Lin Kaiyun and others stayed in the small hotel, and after packing up their luggage and having a meal, Lin Kaiyun said to Lin Jiu, "Master, I'll go out with my younger brother for a walk."

"Go." Lin Jiu agreed directly.

"Brother, how do you know that I want to go out for a walk, where shall we go?" Jia Le was very happy to hear Lin Kaiyun's proposal, and asked Lin Kaiyun directly.

"Let's go." Lin Kaiyun put it on Jiale's shoulder without saying much, and the two walked out of the hotel.

After a while, Jia Le turned around and looked at Luo Fengzhen, very puzzled.Look at Lin Kaiyun, "Brother, what are we doing outside the town? What can we do outside the town?"

The way Lin Kaiyun took Jiale was the original way they entered the town, which made Jiale very astonished.

"Come with me, you will know in a while." Lin Kaiyun didn't explain too much, and walked slowly along the path when he came, holding Jiale's shoulder.

Although Jiale was very puzzled at this time, he didn't continue to ask, and always believed in Lin Kaiyun's words, and followed Liyun directly.

After more than half an hour, the two brothers came to a bamboo forest, where they met a man carrying a hoe, and Jia Le naturally knew this place.

"Don't you think it's a bit strange? What did those two people come out of here and they were carrying a hoe." Lin Kaiyun couldn't help pointing in the direction of the inside as he spoke.

"Brother, are you saying that something is wrong with those two people?"

"It must be something wrong, but what is wrong, let's go in and have a look, others will know." Lin Kaiyun said, and then went in directly in the direction of the finger just now, and Jiale followed into the woods.

In the bamboo forest, there are not only bamboos, but also other trees. These trees are very lush, and there are many vines, which are very difficult to climb.

"Brother, can we really find it if we search like this? Doesn't this look like a road?" Jia Le obviously didn't want to go inside. Now his arm has been scratched by vines, and the back of his hand There was also traces of blood oozing out, and the expression on his face was even more miserable.

However, Lin Kaiyun on the side didn't change his face, carefully sniffing all kinds of noisy smells in the air, and slowly said to Jia Le, "Don't make a sound, just ahead, follow me."

At this moment, Lin Kaiyun still remembered that the two people before had a faint smell of blood on their bodies. Although some hours had passed, the air still could not help but smell of blood.

After a long while, Lin Kaiyun pointed to the not far away, climbed directly to the mountain depression in the bamboo forest, and then walked downhill from the mountain depression. In a place overgrown with weeds, it seemed that something was piled on top of it. There.

Lin Kaiyun stopped in his tracks and took a closer look. It was a grave-like mound of soil, which was obviously just refurbished.

"Senior brother, those two people probably did this just now." Jia Le also noticed the mound of dirt not far away, Xiaobu stepped forward and raised his finger to the mound, and said to Lin Kaiyun.

"I want to know why those two people came here. It's very simple. Just dig it out and find out." Lin Kaiyun couldn't help but fix his eyes on Jiale, smiled secretly and said to Jiale, "Junior brother, when you behave Here, go dig it up."

"Why me, didn't we come together?" Jia Le was very reluctant.

"Who called me a senior brother? Aren't you a senior brother!" Lin Kaiyun said very righteously.

Hearing Lin Kaiyun's words, Jia Le's expression turned bad in an instant, but what Lin Kaiyun said was the truth, who made him and Lin Kaiyun's strengths differ greatly, even if he used emotion, he was not Lin Kaiyun's opponent. Said that he is the life of work.Jia Le didn't talk nonsense after thinking about it, so he started to dig up the mound.

Lin Kaiyun leaned on the side very comfortably, directing the actions of his junior, this feeling is really great.Junior brother, it’s for coolies.

"My mother, what is this?" Jia Le stopped digging as if he touched something hard, and turned to look at Lin Kaiyun.

"Keep going for a while and you'll know."

Lin Kaiyun didn't say this, and after a while, Jiale jumped up directly, and two corpses appeared in front of them.This made Jia Le completely unprepared and was taken aback.

"Junior brother, you are also a cultivator after all. Why are you afraid of seeing a ghost? This man looks at your cowardly look." Lin Kaiyun patted Jiale on the shoulder without any politeness and smiled, and the doctor turned directly to Tu Walked through the pit.

When Jiale heard Lin Kaiyun's words, he really made a fuss when he thought about it, and he smiled embarrassingly, and walked behind Lin Kaiyun.

