A few minutes later, he drove a new carriage back and saw that Lin Jiu was the only one who said that Lin Kaiyun hadn't come back.

"Uncle, I can find the carriage faster than Eldest Senior Brother."

Lin Jiu nodded and said, "Well, let's go!"

Jia Le took the reins of the horse, looked at Lin Jiu in surprise,

"Let's go? Isn't the uncle waiting for the elder brother?"

Lin Jiu nodded and got into the carriage directly.

"Let's go, Brother Lin suddenly has something to do, the two of us go back first..."

In addition, after hearing this, he couldn't be calm for a long time. Wasn't this a competition task arranged by Maoshan's inner sect?How come people still leave after the completion?Is this still possible?

Everyone in Jiale is stupid...!


Two days later.

Along the way, Lin Kaiyun played while walking, and now he finally saw the boundary of Zhangshi Town.

This is exactly the approximate location of the Maoshan Inner Sect Elder that Mo Ya mentioned.

Of course, it doesn't mean that the elder of Maoshan's inner sect is here, but has been here.

Lin Kaiyun stood on the hill and looked at the whole picture of Zhangshi Town. From a distance, the town seemed to be surrounded by jungles, and the houses were neatly arranged. It seemed that there was a large population.

The breeze blew through Lin Kaiyun's hair, Lin Kaiyun casually pulled a grass from the side of the road, put it in his mouth, hummed a little song and walked into the town.The further you go inside, the busier it gets.Lin Kaiyun looked around, and a very lively restaurant came into view.

Lin Kaiyun stepped directly into the restaurant. The people coming and going in the building, Lin Kaiyun looked very happy, and he found a table by the window and sat down.

"Xiaoer, come here with a few side dishes, and a pot of your special wine." Lin Kaiyun raised his hand to greet the waiter, and ordered some food and drinks casually.

"Okay, guest officer, just wait a moment." Seeing the visitor, the shop waiter stepped forward very enthusiastically, and after hearing Lin Kaiyun's words, he shouted loudly, "A few side dishes and a jug of good wine."

The waiter was about to finish his drink, so Bian ran away excitedly.

Not long after, three dishes of exquisite side dishes and a jug of wine were neatly placed in front of Lin Kaiyun.Lin Kaiyun poured the wine by himself while looking at the people passing by.

Most of the people in the restaurant are local townspeople, sitting and talking in twos and threes.On the table in front of him were simply peanuts, a pot of tea, or a pot of wine.

In this era of lack of fun in life and no entertainment activities, sitting in a restaurant and chatting like this is already a relatively luxurious thing. People who can sit here and gossip are also people with some capital in this small town people.

As for Lin Kaiyun sitting and eating, there is another purpose, because here is also the most fun place to live, and the place where you can go to all kinds of gossip.

However, at this moment, several diners beside Lin Kaiyun couldn't help discussing

"Hey, you don't know yet, just a while ago, an interesting thing happened in our town, haha." An older man, while talking, proudly put a peanut In the entrance.

"You can pull it down, what fun things do you know? Haha, it's not the bitch of your family who ran out by herself, then found a wild dog, and conceived a few puppies, right? Ah, your family can eat dog meat again." A middle-aged man next to him raised his finger and pointed to an old bitch beside him, and joked with the old man with a smile.

Then, a man in a black cloak waved at the two of them, then turned to look at the old man, and asked very curiously: "Stop talking nonsense, what's interesting, tell me quickly, let us follow along with the fun." Ha ha ha."

The old man pretended to be mysterious, looked at the two of them, then leaned forward involuntarily, lowered his voice involuntarily and said, "I can tell you, what I'm telling you now, you left Listen to it with your ears, and the right ear will come out, but you must never tell others, otherwise, accidents will easily happen."

"You're not done yet, but hurry up and talk about it. Our mouths are the strictest. If you have any worries, tell me quickly." The man in black said very anxiously.

"Haha, yes, then I'll tell you, you know that Li Bold in Qianjie, right? It's the one who pulls the cart in Master Zhang's house." The old man described it vividly.

"Then how can you not know, isn't it the fat and not lazy Li Bold, don't look at other people who are fat, I heard that he is still a person with some skills, haha, fat and flexible. No, could it be that he came out What's the matter?" The middle-aged man asked with a smile.

"Yes, that's right, it's that person." The old man said, and he raised his legs arrogantly, and continued to talk to the two,

"Just a while ago, I was walking home, and suddenly I felt my stomach growling. Before I knew it, I couldn't hold back and wanted to shit. I couldn't hold back anymore, so I had to squat on the haystack next to Li Bold's house. Here, in the end, guess what you see, what am I looking at?"

"You shit, what else can be fun, isn't it just shit, why don't you let us smell it? It's disgusting." The middle-aged man kept raising his hand and covering it He opened his nose, as if he smelled a bad smell.

