Seeing that Lin Kaiyun broke through the restraints, Daoist Wu Liu moved and flew back again, landed on a tree, and stood firmly.

Chapter 468 is integrated with power.

Daoist Wu Liu was hiding behind the tree at this time, he never thought that this was just one of Lin Jiu's apprentices, and he actually possessed such strength.

However, this also made Daoist Wu Liu heartbroken again. He wanted to solicit, and he shouted at Lin Kaiyun,

"He who understands the current affairs is a hero. What is the purpose of our cultivation? It is not to obtain superhuman strength and the long-awaited longevity."

"Now I'm about to touch that crucial step, don't you yearn for it?"

"Come on, with your strength and me, the two of us will definitely reach the realm of immortality. Once immortal, what difference do we want?"

Lin Kaiyun couldn't help laughing after hearing what Daoist Wu Liu said. He never thought that this old Taoist would still fool him now.

Lin Kaiyun laughed and said,

"If you can't even deal with me, what face do you have to talk about longevity? Are you a weakling?"

Daoist Wu Bai said,

"Boy, do you think I really can't beat you? I just don't want unnecessary fights and losses."

"Since ancient times, disputes and fights have been either for fame or for profit. It is of no benefit to me to fight with you. Why should I waste my energy?"

"Really? Then let me see and see!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Kaiyun swung his sword, and the sword light flew directly towards Daoist Wu Liu.

After seeing Lin Kaiyun's attack, Daoist Wu Liu also pinched his hands. The white air flow beside him instantly turned into several small snakes, and greeted the flying sword light.

The sword light collided with the little snake, and the little snake burst and dissipated instantly, but the sword light was unscathed and continued to fly towards Daoist Wu Liu.

After Daoist Wu Liu saw the sword light flying towards him, he waved his hand, and the sword light was blown away by a huge storm.

Daoist Wu Liu condensed another force in his hand, and bounced away the sword light that Lin Kaiyun had struck.

Lin Kaiyun didn't care, holding the Seven Star Longyuan Sword, he swung the sword as before, and a sword energy directly slashed at it.

The fly whisk in Daoist Wu Liu's hand suddenly turned into a blue sword.

Daoist Wu Liu raised his sword and stabbed. Immediately, the sword light and the green sword collided, bursting instantly, and the sword energy shot out, flying towards the surroundings.

But Lin Kaiyun's body dodged, dodging the attack of the sword energy, and appeared in front of Daoist Wu Liu again.

"Bagua 64 palms!"

A light green gossip appeared on Lin Kaiyun's palm, and he struck towards Daoist Wu Liu, who quickly blocked it with his whisk.

The offensive of the two offset each other.

"Okay, I admit it. Your strength is not weaker than mine."

Daoist Wu Liu's eyes were full of disbelief, he really didn't expect that this young boy actually possessed such terrifying strength.

Indeed, his strength was almost the same. If it was just a normal fight, he would not be Lin Kaiyun's opponent at all.

Of course, this refers to the current him. If he was in Jiuquan Town before, he wouldn't even be able to stop Lin Kaiyun's moves.

But now he is different, even if he wants to, he can completely kill Lin Kaiyun.

"Try, this is my trick."

Daoist Wu Liu roared angrily, and performed the palm technique just now again.

Daoist Wu Liu stretched out both palms, one palm out and one palm out, the two palms instantly appeared in front of Lin Kaiyun, left, right, and surrounded him.

After Lin Kaiyun saw this, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he jumped into the air.

Daoist Wu Liu's double palms were pushed out again, this time the two palms of Daoist Wu Liu closed instantly, forming three, forming a huge net and enveloping towards Lin Kaiyun.

These huge nets enveloped Lin Kaiyun, leaving Lin Kaiyun nowhere to escape.

After Lin Kaiyun saw the scene in front of him, he sneered at the corner of his mouth,

"That's it?"

I saw Lin Kaiyun shook his arms and slashed towards the four directions with the Seven Star Longyuan Sword in his hand. Sword lights flew out from the edge of the sword and rushed forward.

The sword glow collided with the giant net and shattered instantly.

Daoist Wu Liu was also taken aback when he saw that his attack was easily cracked by Lin Kaiyun.

"It seems that without the last resort, I really can't do anything to you."

Daoist Wu Liu tore off his Taoist robe, revealing the rattan inside.

This rattan actually grew out of Daoist Wu Liu's body.

Thick and thin, they looked like bugs crawling into Daoist Wu Liu's body.

"What the hell is this!"

After Lin Kaiyun saw such a situation, a trace of horror appeared on his face.

Seeing Lin Kaiyun's shocked expression, Daoist Wu Liu said with a gloomy sneer on his face,

"It was a godsend."

"At the beginning, Daoist Fulong planted a seed in my body."

"He never expected that I could control that seed."

"Now, we're truly one."

"That mighty power is now mine."

After finishing these words, Daoist Wu Liu waved his hand again,


I saw those vines rushing towards Lin Kaiyun one after another.

When Lin Kaiyun saw the scene in front of him, his complexion changed, and he quickly swung his sword away. Suddenly, a sword energy flew out, cutting off the attacking rattan.

But at this time, those vines formed a ball again and swept towards Lin Kaiyun.

Lin Kaiyun's body writhed, and he dodged away.

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