In addition, the stick in his hand also waved instantly, angry, and regardless of the Sanqi 21, he rushed to the front and threw it at the man, trying to catch him away, so he must be able to beat him It's better to pass him.

However, a few seconds before Jia Le started, Lin Kaiyun had already stepped forward.


Lin Kaiyun stretched out his hands, and the long sword behind him suddenly appeared in Lin Kaiyun's palm, and everyone's eyes fell on him in an instant.When a cold light flashed across his body, he didn't feel it and shivered, as if a basin of cold water was poured directly from the top of his head to his feet, and it was instantly cold.

"Kaiyun!" Seeing Lin Kaiyun's actions, Lin Jiu said something bad in his heart, and Yi Chen shouted loudly on his face, but it was too late. Although Lin Kaiyun heard Lin Jiu's voice at this time, he couldn't hold back his hands. He came back, and Lin Kaiyun didn't intend to stop the long sword in his hand, slashing left and right, piercing the sky in an instant, and the vision of everyone present became blurred in an instant.

At this moment, as if the air was still, everyone present seemed to have been pressed the pause button.Half a second later, more than a dozen heads rolled directly to the ground. They were the heads of the leading men. The bodies were still standing still, but the heads had already flown out.

Lin Kaiyun did it in one go, without a pause, the sword's edge was so powerful that these people's heads fell off, but the blood hadn't had time to spurt out.A second later, red blood spurted from the carotid artery in the neck.

At the same time, Jia Le's wooden stick also stayed in the air, watching the head of the man in front of him fly out and fall to the ground, Jia Le froze in place.

"Dead! Killing!"

After everyone reacted, they shouted one after another, and Luo Fengzhen Zhengming's face was all shocked, and his steps that were pale with fright stepped forward, and he couldn't help but retreat half a point, and some people even stepped back.Sitting directly on the ground, but staring at Lin Kaiyun with a look full of horror and fear.

The sorceress who was standing aside had completely lost the confidence she had just now.

When Jia Le came to his senses, he put the wooden stick on the ground, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, looked at the head on the ground, and felt a little scalp numb.

Although Jia Le is usually very clamorous, this is the first time he has seen a murder. The scene in front of him can't help but surprise Jia Le, and at the same time, he can't help feeling a little bit of pleasure in his heart.Although Jiale knows that Lin Kaiyun's methods are very decisive, but now it is too bloody.Maybe this is the only way to suppress the angry townspeople.

Jiu Shu stood aside and wanted to say something but didn't say it, and his eyes were a little complicated.

"Master, I know what you want to say, but these things are not suitable for you, let the apprentice do it for you." Lin Kaiyun has noticed the change in Lin Jiu's demeanor. He knows that Lin Jiu has such a kind heart. It is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to do it. However, this bloody method is also unacceptable, but now that things have happened, Lin Kaiyun does not want to escape, and Lin Kaiyun will not escape.

Lin Jiu nodded after hearing Lin Kaiyun's words, because he understood that bloody means must be used to suppress this matter, and now there is no more effective method than this.

Lin Kaiyun originally thought that Lin Jiu would object, but unexpectedly, Lin Jiu agreed with his style of work, so Lin Kaiyun let go and did not have any more worries, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but turned up. To the townspeople of Luofeng Town.

After the sorceress came back to her senses, she looked at Lin Kaiyun with piercing eyes. She couldn't believe that Lin Kaiyun had directly killed the townspeople of Luofeng Town under the watchful eyes of everyone.

Looking around again, the crowd has been suppressed by Lin Kaiyun, and the sorceress knows that this matter cannot be delayed any longer and must be completed as soon as possible, otherwise her plan will be completely ruined after the townspeople are completely frightened by Lin Kaiyun.

"Everyone sees that this is the murderer, and now he has no scruples. Killing people in public, is there any law in this world? Let's go up together to avenge our folks and come to sacrifice. We believe that as long as we die If we work together, they will not be able to escape. And if we catch them, the Lake God will forgive us, otherwise we will all be in great trouble tonight."

As soon as the witch's words fell, someone reacted immediately, with a fierce look on his face again, echoing the witch,

"That's right, we have to trust the witches, and we can't let them go."

"We must take revenge for revenge, our people cannot die in vain!"

"We have to use their lives to sacrifice to the lake god, so that we can spend tonight in peace, or everyone will die! Let's do it together!"

While speaking, someone was eager to try.

"If you want to fight with me, are you sure you have the strength?"

Lin Kaiyun snorted coldly, and asked what was in everyone's hands.Chang Chang also waved his hand casually, and a burst of cold light flashed across the heads of everyone, and continued,

"If you really want to do something, it's just because you are afraid that the lake god will anger you, but have you ever thought about it? That lake god can't let you go, but now I will?

You are only afraid of the Lake God, don't you fear me! "

After Lin Kaiyun finished speaking, there was a trace of sarcasm on his face, and then he fixed his eyes on the witch, and the sword edge couldn't help but deflected towards the witch, Lin Kaiyun sneered and said,

"You are that witch, since you have the most things to do, then I will kill you first."

When the sorceress heard Lin Kaiyun's words, her body tensed instantly, and her face suddenly changed, as if the hairs on her whole body stood on end.

Chapter 482 Solve the sorceress with one knife.

