There are thirty wontons in a normal bowl, which is a big bowl full.But every time Li Daudao comes to eat wontons, he only needs fifteen wontons, half a bowl, but a bowl full of soup.

The reason why Li Bold is so small is that Lin Kaiyun can't figure it out, Li Bold has such a big body, how can he be full with just half a bowl of wontons.Lin Kaiyun was thinking like this, but when he heard the proprietress at the side ask Lin Kaiyun's doubts,

"Li Daudao, you said that you would eat half a bowl as soon as you arrived at my place. You work for Mr. Zhang, and you have nothing to say about your wages. Why do you still deduct it like this? You can't afford it?"

When Li Bold heard what the proprietress said, he couldn't help but a smile appeared on his face, and said very embarrassedly, "Haha, although I am working for Mr. Zhang, I should save some money. My daughter-in-law met on the street a while ago." I won a hairpin, I should save some money."

Li boldly said, feeling a little happy in his heart, as long as he thought of the flowery daughter-in-law at home, waiting for him, the smile on his face would be even brighter.

Lin Kaiyun couldn't help sighing when he heard Li Boldly's words.Lin Kaiyun ate the last wonton, but still didn't intend to leave. Instead, he waved to the proprietress and asked for another wonton.Wouldn't it be boring to bring it in Zhangshi Town by myself without any interesting things.

The proprietress couldn't help smiling when she heard Li Daudao's words, she was also a woman.My own husband also pulls carts for rich people, so it can be said that he feels the same way now.Looking at this stupid man in front of him, pampering his wife so much, he couldn't help but think of what his old man told him a few days ago.

The proprietress thought about it, she put two more wontons in her hand for Li Bold, brought the wontons in front of Li Bold, and said with a smile,

"Eat. I added two more for you. Eat more." Perhaps, that's all the proprietress can do at this time.

At this moment, the landlady's husband returned with a young man.This man was also a cart driver with sharp eyes, so he saw Li Bold sitting beside him.He directly pulled the proprietress' husband to a separate small table and sat down.

Seeing her husband and co-workers coming, the proprietress served two large bowls of wontons, brought them over, and said with a smile, "You two, why did you come back so early today?"

Before the proprietress could speak, the man said directly, "Sister-in-law, you don't know, my brother and I would work late today, but who knows, the concubine raised by our master suddenly loses his temper Well, our master can only let go of his own affairs and coax the concubine, we are also happy to be at ease."

As the man said, he took a large bowl of wontons from the proprietress's hand very unceremoniously, started to eat, and winked at the proprietress's husband who was sitting opposite, "Brother, do you think so? I said, such a rich master likes to do this kind of thing."

"No." The proprietress's husband nodded with a smile, and gave the man a wink, indicating that Li Bold was sitting next to him, and this matter should not be talked about nonsense.

This Zhangshi town is neither big nor small, but most of the people in this town have lived here for generations, so whoever has any lace affairs will inevitably become the gossip of the big guys.

Lin Kaiyun sat at the side, quietly eating wontons, and couldn't help feeling that the atmosphere at the scene was always weird.Looking at Li Bold beside him who was munching on wontons, Lin Kaiyun, an outsider, couldn't help being a little embarrassed for him.

And that man, it wasn't that there was anything wrong with it, it was all because he didn't see the look the proprietress's husband gave him, but instead said loudly,

"Brother, there is one thing you may not know. Who is that little concubine our master raised outside?"

"Why, do you know who it is?" The proprietress' husband looked at the man curiously and asked.Because few people knew about the master raising concubines outside, the master kept it very secret.

"Let me tell you, that woman is a married woman, and that woman's husband, just like us, is also a driver who pulls a cart." The man said, his voice became louder and louder, and his eyes were still fixed. Xiang Li was bold, with an expression on his face that he didn't want others to know.But the reality is that it is clearly insinuating.

The proprietress's husband didn't understand what the man meant, and continued to ask, "Is what you said true? We drive together every day, why don't I know?"

"You don't know that, once I passed by the street ahead, saw the figure of the master, and hurried to the coachman's house." The man said, and pointed in the direction of Li Bold's house.

The husband of the proprietress didn't believe what the man said, because he had heard the master's housekeeper accidentally say that the woman who was taking care of his master was just a young woman, not a married woman.

Chapter 488 Do a Good Deed

That's why the proprietress' husband was very puzzled, so he opened his mouth to retort, "No, but how did I hear that the master's outer room is a young woman, didn't we give your woman a bright color before?" Cloth, doesn’t it look like a woman’s color?” The proprietress’s husband said, holding the chopsticks and pointing to the other side, then pointing in the direction of Li Bold’s house, and continued,

"Besides, the master's outhouse lives here, not here."

The proprietress saw the conversation between the two, glanced at Li Bold, and saw that Li Bold was not paying attention to her husband, so she stood in front of her husband and said, "You two, don't say that those who are not Yes, it's better not to talk about the matter of the master's house."

The proprietress's husband is also an honest person, and the proprietress has been setting up a stall for so long, she has read and listened to a lot of worldly wisdom, and when she heard the man's words getting more and more wrong, she knew that it meant something else, so she Just interrupt it.

The proprietress raised her hand and patted her husband's body, and said in a strong voice, "You can't stop your mouth if you eat it. As a big man, you want to work hard and earn money here, chewing on the master's tongue. Really."

