As soon as the man's words fell, the villagers present also echoed and yelled, with such a majestic momentum, it was obvious that Lin Kaiyun and the others were the murderers.

"That's right, how can there be such a coincidence in this world, when you come to our town, something happens, and when it happens again, it's a big deal, who else would it be if it wasn't you!"

"Yes, I also think that's the case. Everyone here is acquaintances. Whoever has a grudge to kill Li Si and his wife has nothing to do with Li Si and his wife. Now you are the most suspicious."

The villagers of Luofeng Town who were present couldn't help but agree with the man, apparently having confirmed the matter, Luo Dayou looked at the doubts of the people behind him, and looked at Lin Kaiyun and his party with a serious expression.

He was very polite at first, but when he heard what his villagers said, he couldn't help looking at Lin Kaiyun with impoliteness. The eyes of the group couldn't help but permeated with a lot of hostility, and the revealed eyes became more and more menacing.

"That's right, just before the few of you came to the town, nothing happened in our town, not even petty theft, and everything has always been safe and sound.

However, people died in our town last night. How can people not suspect you, and you are so anxious to leave this morning, I have more reasons to believe and suspect that this matter must be related to You are related, and you are undoubtedly the murderer. "

The man spit out everyone's point of view in one breath.

When Jia Le heard the man's words, his heart was furious instantly, and he could no longer suppress it, and said directly,

"Shut up your stinking mouth, what evidence do you have that we are the murderers, show it if you have evidence, don't wrong good people here! Let such a dog out early in the morning, it stinks!"

"It's really a joke. You are guilty of killing people now, so you have to leave in a hurry and want to get away. Now that we are blocking you, I think you are just talking nonsense!" the man snorted.

"You... fart!"

When Jia Le heard this man's words, his lungs were about to explode. He didn't do anything. He slept well and had breakfast. Then he was wronged as a murderer or a group of people said It's chiseled.

Jia Le opened his mouth and wanted to refute again, but Lin Kaiyun's hand directly blocked him.

Because Lin Kaiyun knew that there was no need to fight to the death with this group of people here, and nothing would come out of the discussion.

The world is like this, sometimes you have no way to refute or even comment with people who think they are normal.

In Lin Kaiyun's memory, there is a case of touching porcelain, and there is a sentence in it that Lin Kaiyun remembers very deeply.

You didn't bump into people, so why do you help them?

Such a sentence makes people speechless. This is a very realistic problem. There is no doubt that most of the proofs of sealing off the village in front of them are also in this way. In their eyes, they just think that you did not kill anyone, so why did you run away? ?Why did you leave here in such a hurry.And now seeing people leaving, this is not a sign of guilty conscience, what else could it be?

Lin Kaiyun knew very well what the proof present was thinking, and the depths of his eyes were unavoidably cold.

In Lin Kaiyun's mind, the situation in front of him might as well give him a sword, and just go forward and hack this group of people to death.

But Lin Jiu, who was standing not far from him, Lin Kaiyun had no choice but to suppress this impulse, because he knew very well in his heart that once he did this, the current master-student relationship between himself and Lin Jiu would also be broken. up.

And Lin Kaiyun would not do this kind of thing like throwing away sesame seeds to pick up watermelons.

"Master, we can't stop them even if we leave now, why don't we just leave."

Lin Kaiyun turned his head and walked to Lin Jiu's side, whispering next to Lin Jiu's ear.

When Lin Jiu heard Lin Kaiyun's words, she instantly understood what Lin Kaiyun meant. It was really difficult to reason with the villagers in the town. The best way to deal with the current situation is to just walk away.

Just looking at the current situation, the townspeople will definitely take action to stop them, and unnecessary casualties will probably occur at that time. Lin Jiu couldn't help hesitating when he thought of this. Lin Jiu 1 people don't want to see this kind of situation of.

However, at this moment, seeing that Lin Kaiyun and the others felt guilty, the man directly said to Mayor Luo,

"Even if the mayor and his gang are not the murderers, they are the most suspected. Let me tell you, let's just arrest them. Now it's a waste of words here. Let's find out after interrogation."

Luo Dayou agrees with the man's suggestion now.And as the mayor of a town, now is the time when he needs to be the master, and it is also the time to benefit from prestige.

Just as Luo Dayou was thinking for a while, he directly raised his hand to signal the man to step back. He had already made up his mind, and walked up to Lin Jiu with his hands folded, and said very politely,

"My townspeople, although their words are a bit confused, but they are kind in their hearts, and we will never wrong a good person."