Looking at the two corpses in the pit, they both looked middle-aged. The dead time of the male corpse and the female corpse was not too long. Except for the pale skin, the rest remained unchanged. The woman looked extravagant, and she was dressed very beautifully, unlike ordinary women, while the man next to him was dressed in a suit and looked like a rich man.

Lin Kaiyun directly jumped down from the pit, turned over the man's body, and saw a hole in the back of the man's head, which was obviously a fatal injury, and the woman's neck also had an obvious strangle mark.

"Looking at it like this, these two people should have been killed last night." Lin Kaiyun directly made a judgment after checking it out.

"It must have been done by those two people just now, senior brother, should we report to the authorities?" Jia Le heard Lin Kaiyun's analysis, and also expressed his conjecture, and there was no trace of the beating on his face at all.

"What kind of official did you report to, and you didn't see someone murder with your own eyes. People may not believe you if you tell it like this now. Besides, you don't know exactly what happened and how these two people died. It is only for you to expose them now. Just getting yourself into trouble."

Lin Kaiyun added a blank look, his mind as a junior was still too simple.

Although Jia Le was right, the two corpses in front of him were clearly inseparable from the two men carrying hoes just now, but without knowing the cause and effect, it was impossible for him to act stupidly away from Yun.

Besides, the two corpses in front of him have nothing to do with him. The reason why he came here again was just to confirm what he thought in his heart. There are so many dead people in this era. If everyone wants to take care of it, then why would Lin Kaiyun Not to be very busy.

"Senior brother, what should we do now?" Hearing Lin Kaiyun's reprimand, Jiale also put away her virginal heart.

"Fill it with the soil, let's go back and save some time tonight." After Lin Kaiyun finished speaking, he jumped up from the pit directly. Obviously, this kind of digging should be handed over to his junior brother.

Not long after, the two brothers returned the same way.

However, on the way back, Lin Kaiyun saw scattered yellow paper scattered around the pier, and there was an altar on the pier not far away.

"Brother, is that the altar?" Jia Le asked, pointing to the front.

"Yes, this kind of altar built on the pier is usually used to worship the so-called lake god."

As Lin Kaiyun was talking, he couldn't help but think of his previous life. When he was traveling, he once encountered a sacrificial activity of an ethnic minority. He immediately recognized the high platform in front of him. It was used to worship the lake god. .

Lin Kaiyun picked up the yellow paper on the ground again. It was brand new, as if it had just been scattered.

The moment I left the cloud, I realized something. Not long ago, I saw a boat wrapped in red cloth in the lake, and there was a pair of virgin boys and girls who had been drowned in the boat.

"Living sacrifice?"

Thinking of this, Lin Kaiyun couldn't help turning his head to look at Luofeng Town not far away. The people in this town are very hospitable and hospitable. It's hard to imagine that the people here actually choose living sacrifices.

At this time, Jia Le also realized this, and his face couldn't help becoming serious, he turned to look at Lin Kaiyun, "Brother, does the boat from before have anything to do with this priest?"

"It's hard to say, let's go, let's keep quiet, go back and tell my master."

The two looked at each other, and the expressions on their faces became more relaxed. They walked back to the town quickly, and then went straight back to the small hotel.

Lin Kaiyun and Jiale went to Lin Jiu directly after returning to the small hotel, told Lin Jiu what they had just seen, and informed them of their speculations and conjectures.

"That's the end of this matter, don't talk about it anymore, if nothing happens tomorrow, that's the best." Lin Jiu and Lin Kaiyun had the same idea, they looked at each other, nodded and said no more , what they were asked to do was to deal with the tasks of the people arranged by Maoshan's inner sect.

The matter had been discussed clearly, the master and apprentice and Jia Le went back to the room directly. Although there was a carriage to travel on the road, after a few days of traveling, the body was already very tired.

Lin Kaiyun and the others booked a few quieter rooms, and leaned against the inner room, thinking about having a good night's rest and setting off on the road early tomorrow.

"Kaiyun, your physique is superior to ordinary people, and your senses are even more abnormal. Pay more attention at night. We must be alert when we go out." Lin Jiulin did not forget to tell Lin Kaiyun before returning to defense.

"Master, don't worry, I will be careful." After Lin Kaiyun agreed, they went back to their rooms to rest.

The sky gradually darkened, and then a crescent moon slowly climbed up the treetops. Under the moonlight, Luofeng Town gradually calmed down, and every household turned off the lights to rest.

In this era, for the residents of small towns, there is no such thing as nightlife. On the contrary, they are even more stingy with the oil in the oil lamp. , Basically, they will choose to go to bed early and turn off the lights.

"Wow wow wow..."

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