After entering the canyon, Lin Kaiyun was stunned for a moment, because the canyon in front of him looked very empty, not a pass as he had imagined before.

But a barren grass, disorganized.

At a glance, it is green.

The more this happened, the more cautious Lin Kaiyun became.

After Lin Kaiyun carefully looked at the surrounding environment, he continued to walk forward.

Before he knew it, Lin Kaiyun had reached the bottom of the valley.

The bottom of the valley is a flat land, endlessly covered with yellow gravel, rolling continuously, exuding a strong stench.

Lin Kaiyun walked for a while, but did not find anything unusual.

However, Lin Kaiyun still did not take it lightly.

After Lin Kaiyun carefully observed the flat land, he slowly stepped into the flat plain.

Soon, while walking into a sandy field,

His legs, when stepping on the yellow sand.

For a moment, I felt that my feet seemed to be stuck in mud.

"Whoa whoa..."

Lin Kaiyun's breathing was a little short

He could feel that under his feet, there was a thick layer of loess, not ordinary loess, but sticky yellow sand, about a foot thick.

And under the feet, there is also a strong resistance, every step is as heavy as a thousand catties, and the legs are like lead.

Of course, for Lin Kaiyun, the problem is not big.

Finally, after walking for more than 1000 meters, Lin Kaiyun finally found a boulder protruding from the ground, and below the boulder was a gully several feet deep and about 30 meters wide.

This ditch seems to be a ditch dug by humans, and there is a stench in the ditch, which comes from the bottom of the ditch.

"Damn, this gully is too deep!"

Lin Kaiyun was a little shocked, looking at the ravine.

"There are no clues along the way. Daoist Wu Liu can't jump into this gully, can he?"

After muttering, without thinking too much, he jumped into the ravine.

Just as Lin Kaiyun jumped into the ravine, he saw a tiger full of sharp fangs, rushing towards him.

"I'll go, this big guy must have eaten a lot of meat."

Lin Kaiyun didn't dodge either, instead he took the initiative to attack.

With one fist, the tiger was sent flying. At the same time, Lin Kaiyun grabbed the tiger's neck and lifted it up.

The tiger struggled and tried to escape, but its strength was too small.

Lin Kaiyun slapped the tiger directly on the head.


There was a dull sound.

The tiger's head was blown off, blood spattered everywhere.

But at this moment, more and more tigers gathered around, roaring at Lin Kaiyun,


Lin Kaiyun sneered disdainfully.

"You wild boars and tigers also want to hurt me?"

After saying this, Lin Kaiyun kicked the tiger in the stomach, and then Lin Kaiyun jumped up again, throwing the tiger that was kicked to death by him flying.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Kaiyun threw several tigers that rushed forward one after another.

In less than a few minutes, the tigers that surrounded them were almost killed by Lin Kaiyun.

And at this moment, a bigger tiger appeared behind Lin Kaiyun.

This tiger was more than ten meters tall, covered with black hair, and had an extremely huge body. It was filled with a murderous and violent aura.

Seeing Lin Kaiyun, the tiger opened its mouth wide, revealing its sharp white teeth, and a stench came out from his mouth, making people want to vomit.

Obviously it is the king of this group of tigers, and it is a monster.

Lin Kaiyun looked at the tiger and didn't say much nonsense, he raised the Seven Star Longyuan Sword in his hand, and beheaded the monster.

The Seven Star Longyuan Sword swayed a sharp sword light, and it struck the tiger's throat with a single strike.


Bright red blood spattered out.

However, the tiger's skin was too thick. Although its neck was injured, it still did not die. Instead, it became more ferocious and bloodthirsty.

This monster frantically bit at Lin Kaiyun.

Moreover, at this time, a puff of black mist emanated from the tiger.


With a roar, the mana in Lin Kaiyun's body surged crazily, a gleam of light emanated from his eyes, and then, Lin Kaiyun's figure turned into a phantom and disappeared immediately.

The next moment, the tiger hadn't had time to make any moves yet!

A cold light flashed across his neck.

Lin Kaiyun's figure appeared behind the tiger.

The tiger turned its head, wanting to get angry, but Lin Kaiyun's speed was too fast, before he had time to react, he was split in two by Lin Kaiyun's sword.

Although it is a monster, but Lin Kaiyun will not have much problem in dealing with it.

Looking at the dead tigers all over the place, Lin Kaiyun frowned,

"Should I go out of the canyon and go north? Or keep going around in the canyon?"

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