Lin Kaiyun said affirmatively,

"Don't worry! There is no problem, the remaining yin energy has been eliminated, and your mother's three souls and seven souls are very complete."

"I'm relieved, Master Lin, you eat the vegetables."

Vice Captain Chen was relieved a lot, and served Lin Kaiyun quickly and courteously.

Lin Kaiyun drank a few more sips of water, and then continued to eat. Vice Captain Chen also sat beside him, and accompanied Lin Kaiyun to eat.

After eating, Lin Kaiyun had no intention of staying any longer, but got up to leave.

Seeing Lin Kaiyun leaving, Deputy Captain Chen said quickly,

"Master Lin, I have cleaned up the guest room, you can stay for one night before leaving!"

"No need." Lin Kaiyun waved his hand and refused.

"Master Lin, I promise to clean the house you live in spotlessly to your satisfaction, so don't leave!"

Deputy Captain Chen quickly persuaded.

He was still a little uneasy, fearing that something might happen to his old mother.

"No need, I have work to do!"

Lin Kaiyun shook his head indifferently.

Vice Captain Chen followed Lin Kaiyun and praised faithfully,

"Master Lin, you are a true master, you do practical things without expecting anything in return."

"It's not like the previous Daoist Wu Liu, who only knew that he wanted money, but in the end, he didn't solve the matter! He just left."

Vice Captain Chen just wanted to set off Lin Kaiyun's fame through other people.

Out of mind, just talking casually.

However, when it reached Lin Kaiyun's ears, Lin Kaiyun was extremely shocked.

"What did you say? Say it again?" Lin Kaiyun stopped and stared at Vice Captain Chen with wide eyes.

Vice Captain Chen was taken aback by Lin Kaiyun's appearance, and quickly said,

"Master Lin, what's the matter? If you don't like it, praise it, I won't say anything."

Lin Kaiyun looked serious, and asked in a deep voice,

"You said Daoist Wu Liu just now? Are you sure."

"What's the matter? Do you know him?"

"Master Lin, I was wrong just now. This Daoist Wu Liu may be in a hurry. Since he is your friend, he should not be a liar."

Vice Captain Chen mistakenly thought that Lin Kaiyun knew the former Daoist Wu Liu, so he immediately changed his words.

Lin Kaiyun asked directly, "What about others?"

Vice Captain Chen recalled it for a while, then shook his head,

"I don't know either! Someone was called away."

"Who? Do you know them? Do you know where they go?"

Deputy Captain Chen shook his head,

"I don't know, but I seem to have heard that I went to the Luoshi Canyon to find something."

After getting the clue, Lin Kaiyun quickly asked,

"Corpse Canyon? Where is it?"

Vice Captain Chen explained,

"One hundred miles to the north is the gap between two big mountains. It is said that because there are always people gathering medicine and hunting falling down the mountain and falling into the canyon, there are also many wild animals."

"Therefore, there are many skeletons in that canyon, and I heard that there are many robbers."

"Because it's not a place with oil and water, so there is no warlord occupying it, so it can be regarded as an unoccupied land!"


Lin Kaiyun nodded, didn't say much, and hurried on his way.

No wonder, Principal Liang De said that he had never met Principal Wu Liu.

It is estimated that when he came to Guxue County, he was stopped by Vice Captain Chen.

Later, he was invited away with more money.

Now that there are clues, Lin Kaiyun will of course go to look for them.

Lin Kaiyun first went to Guxue County to buy a horse. After all, riding a horse is much more comfortable than running by yourself.

Lin Kaiyun walked the official road all the way, and after walking for about eight hours, he arrived at his destination.

"Is this right here?" Lin Kaiyun looked at the Luoshi Canyon in front of him and muttered to himself.

This Luoshi Canyon is a large canyon. There are many hills in the valley. I don't know if it is because of the wind and sand blowing. The canyon is filled with the smell of loess.

Moreover, there are some pits formed for unknown reasons at the bottom of the valley, which are very deep, and there is a faint stench of decay coming from inside.

Lin Kaiyun stood at the mouth of the canyon and looked into the valley. There was loess everywhere in the valley. It was impossible to see clearly, as if there was no end, and the mountain walls in the valley were also full of loess.

"This place looks quite dangerous."

Lin Kaiyun muttered, without much hesitation, he rode his horse directly into the canyon.


Suddenly, Lin Kaiyun felt a dangerous aura.

Lin Kaiyun suddenly raised his head and stared at his surroundings vigilantly.

I saw that in this canyon, there are not only a large number of snakes, insects, rats and ants, but also wild animals, and there are many poisonous insects, tigers and other birds of prey.

If ordinary people encountered these things, it would probably be difficult to deal with, but for Lin Kaiyun, it was painless.

The road gradually became difficult. Lin Kaiyun jumped off his horse and walked into the mouth of the canyon.

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