Luo Dayou fixed his eyes on the three people in front of him as he spoke, and asked, "I wonder if it's convenient for Mr. Lin to tell us about last night's itinerary?"

Of course Lin Jiu knew about Luo Dayou's inquiry, and he didn't mean to hide it. After thinking for a while, he said directly, "The three of us went back to our room to sleep after dark yesterday, and never left our room until this morning."

"That's right, we've been in this small inn all the time, and we haven't even left the gate of the small inn. Don't you still doubt us?" Jia Le heard Luo Dayou's inquiry, and it was obvious that he was doubting himself , I was unhappy at first, and now I am even more unhappy.

"What is this little brother talking about? I, Luo, will never wrong a good person, but I will never let a bad person go. The reason why I came here is to investigate the truth. This is a matter of life and death. A lot of cooperation and inclusion."

When Luo Dayou said this, he couldn't help showing some apology, which benefited Lin Jiu very much, so he waved his hand to Jia Le, signaling him to shut up.

"What did Mayor Luo say? We should cooperate. If there is anything else you want to know, just ask, and we will tell you the truth."

Luo Dayou was very grateful to Lin Jiu, and asked randomly, "Did you hear any strange noises outside or see any strange things when you were resting?"

Lin Jiu and Jia Le shook their heads lightly, but Lin Kaiyun didn't move.Luo Dayou asked,

"What did this little brother see or hear last night?"

Lin Kaiyun didn't refute when he heard such an inquiry. Instead, he hesitated for a while and nodded lightly, and said, "It's really strange to think about it now, but it's okay."

"What's the matter?" Luo Dayou immediately regained his energy when he heard the words.

Everyone present also looked at Lin Kaiyun, and Jiale on the side looked at Lin Kaiyun with a little bit of surprise. He was only separated from Lin Kaiyun's room by a wall last night, but he himself found nothing. He has been sleeping peacefully since night to this morning.

"I was sleeping at about midnight yesterday, and suddenly I got up when I heard a knock on the door. When I opened the door, a middle-aged woman knocked on the door and asked me if I saw his son and daughter. .” When Lin Kaiyun said this, there was still a hint of thought in his eyes.


As soon as Lin Kaiyun finished speaking, the expressions on the faces of Luo Dayou and the townspeople he brought along could not help but change, as if they were nervous about something.

Lin Jiu and Jia Le listened to Lin Kaiyun's words with the same doubts.

"Then what happened afterwards?" Luo Dayou asked immediately, and the people present seemed to hold their breath, waiting for Lin Kaiyun's next narration.

Lin Kaiyun thought for a moment, and then slowly said, "After that, the woman left directly, and I didn't see anything at that time, I thought I was still dreaming, so I didn't care, just now When Mayor Luo asked, I suddenly thought of it, now that who would look for his son and daughter in the middle of the night, could it be that someone disappeared recently, or that I was dreaming?"

After Lin Kaiyun finished speaking, he looked at the people present meaningfully, and Luo Dayou's face became more and more nervous. Lin Kaiyun also showed a nervous look, and then continued to ask,

"Mayor Luo, is it true that people are missing these days? Or are you haunted by ghosts?"

Lin Kaiyun still felt nervous after speaking, and took a few steps back.The people present did not speak, and Luo Dayou did not refute Lin Kaiyun's question, but instead asked, "Does this little brother remember what that woman looks like?"

"I'll have to think about it, um, he looks about 40 years old, with good skin, very long hair, and pretty clothes..."

Lin Kaiyun told about the female ghost's appearance and attire, and Luo Dayou's face became more solemn as he listened, and the townspeople behind Luo Dayou became panicked, especially those who were wearing linen not far away. The middle-aged man staggered back a few steps, and his face turned pale.

Lin Kaiyun saw that this middle-aged man looked familiar. Isn't this the same man they saw when they went up the mountain, carrying a hoe.

Seeing everyone's expressions, Lin Kaiyun couldn't help but confirm his conjecture, but Lin Kaiping didn't show any signs of it, instead he looked very nervous.

At this time, Luo Dayou's expression had returned to normal, and after some contemplation, he said slowly,

"That's right, I won't hide it from everyone. There is a story that has been circulating among us."

"It is said that a long, long time ago, a family lived in our town. The son and daughter fell into the river and drowned. Then the girl's parents also went crazy, and finally the two of them jumped into the river and committed suicide. Since then, we Ghosts began to appear in the town, and everyone who saw them said it was the couple from before, and asked everyone if they saw his daughter."

"I don't know how long this kind of saying has been passed around. It's just a story to us now, but hearing what my brother said, could it be that the story is true?"

Luo Dayou shook his head and sighed as he spoke, as if what he said was true.

