After half an hour,

The proprietress smiled, and brought a bowl of steaming wontons to the table in front of Lin Kaiyun, and said to Lin Kaiyun, "Guest officer, my wontons have thin skins and big fillings. If you eat them with my secret stewed meat, then that's fine." It's called Xiang."

Lin Kaiyun looked at the ravioli in front of him, and when he heard the proprietress's words, he couldn't help thinking, "Don't mention this proprietress, she's quite good at doing business." He didn't say much, after all, Lin Kaiyun was not a stingy person, so he gave it again. Lin Kaiyun five copper coins.

The proprietress took the copper plate again with a smile, and the smile on her face became even brighter. She turned around and took out a bowl full of lo mei from the big pot next to it, and politely brought it to Lin Kaiyun.

The proprietress has been setting up a stall on this street for many years, and the people who buy wontons are just ordinary people in this town.After all, if you are a distinguished person, you will not eat roadside stalls.And people from small families have to bargain with the proprietress not only for eating wontons, let alone stewed ones that are more expensive than wontons.

Now Lin Kaiyun not only did not negotiate the price, but instead looked at the price sign and paid directly. Lin Kaiyun is the first guest officer in history.Thinking of this, the proprietress became even more enthusiastic, and added an extra marinated egg to the bowl, and said to Lin Kaiyun with a smile, "My wontons and marinated eggs are very authentic, please take your time as a guest, call me anytime you need anything."

"Okay." Regarding the enthusiasm of the proprietress, Lin Kaiyun was also caught off guard. Looking at the bowl full of wontons in front of him and the boiled stew that was about to overflow, he couldn't help feeling a little surprised, because Lin Kaiyun didn't know what the proprietress was thinking. I think, but the attitude of the proprietress is very useful to Lin Kaiyun.

Lin Kaiyun smiled and picked up the chopsticks, picked up a wonton, and put it in his mouth.Although Lin Kaiyun had already eaten a lot not long ago, the wontons in front of him were really good. Lin Kaiyun ate most of them in a short time.

"Shut up!"

Lin Kaiyun was enjoying his meal when he heard a carriage pull aside.A chubby man stopped the carriage, jumped out of the carriage, and walked to the side of the wonton stand. He looked very simple and honest, and said to the proprietress with a smile,

"Miss Boss, here is a stewed stew, it's a good portion."

"Li Daudao, come to buy stewed stew again for Mr. Zhang?" The proprietress said with a smile, then picked up the oil paper box very familiarly, filled it with stewed stew, and said, "My stewed stew , when will you be short of weight. You should take it away this time?"

"Of course." This fat man is one of the male protagonists that everyone talked about in the restaurant before, Li Bold.

After Li boldly responded to the proprietress with a smile, he turned around and walked towards the carriage behind him.

When Lin Kaiyun heard the conversation between the two, he couldn't help feeling a little bit in his heart.Maybe this is fate, Lin Kaiyun can also meet Li Bold while eating wontons.

Lin Kaiyun looked up, this chubby man looked like everyone in the restaurant said, very simple and honest, but also a little silly.From a conscience point of view, it would be a strange thing for such an honest man to marry a beautiful woman and not be cuckolded.

This made Lin Kaiyun couldn't help thinking, Wu Dalang.

Lin Kaiyun saw that Li Bold walked to the side of the carriage very respectfully, and said to the people inside, "Master, we are here, let's get out of the carriage."

Li Boldly said while carefully pulling up the curtain of the carriage.

Chapter 487 Physical strength should be fine! ! !

For Li Bold, he is already very satisfied with his current life.Because in this era, it is very gratifying for Li Bold to have such a job.

Now whether it is windy or rainy, Li Bold will get the corresponding rewards, and the work is still very easy, but when Elder Zhang needs a car, he just drives the carriage for Elder Zhang.Therefore, I am extremely respectful to Mr. Zhang now.

When Li boldly opened the curtain, he saw a nearly 50-year-old man slowly walking out from the carriage. He was dressed gorgeously, and there was even a red fingernail-sized gem on the hat on his head.Aside from this gem, the silk and satin on the old man's body alone is enough for an ordinary family's expenses for a year.

"Master Zhang, please slow down."

Li boldly and courteously stepped forward, carefully stretched out his hand to support Mr. Zhang, and slowly got off the carriage.

Although this old man is only nearly 50 years old, he is also a middle-aged man in modern times, but in this era, he is nearly fifty years old, and he is already an old man. Although the old man is well maintained, his sideburns on both sides Already hanging a trace of white hair.

Grandpa Zhang looked at the chubby Li Bold in front of him. This Li Bold was not only stupid but also cheap.Serving people is still very attentive, so Master Zhang likes it very much.

What's more, there is a beautiful and slender daughter-in-law hidden in Li Bold's home. The smell reminds Mr. Zhang, and he feels happy in his heart.Compared with the women in Zhangshi Town, Li Bold's daughter-in-law can be regarded as the best in the world. Even if Mr. Zhang's family already has a third concubine, it is still difficult for Li Bold's daughter-in-law. forget.

Not only that, Elder Zhang felt that such behavior would make Elder Zhang feel a little bit of pleasure.After all, Mr. Zhang is nearly fifty years old, and when he does things, he will sometimes be unable to do what he wants.However, under the stimulation of Li Bold's daughter-in-law, this made Mr. Zhang very useful.

For Mr. Zhang, whether he was visiting a kiln or staying in the three concubines at home, it was a bit boring, as if something was missing.Besides, no matter what Master Zhang said now, he is also a celebrity in Zhangshi Town, so he can't always go to brothels.

