Lin Kaiyun held a long sword in his hand, faced the moonlight, and skipped over the white lantern. When he was half a meter away from the lantern, the lantern exploded in mid-air, and with a "crack", he was suddenly split by Lin Kaiyun It shattered, fell to the ground, and then turned into several black smoke, disappearing into the air.

Lin Kaiyun's gaze had become serious at this time, because when the lantern turned into black smoke, Lin Kaiyun had already felt that there was a strange aura looming around Lin Kaiyun, that aura was very weak , is hardly noticeable.However, Lin Kaiyun still knew of his existence.

Just as Lin Kaiyun expected, the Lake God did not intend to let them go, and now he is quietly approaching Lin Kaiyun and others, hiding his aura, hiding around Lin Kaiyun, looking for a suitable opportunity to make a move.

Lin Kaiyun stood in the darkness, surrounded the surroundings, and unconsciously found that in the silvery moonlight, the white mist involuntarily became more and more dense.

In the eyes of ordinary people, fog in the mountains and forests at night is the most normal thing. However, Lin Kaiyun knew that the fog in front of him was not that simple, and the visibility was no more than five meters.

With the continuous improvement of Lin Kaiyun's realm, for Lin Kaiyun, all his sensory organs have been completely surpassed by ordinary people, and even reached a terrifying stage, but the fog will not have any effect on Lin Kaiyun Yes, it will not disturb Lin Kaiyun's judgment at all.

Through perception, Lin Kaiyun already roughly knew the direction of the Lake God.The Lake God hid it very well, what Lin Kaiyun perceived was only approximate.

However, Lin Kaiyun did not dare to go there rashly. If he went to find the Lake God himself, and the Lake God went directly to Lin Jiu and Jiale, then the loss outweighed the gain.

Although Lin Jiu's skill is also very high, it's not so easy to deal with Jiale if he has to take care of him. Besides, Lin Jiu is just an ordinary person's body, but, in comparison, he is also Just a little bit better than ordinary people.If it is true that there is any serious injury on the body, it is also very fatal.

And the Lake God is best at sneak attacks. If the front is hard steel, Lin Jiu can still deal with it. Even if the spell is strong, Lin Jiu can still do it, but if he is unfortunately hit by the knife, it will be over.

Lin Kaiyun thought for a while, then turned his head to look at the carriage that was already a hundred meters away from him, Lin Kaiyun immediately jumped up and prepared to catch up, but it was him.The moment he was about to step forward, Lin Kaiyun paused, because he clearly felt a gloomy aura within a hundred meters of him.

Lin Kaiyun turned around immediately, and there was a looming red Lin Kaiyun in the thick white mist. When he looked closely, a figure of a person appeared in his sight, with a bright red body and a red hijab on his head.It was the virgin, no doubt.

Lin Kaiyun recognized at a glance that the person in front of him was the ghost he saw on the lake yesterday, but now this ghost has turned into a fierce ghost.

The feet are half a meter above the ground, hanging steadily in the air, like floating ghosts, exuding a deadly breath all over, looking very cautious.

The maiden's red hijab was slightly raised in the air, and she met Lin Kaiyun's eyes. Although she couldn't see the expression on her face clearly, Lin Kaiyun could still feel the gaze from the opposite side, but this kind of gaze made Lin Kaiyun slightly surprised. I don't know Is it because I feel wrong, or there are other reasons.Because Lin Kaiyun could clearly feel the virgin.Although it looked terrifying, he had no hostility towards Lin Kaiyun.

Lin Kaiyun saw that the virgin did not act emotionally, so he did not act hastily.

"I know where the lake god you are looking for is."

After being silent for half a minute, Lin Kaiyun suddenly heard a faint voice reaching his ears. This was the message from the virgin to Lin Kaiyun. This was Lin Kaiyun. He never thought that the virgin could speak.

"You come with me."

As the virgin spoke, she raised her finger and turned to a not-too-distant mountain valley on the right, where Lin Kaiyun followed him.

This is Lin Kaiyun's astonished eyes, and he can't help but gather together. The things in front of him are completely beyond Lin Kaiyun's expectations. Originally, Lin Kaiyun thought that the virgin was sent by the lake god, but now he guides himself to find the lake god, which makes Lin Kaiyun very happy. I was puzzled, and began to consider whether the virgin's words were true.

Because the proof of Luofeng Town was sacrificed to the lake god in the form of a living person, the virgin girl in the distance must have been controlled by the lake god and turned into a ghost.Now the virgin suddenly found herself and said that she was going to take her to find the lake god. Could this be a trap?

If it is not thinking of the law to calculate oneself, then would it be to divert the tiger away from the mountain?

In just a moment, Lin Kaiyun had dozens of guesses.