At this moment, the sorceress couldn't take care of much. When the sorceress' eyes met Lin Kaiyun's, the sorceress felt chills all over her body instantly, as if she was being targeted by a group of evil wolves.

"Kill him! Kill him!"

The sorceress couldn't care less, she just opened her mouth and shouted loudly.At this moment, his voice had become extraordinarily sharp, and his feet were constantly moving. He wanted to escape from this or something, but his legs were already frightened and trembling.


However, Lin Kaiyun didn't care about the sorceress's seven-star Longyuan sword raised high, and instantly slashed at the sorceress.

Lin Kaiyun naturally knows the truth of capturing the thief first, so the solution to the witch must be the root cause of this matter, that is, the witch in front of him will continue to spread rumors and instigate the townspeople of Luofeng Town, thus causing the current situation. situation.So solve the sorceress first, then this matter will be much simpler.

Although the sorceress in front of me is a sorcerer, but her skills are limited, she can be regarded as a second-rate at most, she can't even reach the edge of first-rate, how can she be compared with Lin Kaiyun, but when Lin Kaiyun's breath locked him, It was also doomed that the witch would die. Of course, at the moment Lin Kaiyun was about to kill the witch, the aura on his body completely enveloped the witch. This kind of coercion was something that the witch couldn't bear, let alone move.

But now there was no more suspense, the sword light flashed, and the witch's body froze completely.


Starting from the center of the eyebrows, there was a bloodstain extending downward, passing through the nose and mouth, until the center was the axis, and the witch's whole body was instantly torn into two halves.

"The witch is dead!"

This scene caused everyone present to look at the scene in front of them in horror, covering their eyes with their hands, and couldn't believe what happened before them. Half.

However, for everyone present, the words of the witch and the will of the witch seemed to be everyone's belief.Generally, at this moment, they also regard the witch as the last straw, but this straw was pulled out by Lin Kaiyun in an instant, and to them, it seemed that the zenith burst directly.

In an instant, the townspeople of Luofeng Town looked at everything dumbfounded as if they had been struck by lightning, not knowing what to do.

Someone came to his senses in an instant, and yelled with a frenzied face, "He not only killed people, he also killed the sorceress!"

Then everyone pointed their finger at Lin Kaiyun again, and shouted one after another, "Folks, let's go together, let's catch him to avenge the dead witch and the folks, and then sacrifice him to the soul of the dead, if the lake If Lord God blames him again, we will not be able to survive, everyone come with me, we will not be afraid of him if there are many people!"

It was the man next to Luo Dayou who said this. As soon as the words came out, the hearts of everyone in Luofeng Town were also moved. Just now, Lin Kaiyun killed people twice. The people present were frightened.Compared with Lin Kaiyun, the deterrence of the Lake God is the fear that has settled in the hearts of everyone for decades, and it cannot be completely destroyed by these two actions.

However, when Lin Jiu, who was standing behind Lin Kaiyun Mountain, saw this scene, he couldn't help feeling a little bit in his heart.Don't worry, I didn't expect Lin Kaiyun to kill me just now, and someone would want to continue to attack me.

"Master, have the people here been bewitched by the lake god? Why are they so afraid of the lake god? But it seems that it is not simply fear, but to protect the lake god. Generally, however, the lake god takes the lives of these people improperly." What's the matter, kill them if you want, but why do they still maintain and believe in the lake god? It's really incomprehensible." Jia Le raised his own conjectures and questions.

"From now on, these people seem to be afraid of the Lake God, rather than the so-called beliefs. They are afraid that the Lake God will punish and kill them. Rather than fighting us to the death, the chances of winning will be greater. That is to say, For them, the fear of the Lake God is much greater than the fear of us." Lin Jiu explained all this to Jia Le, with a complex expression inevitably in his words.

It is only natural for the Lake God to kill people. If the Lake God is angry, the townspeople in Luofeng Town will have no peace. These people are afraid of the Lake God from the bottom of their hearts, and they dare not have the slightest thought of rebellion. Instead, they use this thought on Lin Kaiyun Waiting for people to calm the so-called anger of the lake god.At this moment, Lin Jiu could see these people clearly. If these people were hateful, they should be more pitiful.

"Go on!"

As one of the men shouted loudly, dozens of people followed, rushing towards Lin Kaiyun and the others.And there are more than a dozen men standing aside, wanting to sneak attack Lin Kaiyun, Lin Jiu and others.

At the moment when these people were running, Lin Kaiyun raised his long sword high, and when everyone reacted with a flash of light, the man who wanted to sneak attack had already fallen to the ground, and his head rolled to the side.

However, at this moment, the man rushing in front of Lin Kaiyun and the others froze in place when he saw that the person who was about to attack had already stretched out his hand.I can't help but feel a little bit embarrassed, if I just stepped forward before the person who was going to sneak attack, then I should be the one who died.

Although some people have gradually realized this fact, there are still many people who are still unconvinced and want to try it out. After all, they don't want to anger the God of the Lake. Some people's eyes in their thoughts are unavoidably sharp.

Lin Kaiyun even noticed the eyes of the crowd, and his face couldn't help becoming more gloomy and cold, "You still think we are better than the Lake God, don't you? It seems that you still haven't died enough for the current blood flow, the blood flow is still Too little."

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