Sure enough, after hearing what my brother said, my sister's mood improved a lot, and she no longer cried heartbreakingly. After all, there was a glimmer of hope in her heart.

And at this moment, the brother and sister in this small secret room suddenly heard a sound of footsteps, which was very obvious on the stone-paved floor, which made the two of them even more nervous.

The younger sister, who was not so scared at first, jumped up again in her heart. He threw herself into his brother's arms, and said in fear,

"What about brother? They're here!"

"It's okay, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, my brother is here!"

The elder brother patted the younger sister on the back to comfort her.

With a click, the brother and sister heard it, and the lock that locked the secret room was opened.

Immediately afterwards, a beam of light shone directly in, and the brother and sister subconsciously covered their eyes.

The footsteps became more and more intensive, and several people came in with oil lamps.

"What are you doing?"

The elder brother bravely protected his younger sister behind him, looked at these people who came in, and boldly shouted at them.

But in fact the trembling body and frightened eyes betrayed him.

The headed one was a somewhat rickety old woman in her 40s, wearing clothes that looked like fish scales, and wearing colorful headdresses on her head.

The scariest thing is the very strange facial makeup on the face, and there is a fishbone on the forehead.

This witch dressed as a brother and sister was even more frightened, because it was this person who said he would feed them to the lake god.

"I don't do anything, you two brothers and sisters don't have to be so nervous, just follow me obediently, let you eat and drink well."

The sorceress smiled, the flesh on her face twitched even more deeply, and she even reached out to pull them.

"No, I won't go with you, it's fine here."

The elder brother shook his head, and directly opened the witch's hand.

Seeing that her outstretched hand was opened, the sorceress was not angry, but continued to persuade with a piercing smile,

"Can I still lie to you two? It's dirty and smelly here, and the air is not good. What's there to do? Come and come out with me. I'll take you to eat delicious food, take a bath, and put on a new suit. clothing."

After all, the two brothers and sisters were still young. After hearing the witch's flicker, they actually believed it. They nodded and stood up slowly.

Seeing that the two people were gone, the sorceress couldn't resist smiling, and her smile became brighter. She even reached out and touched her sister's head, praising her,

"That's right, you can rest assured to follow me, I will definitely make you feel comfortable."

After finishing speaking, the sorceress led her brother in one hand and her sister in the other, and walked outside.

All the way up the basement, through the room, to the outside, looking at everything outside, the younger sister, who was already a little nervous, trembled all over in an instant, because this is where they were arrested.

I didn't expect these people to be so bold, and they were arrested here and locked up here.

The elder brother felt the change in the younger sister, and realized it, but he quietly grabbed the younger sister's hand and told the younger sister to keep quiet, if he angered these people, it would be troublesome.

And at this time, six women in gorgeous clothes walked up to them.

After seeing this witch, these women bowed very respectfully,

"My lord, I don't know if it's appropriate for you to call us here?"

The sorceress nodded, pushed the pair of brothers and sisters to the front of these women with both hands, and then said,

"These two little guys are well taken care of, prepare some delicious food for them, and then prepare some clothes."

Without any hesitation, the women surrounded the two brothers and sisters and forcibly led them to a side house.

And those people who have been following the witch also followed behind with oil lamps to be vigilant.

Surrounded by these people, the two brothers and sisters did not dare to resist at all, nor did they dare to make any noise, they could only do as they said.

When they came to a house, the six women brought the two brothers and sisters to one of the rooms.

There is a wooden barrel in the room, there is steaming hot water in it, and there are some flower petals on it, which smells very fragrant.

At the request of these women, the brother and sister each took a bath.

Immediately afterwards, the two brothers and sisters who had taken a bath were brought into another room and sat on both sides of the round table. Soon, under the busy work of these six women, the table was covered with meals, meat There are all kinds of seafood, and even some delicious fish and shrimp.

After all, they were already extremely hungry, so the siblings didn't think much about it, and started gobbling it up.

After eating, the women brought some new clothes for the brother and sister to change into.

Originally, the two brothers and sisters were very happy. They took a hot bath, ate a lot of delicious food, and now they have new clothes to wear. It seems that the sorceress was right.

But the moment they put it on, the brother and sister felt something was wrong.

Because this costume is really too red, and there are some embroidery on it, it is completely the costume of boys and girls.

"Why do you wear this kind of clothes for us? We are not children anymore, we don't wear this kind of clothes."

The brother and sister were very uncooperative, and even started to take off their clothes, but they were quickly stopped by these women.

One of the chubby women squeezed her sister's little face and said with a smile,

"This dress is so pretty, especially since you two are so white and clean, it looks even better after wearing it. The Lord Lake God likes fair and clean boys and girls like you."

After hearing this, the brothers and sisters immediately panicked, their legs almost went limp in fright, and they roared,

"No, I don't want that sorceress to say that she won't treat us as lake gods."

After hearing what the two brothers and sisters couldn't help, these women's faces turned cold, and they scolded,

"You two really don't know what to do, this is the greatest blessing! After your body is eaten by the lake god, your spirit will serve the lake god forever, and you will get various benefits at that time. Such a good thing A lot of people want to pay it back, but you can't get it? You have to cherish it."

"Of course, we people in Luofeng Town will not forget you. After all, because of you, we will still be blessed by the Lake God this year. This year, Hushui will not flood or flood our farmers' fields. It will also produce a variety of fish and shrimp to make people in our town richer."

After hearing this, the brother and sister kept struggling to escape, shouting,

"No, I don't want to stay with the Lake God! I'm not from your town. If you want to serve the Lake God, go yourself."

Originally, the patience of these women was worn out at this time, but now seeing that the brother and sister are so disobedient, they are no longer pretending to be hypocritical, and beat the two brothers and sisters.

Using a vertical strip tied with cloth, he beat the two of them hard. This will not only make the two brothers and sisters learn a very painful lesson, but also not leave any marks on their bodies, so as not to be hurt by the lake god. to blame.

The two brothers and sisters curled up on the ground in great pain, like fish hanging from the shore. Although they were struggling, it had no effect.

"Have you figured it out now? Let me tell you, if you are talking about the Lake God or belittling the Lake God, you will suffer."

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