Under the river, there was a faint black shadow emerging from the water. A pair of dark green eyes slowly emerged from the water. In the darkness, there was light green light, which was particularly permeating. There are two red phantoms next to the black shadow, motionless.

All of a sudden, the black figure opened its bloody mouth wide, beating in a strange rhythm, and the water flooded from the bottom.

At the same time, the eyes of the idols in the temple also glowed with a faint green light. The dark green light fell on Zheng Hepo's body. Under the light, the goddess seemed to have sensed something, and suddenly opened her eyes. respectfully said,

"Take orders, my respected Lord Lake God."

After finishing the words, the sorceress kowtowed heavily to the statue three times.

At night, with the constant cool breeze, Lin Kaiyun lay on the bed and suddenly opened his eyes, turning his head to look in the direction of the door.

It is already late at night, except for the sound of the wind outside, Lin Kaiyun slowly sat up from the bed and walked towards the door, a cold light flashed in his eyes, as if no wind and grass could escape his grasp eyes.


Lin Kaiyun opened the door, raised his legs and walked towards the yard. Looking along the corridor, the whole yard was very brightly illuminated by the moonlight.

Lin Kaiyun saw that everything in the yard was normal, so he turned around and went back to rest.

"Dong dong dong..."

The moment Lin Kaiyun turned around, there was a sudden knock on the door behind him.Ordinary people would be taken aback by this scene, but Lin Kaiyun calmly stopped, turned around and walked to the door, seeing that the courtyard and corridor were still empty.Turning around again, going back to the door, and opening the door.


In an instant, a pale woman's face appeared in front of Lin Kaiyun, her unblinking eyes stared straight at Lin Kaiyun, her mouth moved slightly eerie, and a voice came out of the woman's mouth,

"Have you seen my son and daughter?"

Lin Kaiyun's expression froze, although he was a little surprised, but he was not frightened.Because of the ghost standing in front of Lin Kaiyun.He had seen it before, it was the middle-aged woman who died during the day.

Lin Kaiyun's expression was only stunned for a moment, and then his face darkened and he said without the slightest tone,

"Who gave you the courage to come to me and live impatiently? Believe it or not, I will pinch you to death with my fingers!" While talking, an invisible breath emanated from Lin Kaiyun's surroundings,

"If you want to take revenge, then go for it. Now come to me, believe it or not, I will beat your soul out, so that you can't even be a ghost!"

When the female ghost heard Lin Kaiyun's words, her body trembled for an instant, her face was terrified, and her dangling feet couldn't help but take a few steps back.

This is not a ghost scaring people, it is simply a person scaring ghosts.

Lin Kaiyun gave another soft drink,

"Don't hurry up!"

As soon as Lin Kaiyun's voice fell, the female ghost instantly floated away from Lin Kaiyun's eyes. I'm afraid that the dead face was even more pale with fright, as if Lin Haiyun was some kind of man-eating monster. She swiped and floated towards the yard behind her. go.

Lin Kaiyun saw the female ghost drifting away, so he didn't intend to make a move.For such a female ghost, Lin Kaiyun doesn't even bother to do anything, just frighten her. The first sentence was to find his daughter.

Lin Kaiyun's thoughts couldn't help thinking about it. During the day, there were two brides standing on the bright red flower boat, plus the ghost who was looking for his daughter just now, a conjecture and conjecture gradually formed in Lin Kaiyun's mind involuntarily.

"Could it be that the lake god has anything to do with this town?"

Lin Kaiyun doesn't care about the relationship between this female ghost and this town, but if the lake god is involved, then he has to pay more attention. After all, this so-called lake god is very likely to be his this time. Target.

Thinking of this, Lin Kaiyun frowned involuntarily, and had a bad feeling.

Although I still don't know the specific reason, but thinking of the black shadow he saw during the day, Lin Kaiyun became more determined at this time.

