Although the Golden Light Curse on Lin Kaiyun's body was not weak, there was too much rain of blood, and Lin Kaiyun's defense was useless at all.

Lin Kaiyun's golden mask crumbled little by little, eroded by the rain of blood.

"Damn it, this desperate move is really powerful."

Lin Kaiyun gritted his teeth, his face full of seriousness.

"Uncle Shen, help!"

Lin Kaiyun immediately began to call his horse, Uncle Xianshen, in his consciousness.

When it was absolutely necessary, Lin Kaiyun would not bother Uncle Shen, but now it was urgent.


A huge snake shadow appeared behind Lin Kaiyun.

With a huge snake head and green eyes, it was the miniature version of Uncle Shen.

After seeing the snake shadow, Lin Kaiyun breathed a sigh of relief, he knew that with this phantom, he was saved.

The snake shadow opened its huge mouth, and with a huge suction force, it sucked in all the blood rain, and then swallowed it into its stomach.

In the end, there was even a hiccup.

"Uncle Shen, thank you."

Lin Kaiyun said to Xu Ying.

Snake Shadow nodded without saying anything, and then disappeared.

The female ghost in red looked at this scene in disbelief,

"How is it possible? The attack I released with all my might was broken so easily, I don't believe it."

At this moment, the body of the female ghost in red was already crumbling, as if she might disappear at any moment.

Indeed, as Lin Kaiyun thought, even if the female ghost in red didn't use his attack, she would lose her wits.

However, Lin Kaiyun is not so kind.

He directly threw out the talisman paper and stuck it on the body of the female ghost in red.

Chapter 461 Ghost Fire

The red-clothed female ghost's body was suddenly burned with raging flames, but she was still struggling, as if she was unwilling to be burned to death like this.

There was strong resentment in her eyes, as if she was cursing someone.

"Hahahahahaha, even if you are reduced to ashes this time, I will not let you go! I will definitely transform you into a ghost, so that you will have no peace."

The female ghost made a sharp sound.

Her voice was full of anger and resentment, as well as a murderous intent.

Lin Kaiyun was amused by the female ghost in red, and cursed,

"Are you burning stupid? Aren't you a ghost now? A ghost who has turned into a ball, hurry up and die!"


A miserable cry sounded, and the body of the female ghost in red slowly disappeared, and finally turned into ashes, disappearing without a trace, as if it had never existed before.

The moment the female ghost in red disappeared, the old lady also woke up.

"What's wrong? Why am I here? What's wrong with my house?"

The old lady looked at the mess around her, trembling all over, her face pale.

"Don't worry, there's nothing wrong with it."

Lin Kaiyun comforted the old lady.

Vice Captain Chen who hid outside also heard his mother's voice and ran in quickly.

Seeing that the female ghost had been wiped out, I felt at ease, and helped the old lady to rest aside.

Afterwards, he hurriedly ran to Lin Kaiyun's side, flattering him,

"Master Lin, you are really powerful, it is really right to invite you here."

Lin Kaiyun was too lazy to listen to his ramblings, so he waved his hand,

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, hurry up and get some food and drink, I'm exhausted now."

Vice Captain Chen also knew that this was a sign that Lin Kaiyun was unwilling to talk to him anymore, so he left wisely.

Lin Kaiyun returned to the old lady's side, looked at the haggard and terrified look of the old lady, and comforted her,

"Don't worry, old lady, you just fainted from fright, and you will return to normal soon."

The old lady nodded,

"Well, thank you, Master Lin."

"You're welcome, it's easy to do." Lin Kaiyun waved his hand.

Soon, Deputy Captain Chen had someone prepare some delicious food in the front yard.

Order someone to invite Lin Kaiyun over.

Lin Kaiyun was really hungry, so he took the food bluntly and started to eat it.

Vice Captain Chen was on the sidelines, serving him very respectfully, with a flattering smile on his face all the time.

"Master Lin, drink some water! This is the tea brought by our team members just now. You should try it first to see if it suits your taste."

Deputy Captain Chen offered a cup of tea graciously.


Lin Kaiyun took a sip of tea and nodded approvingly.

"This tea tastes good."

"Hey hey hey..." Vice Captain Chen scratched his head honestly.

"By the way, Master Lin, my mother won't have any after-effects? I heard that ghosts will get seriously ill."

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