"Damn it, how did this happen? His thunder and lightning power is even more domineering than my dark thunder!"

Daoist Wu Liu showed horror on his face,

But at this time, he had no other choice but to continue fighting with Lin Kaiyun.

"I want to see who is the best."

Daoist Wu Liu moved his hands together, and seals were quickly formed in his hands.

"Yin thunder, thunder in all directions."

With a loud roar, a vast force of thunder and lightning diffused from his body, rushing out towards the surroundings.


Lin Kaiyun felt the power of thunder and lightning around him, and a dignified expression appeared on his face.

Unleashed all the magic power in the whole body, and at the same time used all the innate qi,

"My Yang Wulei is at the full level. Compared with me, you are not qualified!"

Lin Kaiyun's whole body was flickering with thunder and lightning, like a thunder god descending from the earth, the thunder and lightning fell from the sky, and met the black thunder,

The two kinds of thunder and lightning collided with each other, rumbled, and exploded continuously, like fireworks, dazzling and gorgeous.


Thunderbolts exploded in mid-air,

Daoist Wu Liu's face was pale at this time, he had tried his best, but it was still to no avail, he could not suppress Lin Kaiyun at all.

Although his Yin Thunder is powerful, it cannot block Lin Kaiyun's Yang Wu Thunder,

And the power of thunder and lightning on Lin Kaiyun's body is getting stronger and stronger.

It has completely exceeded the expectations of Taoist Wu Liu.

"Damn! Refa, I lost, but today you must die."

Daoist Wu Liu's face sank, a lot of soul power exuded from his whole body,

A series of soul powers circled around him, forming a series of soul vortexes, enveloping Lin Kaiyun.

Among them, Lin Kaiyun could even see countless struggling figures, all of whom were villagers from the village.

Lin Kaiyun scolded angrily,


Daoist Wu Liu took away the souls of everyone in the village.

Ignoring Daoist Wu Liu's attack, Lin Kaiyun urged all the thunder and lightning to strike at Daoist Wu Liu,

Lightning bolts, like lightning snakes, meandered out and wound towards Daoist Wu Liu.

And that soul vortex also enveloped Lin Kaiyun, in which ghosts and wolves howled, countless screams, constantly eroding him,

He felt that his mental power was being consumed rapidly, and the mana in his body was also rapidly decreasing.

Lin Kaiyun's eyes were solemn, his feet moved, his body moved quickly, trying to break through the vortex of the soul,

And the vortex is also constantly shrinking.

at the same time,

The power of thunder and lightning on Lin Kaiyun's body is getting stronger and stronger, spreading towards the surroundings, colliding with the soul vortex,


Daoist Wu Liu's soul power and Lin Kaiyun's lightning power collided fiercely in midair.


A burst of violent roar sounded.

The two stalemate in mid-air.


Lin Kaiyun took a breath, the sound of howling soul made the blood in his body start to overwhelm, like earthworms wriggling continuously.

Daoist Wu Liu wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. He was hurt by Lin Kaiyun's thunder just now, but it was not enough to seriously hurt him.

"Boy, how long can you hold on?!"

Daoist Wu Liu's ferocious voice reached Lin Kaiyun's ears.

Lin Kaiyun gritted his teeth and persisted, took out from his pocket something in line with the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, earth, and threw it in five directions.

Immediately, the five elements of gold, water, fire, and earth stirred and condensed to form a huge five-element pattern.

The five-element pattern exudes a powerful breath.

"The fifth level of the universe, the heaven and the earth borrow the law!"

"Five elements cover the sea!"

Lin Kaiyun yelled, stretched out his palm, and the five-element pattern rotated rapidly, exuding a powerful five-element aura.


A flash of multicolored light struck towards the soul vortex.

Suddenly, the entire vortex vibrated suddenly, making a piercing buzzing sound,

Then, the entire five-element pattern broke through the soul vortex at once.

Daoist Wu Liu's face was pale, and an expression of disbelief appeared in his eyes.

"How is this possible!"


Daoist Wu Liu's expression was extremely ugly.

He never thought that Lin Kaiyun could easily break the soul vortex he had laid, which is simply incredible.

However, the facts are in front of you.

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