Although Lin Kaiyun wasn't afraid of these things, he didn't want to fight that Heren again. It would be fine if he came directly to him for a real fight, but what if he didn't?

Lin Kaiyun is not.For a shy person, scenes of being attacked during the day appear in his mind from time to time. If it were not for being underwater, Lin Taiyun would have chased him long ago and knocked him out of his wits. Who cares what mountain god, water god and lake god!

While thinking about it, Lin Kaiyun saw that there was no sound outside the door, so he turned his head and went back to sleep. If the Lake God really continues to cause trouble, then Lin Kaiyun is not a good person. As for who did the female ghost seek revenge on just now? However, Lin Kaiyun didn't care at all.

However, it can be seen that the grievance on the female ghost just now is clearly looking for someone to take revenge. However, in this revenge matter, killing people to pay for their lives, and paying debts are understandable. Getting enough sleep and rest is king.

Chapter 478 You Are the Most Suspected

"Huh, huh..."

At night, the strong wind kept blowing the trees, and there was a loud rattling sound from above.

The sound of weeping was faintly mixed in the wind, which was particularly miserable and extremely hopeless.

It was this sound that kept beating on the door of a farmer's household.

"Old woman, old woman, wake up quickly, wake up quickly."

Woke up by such a strange noise, Li Si looked at his daughter-in-law Wang Shi who was still sleeping, hesitated for a while, and then shook Wang Shi's arm.

"I'm sleeping soundly, what are you doing shaking me up in the middle of the night?"

Wang's squinted eyes impatiently tugged at her quilt. She was sleeping soundly, but was invited by the man next to her. She felt very unhappy. She raised her hand and pushed Li Si's arm aside.

"Don't sleep yet, listen to something."

Li Si ignored his daughter-in-law's impatience, as if he was used to this situation, and continued to say this, the voice he heard just now.

In Alice's eyes, the voice he heard just now seemed to be still in his own yard, and the crying sound was still faintly and continuously, as if it was becoming more and more clear.

"What noise are you making in the middle of the night? What noise! ​​Isn't it just the sound of the wind blowing on the doors and windows?"

Wang became more and more impatient, pulled the quilt and turned around, muttered something casually, and went back to sleep.

"It's not that the sound is different. Listen carefully. It seems that someone is crying. Could it be a thief? What are you fixing? Or what is the situation, why don't we go out and have a look?"

Li Size was still beating his mind, and became more and more worried.

"When did you become so timid, you can still think of the wind as a thief, besides, who would cry here in the middle of the night, could it be that you had some nightmare, woke yourself up by fright, and came to disturb my sleep."

Wang said her conclusion with her eyes closed, feeling very unhappy.

Li Si'er is a master with strict control over his wife, seeing his wife.Now I am very impatient, and I don't bother anymore.

Usually at home, as long as the past gets angry, Li Si'er never dares to go forward, for fear of offending Mrs. Wang.Seeing that Mrs. Wang was going to get angry now, he was even more angry, and he didn't dare to breathe.

However, he was still very worried about the wind outside. Li Si'er glanced at his wife, transformed himself and dragged his outer shirt over his body. He was careful not to disturb his wife, and lightly lit the oil lamp. Put on your shoes and walk slowly to the door.

Li Si opened the door lightly, and saw outside through the crack of the door. There was nothing in the courtyard illuminated by the moonlight.

So Li Si'er tightened his clothes and pushed open the door, went out and walked around the yard, but found nothing, then turned and walked towards the house, and returned to the room.

"It's really strange. I just heard it clearly. What's the sound?"

Li Si'er shook his head and kept muttering. He couldn't help being curious about the voice he heard just now, but he turned around in the yard and found that there was nothing, so he could only go back to the room silently. He came to the door, took off his clothes, put away his shoes, and climbed onto the bed with his hands and feet again.

After tightening the quilts on himself and his wife, he vigorously blew out the bedside oil lamp.

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