That's why, to do ** is to set up a memorial archway.

Thinking of this, Mr. Zhang looked at Li Bold, who was respectful to him, and there was a meaningful smile on his face, "Li Bold, I'm not that old yet, it's okay, you go first."

Master Zhang wanted to say something more, but Li Boldly grabbed his head with his right hand, and said to Master Zhang very honestly, "I know everything, Master Zhang, as usual, I will come to pick you up in an hour. "

"Well, you really deserve to be my most important servant. You can make me feel at ease in whatever you do." Master Zhang raised his hand and patted Li Bold on the shoulder, and said to Li Boldly with a smile. to turn around.

"Wait a minute, master." Seeing that Master Zhang turned around and was about to leave, Li Boldly called out to Master Zhang anxiously.

When Mr. Zhang heard Li Boldly calling himself, he couldn't help being shocked, thinking, "Could it be that this Li Boldly knew something, why did he call me so suddenly? No, I have been very careful these days, this Li To be bold is to discover nothing in a short period of time."

Master Zhang was thinking, but his face was pretending to be calm, and the corner of his mouth raised a huge arc. He turned around slowly, looked at Li Bold and said, "What's wrong, Li Bold?"

Li Boldly turned around and walked quickly to the wonton stand just now, and took the braised stew from the proprietress' hand.Go directly to Master Zhang, hand it to Master Zhang, and say to Master Zhang with a smile, "Master, this is the stew you want, you forgot to take it."

"Haha, that's right." Master Zhang felt relieved when he heard Li Daudao's words.After taking the stewed stew from Li Boldly's hand, he turned and walked towards the restaurant beside him.

Seeing Mr. Zhang coming, the waiter at the restaurant greeted him very hospitablely, "Mr. Zhang, are you here? Hurry up and invite him inside."

"Okay, okay." Master Zhang nodded, and strode into the restaurant, because every time he came to this place, he couldn't wait for a certain part of his body.It seems that only this kind of secret thing can make Mr. Zhang return to the feeling of his youth.

The people in this restaurant, no matter from the owner of the restaurant or the waiter in the restaurant, when they saw Mr. Zhang coming here, they understood it by heart.Because this restaurant is just a passing place for Uncle Zhang, and every time Master Zhang uses this restaurant to go directly to Li Bold's back door.

Its journey is very simple and secret.Enter through the main entrance of the restaurant, then exit through the back door of the restaurant, pass through a passage, and then go straight to the back window of Li Bold's house.After an hour, go back the same way.

Lin Kaiyun took a panoramic view of the scene in front of him, and shook his head unconsciously.

Thinking about this hour, plus the time needed to go back and forth on the road, the rest of the time is reserved for Li Bold's daughter-in-law. Isn't this time a little nervous?

As Lin Kaiyun thought about it, he raised his eyes and saw that the path behind the restaurant was really not that close.Then according to the calculation just now, the body of this old man should really find a doctor to take good care of his body.

Lin Kaiyun couldn't help but sighed to the fat man not far away from him.This fat man looks very strong. In terms of physical strength, there should be no problem, right?But if this is not the case, how should Lin Kaiyun explain the fact that he saw?Could it be that the man in front of him is no match for that old man who is nearly fifty years old?

In his thoughts, Lin Kaiyun couldn't help but look up at Li Bold again, it doesn't make sense.

On the other side, after Mr. Zhang entered the restaurant, he followed the waiter to the back door of the restaurant.

"Xiao Rongzi, you performed well today. Here's it for you." Master Zhang poured out a small piece of broken silver from his purse, shook it in his hand, and then handed the broken silver to him. I went to the shop waiter.

Although Mr. Zhang is rich and is one of the richest businessmen in Zhangshi Town, he is a businessman after all. A businessman always puts money first, even if it is a reward, he does not give money at will.

However, this piece of broken silver, for the waiter in the shop, the broken silver given by Mr. Zhang is a full half a tael, which is fully worth the waiter's wages for a month.

The waiter in the shop saw that Master Zhang had paid out again to reward himself, and his face immediately beamed with joy.As long as Mr. Zhang comes over, the waiter in this shop will be the first to rush to the front, which is a wonderful meal for Mr. Zhang.The waiter in the shop is well aware of Mr. Zhang's affairs, and he is serious about serving Mr. Zhang, and it is not for nothing. Not only can he get rewards, although not every time, but he can be regarded as such, and he is familiar with Mr. Zhang. .After all, Mr. Zhang has a lot of property in Zhangshi Town.It is also very handy to run things in this town through Mr. Zhang.

The shop waiter took the money with a smile, and directly gave Master Zhang a deep respect.Master Zhang was even more happy when he saw the behavior of the waiter in the shop.

at the same time,

Li Bold has already sat down on the table next to Lin Kaiyun.I lit the incense that I just took off from the carriage. This incense is used to count the time.

Lin Kaiyun smiled and looked at the actions next to him, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart, this chubby and honest man was really serious when he did things, and even specially lit incense to calculate the time.

At this time, Li Bold still doesn't know that his wife is already waiting at home for a man other than Li Bold. This man is none other than Mr. Zhang who just sent him to the restaurant.However, I am still standing guard for Mr. Zhang, which is really annoying.

However, this Li Bold was still sitting here cheerfully. Not only that, but he turned his head to look at the busy proprietress beside him, and shouted in that thick voice, "Madam proprietress, give me some wontons."

Every time Li Bold, after sending Master Zhang off, he would order a bowl of wontons at the proprietress's wonton stand.

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