"Hey, don't interrupt him, let him continue talking. If you don't say the whole thing, you will die without a whole body." The man in black pushed the middle-aged man, looked at the old man, and motioned for the man to continue. tell.

"You bastard, let me tell you what you want to say, why do you still want to curse me!" The old man said, just rolled his eyes at the man in the black cloak, and then continued to talk,

"I was shitting, when I raised my eyes suddenly, I saw Mr. Zhang standing at the back window of Li Bold's house. He knocked lightly three times, and then barked like a dog. And inside the window, he heard After the sound, I opened the window directly, and I saw that it was Li Bold's daughter-in-law. Li Bold's daughter-in-law looked around and saw that there was no one, so she directly pulled the master of the Zhang family, and the master of the Zhang family also directly Jumped out of the window and into the house."

While the old man was talking, he couldn't help but get angry with a smirk on the corner of his mouth, which was just a look that all men could understand.

The people at the same table, when they heard this, couldn't help but feel stunned on their faces, and looked at the old man with wide eyes.

However, the old man played tricks on the contrary, ate peanuts in a leisurely manner, and then held a small wine glass and looked at the people on the table.The old man saw that the appetite of all the people present had already been lifted, and he was very proud of himself, and he drank the wine in his hand leisurely.

"Hurry up, what's going on next?" The man in the black cloak said anxiously.

"You all want to hear it, haha." The old man asked the crowd proudly, and they all nodded.The old man smiled and said, "Then you pay for it today? I'll just treat you."

"I'll go, I'll wait here. It's just a treat. Tell me." The man in the black cloak couldn't wait.

"Without repentance, then I will continue." The old man swallowed a peanut, and then continued, "Seeing that the master of the Zhang family went in, I think something good must have happened. I don't even have the heart to shit, so I just put on my pants and ran to the wall."

As the old man spoke, he saw everyone leaning towards the old man one after another.The old man smirked and said, "You don't know, that daughter-in-law of Li Bold has a loud voice. I'm still through the window, if it's not through the window and the wall, think about it , what effect would that be?"

As the old man said, he looked in the direction of Li Bold's house involuntarily, and said to everyone with a smile, "I see, it's about the same time now, I guess, it's time for that old master Zhang to come out again." The old man said, paused for a moment, and asked softly, "How is it, do you want to go and have a look? I remember that it happened to be this hour a few days ago."

The few people on the side, although the voice of the discussion is very small.But helplessly, it is very close to where Lin Kaiyun is sitting, what's more, Lin Kaiyun's hearing is excellent, the gossip just now, Lin Kaiyun heard it clearly.

Lin Kaiyun looked leisurely, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.Sure enough, honest people only have to be cuckolded. Life is not easy for honest people, and it is not easy to marry a daughter-in-law.

Thinking of this, Lin Kaiyun couldn't help shaking his head, and drank the shochu in his hand.At this moment, Lin Kaiyun had almost eaten, and looked back at the few people just now, still discussing in a low voice.Lin Kaiyun shook his head with a smile, put a few copper coins on the table, and called out to the shop waiter who was still busy inside, "Sir, pay the bill."

After Lin Kaiyun finished speaking, he didn't continue to listen, mainly because of the rest, Lin Kaiyun didn't need to listen, because he knew what happened next.Afterwards, Lin Kaiyun left his seat directly.Of course, the amount of money Lin Kaiyun owed was only a lot more.

After drinking and eating, Lin Kaiyun walked leisurely on the streets of Zhangshi Town.

Lin Kaiyun looked left and right, and saw that both sides of the road were busy hawkers and pedestrians.

Suddenly, an inexplicable thought rose in Lin Kaiyun's heart.Because Lin Kaiyun suddenly thought of the end of the story told by the diners just now, and now it seems to be here again, that Mr. Zhang came out to do that sneaky thing.

Thinking about it again, there is nothing to do now, and I am very idle.Although Lin Kaiyun didn't have the intention of listening to the corner, but to save the honest people is also what a good person should do.Lin Kaiyun couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly as he thought about it.

Lin Kaiyun stopped and walked while thinking.

Suddenly, a familiar smell floated into Lin Kaiyun's nostrils.Lin Kaiyun followed the scent and saw that it was a wonton stall.

The owner of the wonton stall is an old woman who is nearly middle-aged. Although the old woman is very ugly, the clothes she wears are also full of patches.However, the craftsmanship of making wontons is excellent, and this taste seems to be the taste of wontons not far from my house when I was a child, which reminded Lin Kaiyun of the past.

Lin Kaiyun couldn't help but sat down on the wonton stand, "Miss Boss, here's a bowl of wontons."

As Lin Kaiyun spoke, he reached into his pocket, took out two copper coins, and handed them to the proprietress.The proprietress took the copper coins and said enthusiastically to Lin Kaiyun, "Wait a minute, the wontons are about to be cooked, and they are guaranteed to be delicious."

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