and collided with these chains rumblingly.

"Blast me!"

Lin Kaiyun shouted again, the talisman burst out with light, exploded in the void, and turned into a huge mask.

The protective shield formed by the condensed light of these talismans was a full ten meters high, blocking the attack of these wraiths.

With a movement of Lin Kaiyun's figure, he came to the center of these talisman shields.

Eyes closed, hands in mudra.

"Punish the evil, order!"


As Lin Kaiyun's words fell, these talisman seals burst into a burst of dazzling light, turned into countless talisman seals, and burst out towards the surroundings.

In an instant, countless talismans bombarded the surrounding blood waves.

Above the blood wave, there was a violent collision sound.

Huge mushroom clouds soared into the sky.

Waves of powerful energy fluctuations swept towards the surroundings.

"how is this possible?"

This powerful impact made the female ghost in red unable to bear it, and fell to the ground.

As the female ghost in red couldn't hold on anymore, the ghost creature also disappeared, and all the blood surrounding Lin Kaiyun disappeared.


Lin Kaiyun let out a sigh of relief, and he also consumed a lot, all the innate energy in his body was exhausted.

However, now is not the time to rest, the red ghost is not dead.

Lin Kaiyun held the Seven Star Longyuan Sword and walked towards the female ghost in red.

The female ghost in red stood up, her injuries were slowly recovering.

Seeing Lin Kaiyun walking towards her, with a ferocious expression on his face, he roared and rushed towards Lin Kaiyun. With a wave of his arm, dozens of strands of hair, formed into spikes, protruded from the ground, towards Lin Kaiyun Wrap away.

Lin Kaiyun frowned slightly, and waved his hands.


These hairs were chopped into two pieces one after another, and the blood flowed horizontally and sprinkled down from the air.

However, the female ghost in red didn't stop attacking because of this, her body trembled, and a blood-red light curtain appeared above the ground.

The blood-red light on the body of the female ghost in red became more and more intense, spreading outward.

"Is this going to be desperate?"

Lin Kaiyun knew that this was the last attack of the ghost in red, and after this time, even if he didn't attack, the ghost in red would be wiped out.

"I want you to die!"

The female ghost in red roared angrily, the blood around her became stronger,

Exuding a palpitating aura, the female ghost in red at this moment seemed to be an evil ghost with boundless hostility.

Lin Kaiyun's face was extremely heavy.


While laughing miserably, the body of the female ghost in red suddenly exploded.

It turned into a rain of blood all over the sky, drifting towards Lin Kaiyun, covering Lin Kaiyun, completely submerging Lin Kaiyun.

The blood rain contained terrifying resentment, which turned out to be the resentment carried on the body of the female ghost in red.

Lin Kaiyun quickly activated the Golden Light Curse, and the golden barrier quickly unfolded to resist the blood rain


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