Lin Kaiyun raised his foot and kicked the head next to him to the side, the murderous intent in his eyes became stronger, "Since your toast is not a fine wine, then don't blame me for being rude."

The air froze for a while, Lin Kaiyun no longer restrained his breath, the powerful air flow instantly spread out centered on Lin Kaiyun, that terrifying breath seemed to kill everything in front of him in astonishment.

The majestic swordsmanship was continuously condensed into groups above Lin Kaiyun's head. A huge silver sword body stood upright in the air, as if looking down on everything in front of him. In the gap between the mountains and mountains, there were terrifying scenes all over the mountains and plains. Corpses were everywhere, bleeding profusely.This is the trick of killing intent, when this technique is used, the images are superimposed and the killing intent is strong.

Under the shroud of killing intent, everyone present felt as if their bodies were frozen and fell into a bottomless ice cave. They were generally frozen and looked at the image in midair in horror.

"Today, I'm going to see if the lake god you believe in will come to save you, if you can save you!"


As soon as Lin Kaiyun's words fell, countless swords fell from mid-air instantly like insights, so dense that it was almost impossible to see any gaps, like an insurmountable moat, completely surrounded everyone present, as if they were trapped The living prey didn't have any resistance at all, and the few men standing in front were instantly cut down to the ground, including Luo Dayou.

Seeing such a terrifying scene, the townspeople of Luofeng Town suddenly felt a strong sense of fear,


There was a violent collision sound, and the long sword in Lin Kaiyun's hand became brighter and sharper in an instant. The huge brilliance flowed on the sword, and the entire night sky was illuminated brightly. With the huge With the sword energy, the entire lake temple also collapsed suddenly, and even the ghost ghost lake god statue inside was turned into powder.

Everyone looked at the scene in front of them in horror, their brains were all blank, and some people even muttered silently,

"Lake Temple, is this possible..."

Everyone looked at this scene in amazement, and they couldn't believe that the Lake Temple they worshiped collapsed like this.

Seeing the situation of the townspeople, Lin Kaiyun was all limp and panicked, so he didn't do anything again. Then he put away the long sword and turned to look at Lin Jiu.

"Master, the matter is over, we should leave."

"Let's go." Lin Jiu also agreed with Lin Kaiyun's statement very much, and he couldn't help but feel relieved. Before, he was worried about Lin Kaiyun's killing spree, but now he is relieved.

When Jia Le heard what the two said, he threw the wooden stick in his hand aside, and jumped into the carriage, "Drive!" Under Jia Le's slap, the horse walked directly to Lin Kaiyun and Lin Jiu. Le took a look at Lin Jiu and Lin Kaiyun and said,

"Brother and uncle get in the car."

Under the shock of Lin Kaiyun, no one in Luofeng Town was there, and dared to block the way of Lin Kaiyun and others. At this moment, they really realized that Lin Kaiyun and his party were more terrifying than ghosts and gods, and bloodier than the lake god. .They were instigated by the sorceress at first, and it was a mistake to arrest Lin Kaiyun and others.

It can also be said in other words that the people in Luofeng Town are bullying and fearing the hard. Once you meet someone who is more difficult to deal with, then.If you meet a weak person, you will directly bully them.

It's because of their beliefs and offerings, and I'm afraid it's more about fear and fear of facing the terrifying Lake God. They don't have the slightest desire to resist, but instead point the finger at Lin Kaiyun, thinking that Lin Kaiyun and his party are easy to bully.

Just like the living people who were arrested and sacrificed before, or even the couple who were killed before, this kind of behavior of bullying and fearing hard has become a habit of them.

However, now Lin Kaiyun and the Lake God seem to have reached a general level in the hearts of the townspeople of Luofeng Town. They deserve to watch Lin Kaiyun leave quickly from a distance, and dare not step forward to disturb him.

Under the eyes of everyone, the carriage slowly drove out of Luofeng Town, but the road Lin Kaiyun chose was the original road to Luofeng Town before, just at the side of the fork, the carriage slowly stopped on the hillside, Lin Kaiyun jumped off the carriage directly, turned to look at Jia Le,

"Jia Le, slow down and get on with the car. I'll take a look around. The Lake God Temple was destroyed by me. I don't think the Lake God will let it go. He must be hiding in a corner and watching us. Let me see if I can find any clues." , as long as he comes out of the lake, then we will find a way to deal with him."

When Jia Le heard Lin Haiyun's words, he nodded and replied, "Brother, then I will walk slowly along this road, and you should be careful yourself."

Lin Kaiyun nodded, and jumped straight to the top of the mountain. After a few jumps, Lin Kaiyun came to the hillside.