When Lin Kaiyun heard what the proprietress said, he couldn't help giving the proprietress a thumbs up. Although the proprietress was ugly, she was very transparent.Seeing my husband's co-worker speak ill of him in front of the person involved, he was unhappy, but he didn't express it directly.Instead, he talked about the man in his own family.

When the man heard what the proprietress said, he immediately understood what the proprietress said, and instantly understood what it meant.As soon as he rolled his eyes, a flattering smile appeared on his face. After all, he relied on his closeness to the proprietress's husband to eat wontons here, but he never spent a penny.

The man thought about it, put a large mouthful of wonton into his mouth, and said to the proprietress, "Sister-in-law's reward is that we workers can't talk about the master behind our backs." After the man finished speaking, he pointed to the empty space in front of him. Bowl, said with a smile,

"Sister-in-law's craftsmanship is getting better and better. Look, I can't get enough of this."

When the proprietress heard that the man had given in, she didn't say anything more. After all, her husband would still work with him in the future. Her husband was an honest man, and there were not many people who could talk to him.So he directly picked up the man's empty bowl and said with a smile,

"Haha, then sister-in-law will serve you another bowl."

Lin Kaiyun looked at him with a smile, and couldn't help sighing, why is it like this in this era?Don't all honest men have such human rights?

Li Bold had actually heard the conversation on the side, and he couldn't help but feel a little inexplicable, but he didn't know what was wrong, and the facial features on his face seemed to be tangled together.Even the wontons in his mouth lost their original taste.

Lin Kaiyun didn't know if he should, so he reminded Li Bold who was next to him.

The more Li Bold thought about it, the more something was wrong with you, turned around and looked at the man who was still serving out wontons, Mourning was taken aback for a moment.At this time, the man had already noticed it, and Li Bold's eyes tightened involuntarily.

This Li Bold, looks so strong, if this Li Bold can't figure it out for a while, and fights with himself, the two of them are not his opponents, you know, this Li Bold has great strength, but he is well-known ah.I was also impulsive just now, I don't know why I told the matter of his wife and Ren Stone, it was also a momentary quick talk.Now that I think about it, I really regret it. My daughter-in-law did that scandal and it has nothing to do with me.

The man thought, the dark color on his face made him nervous and scared.

Lin Kaiyun shook his head, forget it, let's do a good deed today!

Lin Kaiyun thought about it, took his wonton bowl, got up and sat next to Li Bold.

Seeing Lin Kaiyun approaching, Li Bold was very surprised, thinking in his heart, "This brother looks like a Taoist priest, could it be that I have been friends with him? I can't, I have never believed in Buddhism or faith. Didn't you see it when Mr. Zhang's family practiced things before?"

Li Boldly thought about it, and couldn't help but ask, "Sir, do you know me?"

"I don't know." Lin Kaiyun said directly.

Li Bold heard Lin Kaiyun's words, didn't he know him?Then what is he doing sitting here?Is there something you want from me?Li Boldly thought about it, then looked at himself up and down, he was not a rich man, and there was nothing to lie to.

Lin Kaiyun looked at the doubts on Li Bold's face, and said with a smile, "Brother, your home is near here, right?"

"Why are you asking this?" Li Bold looked at Lin Kaiyun in confusion. Although Li Bold's name was Bold and he was tall and burly like a snake fan, his temperament was not very courageous.

Lin Kaiyun shook his head involuntarily, and threw a big wonton into his mouth.This Li Bold is really stupid. The buddy next to him understood what he said so clearly, but this stupid guy still doesn't understand. If he has a brain in everything, he can know that he is talking about him.Lin Kaiyun thought about it, swallowed the wontons unhurriedly, and said,

"I think you should go home, maybe there are some surprises waiting for you."

After Lin Kaiyun finished speaking, his eyes couldn't help but look in the direction of Li Bold's family.

"How do you know where my home is? Who are you and what are you going to do?" Li Boldly became nervous when he saw Lin Kaiyun's movements.Looking at Lin Kaiyun suspiciously, as if Lin Kaiyun in front of him was plotting against him, when he thought of his lovely wife at home, he became even more nervous. Could it be that the man in front of him is coveting his wife?

Lin Kaiyun watched Li Bold's expression change, and he knew what Li Bold was thinking at a glance. According to Lin Kaiyun, this Li Bold just changed his name, don't call him Li Bold, just call him Li Fool.Lin Kaiyun thought about it and replied,

"Don't worry, you don't have anything for me to calculate. Besides, the person who wants to calculate you is not me. You, I don't want to know who you are now, so I can't."

After Lin Kaiyun finished speaking, he looked down at the incense that Li Boldly lit, most of it had been burned.

Hearing Lin Kaiyun's words, Li Boldly was stunned for a moment, then turned his head to look at the man behind him, only to see that the man turned his head directly when he saw Li Boldly looking at him.It was only at this time that Li Boldly realized that the story that the man told just now, could it be something that happened to him?

In an instant,

Li Boldly took out the copper coins and put them on the table. Then he got up in a panic and ran back to his home. He didn't even care that his carriage was still parked.

Lin Kaiyun looked at Li Bold and flustered, and didn't find it funny.Lin Kaiyun thought that this guy would understand only if he said it clearly.Unexpectedly, as soon as he said something, Li Boldly understood that he was still cute and silly.

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