"Now that something like this has happened in the town, I hope everyone can cooperate with us to find out the truth. I hope you can understand, but please rest assured that as the mayor of Luofeng Town, I use my reputation to guarantee that the truth will be solved in the face of the facts." Before the truth is found out, I will not let you suffer any grievances. After the matter is found out, this matter has nothing to do with you, so I, Luo, must be very grateful."

Luo Dayou said this very politely, which also made Lin Jiu's face ease a lot. Knowing that this is a sensible person in the town, he said to Mayor Luo,

"I don't know how Mayor Luo needs us to cooperate?"

Luo Dayou saw that Lin Jiu asked and knew that he agreed with his opinion, so he laughed and said,

"I won't embarrass a few of you, please rest assured, just don't leave the town, and don't move around freely until the truth is found out."

"How long will it take?" Lin Jiu asked without thinking.

"When the truth is revealed, you can leave!" The man from before shouted loudly to Lin Kaiyun and others.

"Then if you still can't find out, we won't be able to leave, no! What's the reason for this!" Lin Kaiyun was also very impatient at this time, and a cold light could not help showing in his eyes.

Seeing Lin Kaiyun talking like this, the man was about to speak again, but Luo Dayou directly interrupted him this time.

"How about this, please give us two days to stay in this town for another night, and you can also move around the town. After we find out what happened, you can leave. If these two days pass , we haven't found out yet, so it's not too late for those people to leave on their own?" Luo Dayou looked at Lin Jiu with a questioning look as he spoke.

When Lin Kaiyun heard what Luo Dayou said, he didn't ask again. Instead, he looked at Salvation with the same gaze and waited for his decision.

Lin Jiu thought for a moment, nodded, and said to Luo Dayou, "No problem, then please ask Mayor Luo to find out the truth as soon as possible, and we will also cooperate with Mayor Luo to stay in this town for one more night. Don't let us down."

"That's for sure, and please rest assured that I, Luo Dayou, will not treat you badly. There are many offenses, please forgive me." At this time, Luo Dayou is completely a good old man, and finally He also told the owner of the small inn to record the expenses of these two days in his account, and to take good care of Lin Kaiyun and others without neglecting them.

After Luo Dayou waited for everyone to leave, Jiale leaned into Lin Kaiyun's ear and whispered,

"I think this old man is the only person in this town who understands something."

"I don't think you may know that there is a saying called knowing people, knowing faces but not knowing hearts?" Lin Kaiyun shook his head and said to Jia Le.

Luo Dayou looks like a very kind old man, but how can someone who can actually become the mayor of a town be a kind person?I'm afraid this person is quite scheming, he doesn't show everything on his face, what is he planning in his heart?

"Brother, are you saying that Mayor Luo is not a good person?" Jia Le said and looked at Lin Kaiyun suspiciously.

"It doesn't matter if you are a good person or not. People who can pretend don't bother to pretend at night."

Lin Kaiyun didn't explain it so clearly to him. After all, only what he saw with his own eyes would he choose to believe, whether it was true or false.

Lin Kaiyun and the others also returned to the small inn, eating when it was time to eat, sleeping when it was time to sleep, strolling when they wanted to go out for a stroll, and investigating and investigating, no one cared about it, but the whole time The atmosphere on the stage was unusually serious, and the eyes of these people were also very unfriendly.

After all, a murder case occurred in this town, which is something that everyone has never experienced before.

Lin Jiu and Lin Kaiyun were really not worried at all, they chatted calmly, but Jiale at the side couldn't hold back anymore, and kept yelling, wanting to go to Li Si's house to see what's going on and inquire about it .

But Lin Kaiyuan and Lin Jiu didn't speak, and Jiale couldn't go alone.

After lunch, Luo Dayou brought people to the small inn again, walked directly to Lin Jiu and cupped his hands as he entered the door, saying hello and saying,

"Mr. Lin, is it comfortable to live here?"

"It's okay." Lin Jiu also bowed his hand to Luo Da in return, and asked very politely, "I don't know how the mayor Luo investigated the matter, but there is a result?"

"Well, I won't hide it from everyone. The murderer is very cunning, and he didn't leave us any clues." Luo Dayou shook his head while talking, his face was very unhappy that a murder case happened in his town, and he still has no clue. Not at all, he, the mayor of a town, is naturally under a lot of pressure.

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