"This trial was prepared by Elder Mo, and the illusion in you was also arranged by him."

"I see!"

Lin Kaiyun nodded, although on the surface the wind was calm, but the heart was still shocked.

It seems that it is necessary to re-evaluate the strength of the Maoshan inner sect.

If the few remaining elders in the inner sect of Maoshan are all so powerful, then they must be a very powerful force.

Jia Le leaned in front of Lin Kaiyun and said with a smile,

"Brother, why are you so slow! I am faster than you."

Lin Kaiyun looked at Jia Le's appearance, rolled up his sleeves, and threatened,

"Is your skin itchy? Let me see if you haven't seen me for a while, have you grown?"

Seeing Lin Kaiyun's appearance, Jiale was immediately scared.

The last few people exchanged pleasantries for a while.

There were also people standing around in twos and threes. Lin Kaiyun estimated that there were about twenty people.

From the attire, it can be inferred that there are only three or five young disciples of Maoshan inner sect, and the rest should come down the mountain.

But Lin Kaiyun is not familiar with it, because the Maoshan disciples at the foot of the mountain are also divided into various branches, and some of them are even unknown to Lin Jiu.

Half an hour later, a tall and burly headmaster Mao wearing a black Taoist robe came out, scanned the crowd in the square, and nodded to Lin Kaiyun and Lin Jiu deliberately.

Just when everyone was wondering, the head of the hair directly announced,

"Whether you are from the inner sect of Maoshan or from the bottom of the mountain, you are all disciples of Maoshan."

"The written test this time must have been introduced by all the elders, so I won't emphasize it here."

"This is a competition to learn from each other and get to know each other, and the rewards are also very generous."

"And now there are more than a dozen young disciples in the square, congratulations for passing the first test."

"The next step is to face the second hurdle."

"The second level is very simple and very complicated. After all, the purpose of our Maoshan has always been to eliminate all ghosts and evil things in the world, so we have to test this point in the second level."

"Now invite all young disciples to form teams in twos, and choose an elder to form a team with the three of you."

"Then come to me and draw a lottery!"

"This lottery is all in the Taoist temple on the mountain in front. Within a hundred miles, the common people pray for things that they hope can be resolved. There are simple and difficult things, and everything depends on everyone's luck."

After Master Mao finished speaking, he waved his hand, and then others brought a box over. This box was completely black, and there were also strange symbols floating on it, which must have been the masterpiece of that Elder Mo.

Then under the guidance of a special person, everyone formed a team of three.

Naturally, Lin Kaiyun didn't have to think too much, he must be teaming up with Jia Le, Lin Jiu or one of the Taoists with four eyes.

The four-eyed Taoist refused decisively in trouble, there was no other way, Lin Jiu could only take Lin Kaiyun and Jia Le to deal with this trial.

All the young disciples go up to draw lots at one time, which is just a place name, and there is no time or even some introductions, so they don't know which things are difficult to deal with and which things are easy to deal with, so everything has to be done. You have to go and investigate for yourself.

And Lin Kaiyun also drew a place name, Luofeng Town.

This is a town in the north. It is said that the environment near mountains and rivers is very good. It is named after Luofeng Lake.

After everyone finished drawing lots, the head of Mao didn't arrange for them to stay, but directly drove them all down the mountain.

This made Lin Kaiyun very puzzled and puzzled.

But that's okay, Lin Kaiyun found a place to live at the foot of the mountain, and then found Mo Ya who had been hidden.

I told Mo Ya that the elder Maoshan who had already met, because Mo Ya had no way to go directly to Maoshan, so there was no way to recognize the soul at a glance.

So I can only wait for the opportunity and play by ear. In the end, Mo Ya told Lin Kaiyun to rest assured that she will find a way to sneak into the vicinity of Maoshan, and will definitely find the person who has colluded with Hades Ah Cha's subordinates.

The next day, Lin Kaiyun, Linjiu and Jiale went to Luofeng Town.

Luofeng Town is named after Luofeng Lake, and the water area is very developed, so taking a boat to Luofeng Town is the fastest and most convenient way.

Lin Kaiyun first bought three horses in the town, and then a group of people rode the horses and headed towards the nearest ferry.

As long as you arrive at the ferry and take a boat, you can reach Luofeng Town in no time.

After arriving at the ferry, Lin Kaiyun found a boat and headed straight to Luofeng Town.

But Luofeng Town at this moment is the busiest time of the year, and a strange portrait is hung on the door of every household.

And there is a basement outside of Luofeng Town, the basement is not big, only the size of a bed, and there is no place for ventilation, nor any light, it is very dark.

This environment is very frightening, and there will be an inexplicable sense of suffocation.

At this time, in the basement, there was a boy and girl curled up at the foot of a wall trembling.

I don't know if it was because of the thin air, but the two people trembled unconsciously.

"Brother, it's so dark here, I'm so scared, I can't seem to breathe!"

One of the shorter women was her younger sister, and she was holding onto her older brother tightly with both hands, sobbing in her voice.

After hearing my sister's crying voice, my brother was also very scared. If there was a light at this time, I would definitely be able to see that my sister's face was full of tension and panic at this time.

The elder brother swallowed, at this moment he couldn't show that he was afraid, because if this happened, his sister would only be more afraid, and he was a man, so he had to be strong at this moment.

The elder brother patted his younger sister's hair, tried his best to make his voice tremble, and comforted him,

"Sister who's fine, those people aren't necessarily bad people. Although they lock us up here, they also give us food. Obviously, it won't hurt us. Moreover, although this place is dark, it's quite warm."

The elder brother's consolation didn't work, the younger sister still cried and said,

"Brother, I heard those people talking. They seem to be feeding us to the lake god. I'm so scared. I don't want to be eaten. Woohoo, I want to go home, I don't want to be here."

After finishing speaking, the younger sister couldn't help crying, the fear lingered in her heart for a long time, although there was comfort from her brother, who was by his side at this time, but he was not stupid, those people clearly regarded them as food If you want to feed it to the lake god, you will definitely die at that time.

"Sister, don't cry. There is not much air in this space. If you cry, it will be even more uncomfortable. Besides, my parents must have discovered that we are missing by now. They must be constantly looking for us. As long as they find us, they will saved."

In fact, the elder brother knew that what the younger sister said was correct, those who arrested them had no good intentions at all.

But at this time, they must not give up. Brother's words are not so much comforting sister, but comforting themselves.

Because now his parents are the only hope in his heart.

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