Looking around, there were overgrown weeds everywhere, and the mound of grave was also the place where the middle-aged couple was buried before. When Lin Kaiyun came here, it was obvious that a pile of loess had just been turned over.

Lin Kaiyun exerted force under his feet, and the refurbished mound of graves exploded directly. The strength can be imagined.At the moment when the soil was blasted, two corpses were exposed.

Lin Kaiyun looked at the big hole on the ground and snorted coldly, "So that's the case, no wonder those people are very relieved, presumably this is the way of that witch."

On the chests of the two corpses, two yellow charms were tightly strangled by the ropes on the chests of the corpses.

Lin Kaiyun looked at the runes on the talisman, it was very strange, although he didn't know what was written on it, but it should be the kind of magic to deal with souls, and after thinking about it, he knew that it should be used to suppress the ghosts of the couple.Lin Kaiyun stretched out his hand and swiped the long sword, the tip of the sword turned upwards, the spell on the corpse was instantly split, and suddenly disappeared into the air.

"Today, I, Lin Kaiyun, also did a good deed. Since I did not take your souls last night, I will help you again today. Of course, you don't need to thank me. If you have to thank me, go to revenge and kill more The people in Dianluofeng Town are also fine."

As soon as Lin Kaiyun finished speaking, he felt that the ghost had been lifted out of the corpse in these two sentences, well, Lin Kaiyun is not that kind.The reason why those people in the town were let go before was entirely because his master, Lin Kaiyun, was not easy to do anything with him. Lin Kaiyun has never been a kind person and has always had revenge.It is still possible to use these two ghosts.

The people in Luofeng Town still want to use his junior brother as a living sacrifice. Didn't they point to their own noses and say that Lin Kaiyun is incompetent?How could Lin Kaiyun indulge this statement and continue.

After separating the two spells, Lin Kaiyun directly left the hillside and jumped towards the carriage according to the previous path.

However, Lin Kaiyun did not go back to the carriage directly, but instead checked around the carriage, because Lin Kaiyun guessed, would the Lake God crawl out of the water?

Since the Lake God is so vengeful and has a fancy to our skills, he will not let it go. If the Lake God has been hiding in the river and does not come out, Lin Kaiyu will not act easily for the time being.

Intuition told Lin Kaiyun that the Lake God has already gone ashore, just looking for a good time.

In this way, Lin Kaiyun followed around the carriage, put away his aura, and lingered not far from the carriage.

An hour later, Lin Kaiyun encountered a little green snake that had already activated its wisdom roots, and the little green snake was scared away when it saw Lin Kaiyun. This inevitably disappointed Lin Kaiyun, because his goal was the Lake God. Not a little green snake.

Afterwards, Lin Kaiyun jumped directly into the carriage Jiale, and when he saw Lin Kaiyun, he knew that this time the senior brother returned disappointed.

However, after a while, the carriage began to shake, and the wheels kept turning left and right.

Chapter 483 Lake God


Suddenly, the horse neighed.Seeing Lin Kaiyun's ears, as if he was frightened by something, the carriage shook violently.

"Brother, back!" Jia Le looked nervously at the back of the carriage.

Following Jia Le's gaze, a huge white lantern with a big "Dian" character on it was suspended in mid-air in the night.

Seeing that the lantern is ten meters high, it is not easy for people to lift it up, which is very strange. However, this white lantern is specially used for the dead.

"You drive your car, don't worry about other things." Lin Kaiyun glanced behind him with a sad expression, and said very calmly to Jiale who was driving.

Unknowingly, the fog on the hillside became thicker, filling the hillside in a trace.

And the white lantern behind, still following the carriage, looks like a ghost.

"Brother, what should I do? The white lantern is still following me." Although Jia Le's expression is used to seeing dead people, his eyes can't help but drift to the white lantern behind him. This white lantern makes people feel scalp numb.

"I'll see how long he can pretend."

Lin Kaiyun's eyes darkened. Although Lin Kaiyun's eyes were not behind him, he was always paying attention to the white lantern behind him, and he used his breath to explore the surroundings, as if he wanted to find out something hidden in the darkness. However, the white lantern that suddenly appeared The lanterns and the mist floating in the air must have been played by the lake god.

"Master, go ahead and be careful, I'll take a look right now."

After Lin Kaiyun finished speaking, he jumped out of the carriage, and the Seven Star Dragon Yuan Sword instantly appeared in Lin Kaiyun's hands, following along.Kaiyun's eyes looked, the white lantern, seeing Lin Kaiyun coming out, also stopped in mid-air.


Lin Kaiyun cut through the air in an instant, and came directly to the white lantern not far away, like an arrow that left the string and went straight to the white lantern.

Where Lin Kaiyun passed by, there were strong winds, and the weeds on the side followed Lin Kaiyun's movements, swaying and flying wildly.

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