Seeing that Lin Kaiyun hadn't moved for a long time, the virgin continued to speak, "Believe me, benefactor, although I have become like this now, I know who I should take revenge on, and now the Lake God is not far away. On the mountain, I will not lie to you."


The night was getting deeper and deeper, and the jungle in the mountains was constantly being rustled by the wind, but it couldn't break the silence in the mountains at all.

Not far away, two figures stood in the distance.

The black figure was tightly wrapped in armor, and looked like an ancient general. On the chest of the black armor, there was a vicious ghost head engraved, as if it could break out of the body at any time and kill him with one blow.And the black shadow's head was also tightly wrapped by the armor, and the only thing exposed was a pair.Lunar Calendar's eyes were still glowing with a faint green light, like a demon who had just climbed up from hell.

This black figure is exactly like the ghost-faced god enshrined in the temple, that is, the townspeople of Luofeng Town, the lake god they believe in, but in Lin Kaiyun's view, what kind of lake god is this? ghost.

Looking from a distance, I saw that the lake god's eyes were fixed on the mist, and the locked direction was the direction Jia Le drove away from.

"No one can disobey my will, I am the lake god!"

A deep and hoarse voice came out from the lake god's mouth. The voice was harsh and not to be despised.

Suddenly, the Lake God turned his head to look at another black figure next to him, and an unquestionable words came out of the Lake God, "Why are you alone, where did your sister go?"

"She's still in Luofeng Town, saying she's going to kill those people, but she hasn't come back yet."

It was a boy who spoke, with a black figure, and his expression could not be seen clearly in the black night, but a trace of fear could be heard from his tone.

"It's time for revenge. Go ahead. Anyway, those people in Luofeng Town are like ants. If you can calm the anger of the two of you, it doesn't matter if you kill them all. It's useless to keep them anyway. Even those people Can't handle it."

Hearing the boy's words, the Lake God directly expressed his opinion, and was very satisfied with the people who made sacrifices in Luofeng Town this time.A beautiful sister and an obedient boy made him very happy.

Although these two people are still very resentful about their death, but this does not affect the lake god at all. Hearing the boy's words, the lake god doesn't care at all. Since the younger sister is going to take revenge, as long as the two continue to To work for him is to follow his wish.

For the Lake God, the townspeople of Luofeng Town are just that.A worthless existence is fine.So what if the entire Luofeng Town is destroyed, as long as the Lake God is still alive for a day, then.There will be a second and a third Luofeng Town appearing one after another.

"Thank you, master." The boy said again.

Hearing the boy's words, the Lake God felt very benefited, and was quite satisfied with his attitude. His dark eyes couldn't help flashing a gleam of light from the corner of his eyes, and cast it on the boy, and said softly,

"As long as you two obediently follow me and do things for me, and be loyal to me, then I won't lose you two."

"We will obey the words of the Lake God." The boy responded very sensiblely, as if he was used to such orders.

In fact, there are still 1 people who are unwilling in the boy's heart, but he does not dare to disobey the lake god now, and the two of them are also surrendering on the surface.

However, for the Lake God, that beautiful virgin is his favorite, because only a woman can be his venting tool. If it is the Lake God, if he gets tired of her one day, it doesn't matter if he destroys her.

The bright moon was still hanging in the sky, and the breeze was blowing the treetops, blowing patches of white mist to Lin Kaiyun's side continuously.

After a while, still on the top of the mountain, the lake god kept looking forward with his green eyes on both sides of the back with his hands behind his back.

For a moment, the lake god's eyes suddenly stared.


In an instant, a silver-white light suddenly appeared in the dark night, and it shot straight into the sky without any hesitation, and cut towards the top of the mountain.


With the Huaxia of sword energy, it seemed that the entire space was cut open, and in an instant, an invisible barrier was torn from the middle.

This barrier was set by the Lake God to hide his aura.

The moment the barrier was torn apart, He Chen and the boy in black armor appeared on the top of the mountain.

On the opposite side of the mountain top, Lin Kaiyun stood on the top of a tree, looked at the opposite side with a wicked smile, "So you have been hiding here, no wonder I couldn't find you, you hid well enough."

The Lake God saw that Lin Kaiyun found him, and the virgin next to Lin Kaiyun was undoubtedly the traitor who exposed his position.He didn't feel that he was burning with anger, his face changed drastically, and a deep and hoarse voice flowed out from the mouth of the Lake God,

"You bitch, you actually have the guts to betray me!"

The Lake God was already furious at this time, because the enchantment he set up, no matter how powerful the magic spells were, it would be difficult for Taoist priests or warlocks to find him. If the virgin hadn't betrayed him, Lin Kaiyun would never have found him, even Destroy your own enchantment.

"There is only one end for betraying me, and that is death!" At this time, the Lake God was extremely angry, and all the aura on his body had been exuded from the armor, which was a bloody and terrifying smell.

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