Lin Kaiyun didn't bother to reveal it, and pretended to be very nervous and asked, "Could it be that I really encountered a ghost last night?"

"You can't think of it this way. If someone uses this story to kill someone, it's impossible for someone to impersonate it." Luo Dayou bit his lip and said.

"This is still troublesome for you guys. Stay in the hotel for a few more days. According to what my brother said just now, I will quickly take people to investigate one by one. Once there is news, this can be regarded as a clue." Luo Da After finishing speaking, he led the people and left in a hurry.

"Senior brother Lin, did you really see a ghost last night?" Jia Le also looked at Lin Kaiyun very curiously, not quite believing what Lin Kaiyun said, if Lin Kaiyun really saw a ghost, wouldn't that ghost be very unlucky?Because of his senior brother's strength, he still knows a thing or two.

"Tell me what's going on?" Lin Jiu frowned slightly, and looked at Lin Kaiyun inquiringly.

Lin Kaiyun didn't hide the fact that everyone had already left, so he said directly, "It's the soul of that woman yesterday, who has now turned into a ghost, who came back to seek revenge, knocked on my door last night, and was scared by my few words." Ran."

"Is it the boat on the lake yesterday?" Jia Le asked.

Lin Kaiyun nodded and said, "That's right, it was yesterday, the boat that was caught by the waves."

Lin Jiu frowned, and asked directly, "Kaiyun, is there a living person in the boat? Living sacrifice?"

Although Lin Jiu was in the cabin when it happened, based on these things, he has already guessed the general situation.

"Yes, I see a pair of boys and girls in it, who have been drowned, but there is no doubt that they were tied alive to the boat."

Lin Kaiyun's complexion is also very ugly at this time, if the person on the boat is alive, he will definitely go to save him, but the person is already dead.

Lin Kaiyun continued,

"Master, last night, I took Jiale to search in the bamboo forest. You should remember that when we were walking in the bamboo forest, we met two men with hoes in their hands. We followed the two men and came out. I searched in the same direction, and found two corpses, and adding the boy and girl on the boat, and the story told by Mayor Luo, I guessed that these two corpses should be the parents of the boy and girl.”

"And when we returned, we saw some built platforms by the lake, which looked like they were used for sacrifices."

"As for the ghost I met last night, it's the couple in the bamboo forest."

After finishing speaking, Lin Kaiyun lowered his head with anger in his eyes.

Chapter 479 The Devil's Death

In an instant, everyone except Lin Kaiyun was silent, especially Lin Jiu, who felt somewhat uncomfortable.

However, at this time, if we simply connect the information we have learned before, the whole incident can be guessed almost.

When crossing the river yesterday, the two boys and girls on the boat that everyone saw were probably the daughters of that couple.

That is to say, a family of four passed by here, and their parents were brutally killed, and the remaining two siblings were used as living sacrifices. However, the evidence of the entire Luofeng Town was undoubtedly the murderer.

Speaking of which, all of this can be regarded as a coincidence. If Lin Kaiyun and others did not bump into this incident, then it would be nothing.On the contrary, now Lin Kaiyun and the others knew everything, from the sacrificial boat they saw when crossing the river, to the two men who had just buried their bodies when they crossed the bamboo forest.

The whole series of events undoubtedly reflected that Lin Kaiyun's various senses were far superior to ordinary people, and even his judgment was far superior to ordinary people. If it wasn't for his amazing insight, he would not have seen the boys and girls on the boat at that time, and he had not smelled it. It is also impossible to see at a glance the two buried men who smelled of blood.

It can be said that besides Lin Kaiyun, Lin Jiu and others are feeling a little heavy. Think about using living people to sacrifice. This is something that many people have heard of but never seen. However, this thing is happening right in front of them. , and even said that the person who was sacrificed alive was someone they had met before, and they couldn't help but have some complicated feelings in their hearts.

Lin Jiu couldn't help feeling a little sad. He was used to life and death, but the people in this town completely ignored the lives of strangers, and the methods were still so cruel, which was simply unimaginable.

"Master, what should we do next? Do we still need to stay and cooperate with them in investigating the case?" Lin Kaiyun looked at Lin Jiu inquiringly,

And Lin Jiu didn't answer for a long time, as if he was thinking about something.

"What else is there to cooperate with? The matter is already clear at a glance." Jia Le said directly.

At this moment, Lin Jiu opened his mouth and said, "Since the matter is already like this, we now know the secrets of Luofeng Town, and the townspeople of Luofeng Town will definitely not let us go. So we can't reveal half of the information, let us They know that we have learned what happened. You two should prepare now. After tonight, we will leave this place early tomorrow morning.

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