"I am a person who inherits Maoshan. My master and I did divination together last night. We figured out that you are doomed today, and asked me to collect your body for you."

"Why did you even make up your master? Isn't he also a Taoist priest?" Li laughed and joked at the Taoist priest in front of him.

"Of course, my master is a famous sorcerer." The Taoist said confidently when Li boldly mentioned his master.

"Haha, I know what you guys are doing. Isn't it just catching ghosts and fulfilling wishes for people? From time to time, you dance like a master? I tell you, I don't believe this." Li Boldly said this, but he was muttering in his heart stand up.

491 Chapter Yizhuang

Li Bold couldn't help thinking that even if what the person in front of him said was true, he couldn't just run away because of the five taels of silver. Money, to compensate others.

Li Boldly thought about it, and turned his head to look at the Taoist priest, "This Taoist priest, if you let me believe you, it will not be difficult, as long as you can conjure money, I will believe what you say."

"If I can turn money into money, why would I come out and collect corpses for others?"

The Taoist directly refuted Li Bold, reached out and took out two yellow charms from his arms, looked at them with a smile on his face, and continued to say to Li Bold,

"I can't afford the money spent by changing people, but I can give you a dozen of the money spent by dead people in minutes.

How about it?I'll show you right now? "

When Li Bold heard that he could conjure money from dead people, it was fine, he nodded to the Taoist priest and said, "As long as you can conjure money, it doesn't matter whether it is spent by living people or dead people, I will believe it, how about you? "

"Okay, then I'll make a change. Come out and let you see." The Taoist said and threw the spell in his hand into the air, and saw the Taoist chanting some spell in the air, and it burned directly, leaving ashes Landing on the ground, Li Daudao was about to laugh, but he saw it.That spell burns.It falls to the ground in small pieces and turns into pieces of ghost coins.

When Li Bold saw this scene, his eyes suddenly went blank and he rubbed his eyes, his body couldn't help being startled, this really happened.Li boldly swallowed his saliva involuntarily, the fear in his heart welled up, he looked at the Taoist priest and said,

"Daoist, what you just said is true? Is there any way you can help me?" Li Bold was already very anxious at this time, so he asked the Taoist.

"You call me Daoist Qian, that's it. To save you, the solution is actually very simple." Daoist Qian puffed up his chest as he said.

"Daoist Qian, you are really powerful, so you must save me." Li Boldly said, and gave Qian Daoist in front of him a deep bow.

Seeing this situation, Daoist Qian looked like he didn't take himself seriously just now, but now he is very respectful, which made Daoist Qian very proud.Then he casually talked about the way to save Li Bold, and said, "It's actually very simple, you just turn around and go home now, and sleep with your wife in your arms, and no one can do anything to you. It's easy for me."

"You can. If I go back now, what should I do with the bet I made with others? Don't I just admit defeat? Besides, I can't afford five taels of silver to pay others."

When Li Boldly thought about it, he should have earned five taels of silver easily, but now he wants to give money to others in reverse, and it hurts to think about it.What's more serious is my own reputation. If I go out in the future, I won't have any face. Besides, I might be ridiculed wherever I go.

"Then I have nothing to do." Daoist Qian shook his head, looked at Li Bold in front of him, and paused again, "However, your chance of surviving is not [-]%."

Daoist Qian looked at Li Bold, and continued unhurriedly, "However, if you want to live, there is a way, but you have to do as I said, so as to keep your name, if you don't If you follow my method, your life will definitely be lost."

"Just say it, Daoist Qian, I will definitely listen to you." Li Bolder nodded to Daoist Qian immediately, as if he could see the light of tomorrow in his eyes.

"Then listen carefully."

Daoist Qian walked around Li Bold while talking, "When it's completely dark, nothing will happen before the second watch."

Daoist Qian counted his fingers while talking, "So you must climb up to the main beam of the house beam before the third watch, lie down on the center of the main beam, and don't move no matter what happens in the house.

As soon as the fourth watch arrives, you immediately jump off the beam and lie directly under the second coffin from the left.Do not move your body at all.If something is close to your head, you hold your breath.

Until the fourth watch passes, the sky gradually dawns at the fifth watch, as long as you hear the first rooster crow, you will be safe. "

Li Boldly listened to Daoist Qian's words carefully, and after silently reading it several times in his heart, he finally felt relieved, for fear of missing something.

"Thank you Daoist Qian. If I can survive tonight, then I will treat you to a drink tomorrow."

Daoist Qian waved to Li Bolder, not expecting him to buy him a drink, but turned around and went back home.

Li boldly scratched his head, looked at the back of Daoist Qian leaving, and felt that what happened just now was very mysterious. Since his life can be saved tonight, there is nothing to be afraid of, so he went directly to Yizhuang direction.

Not long after, at the gate of Yizhuang, the bamboo poles were already waiting there. Seeing that Li Bold hadn't come yet, his face was full of anxiety.

Could this guy be cowardly? Could it be that his ten taels of silver just went to waste?

"Brother, you've come a long time ago." Li Boldly waved to the bamboo pole.

"I came here not so early. I've been waiting for you for a long time. I thought you didn't dare to come. It's already dark." Zhu Gan was very excited when he saw Li Daudao at this time, and he stepped forward to grab Li Dada , the emotions now are real.

"No way, I, Li Da, always keep my word. What is that called? Once a word is said, it is hard to follow. I will go in now, prepare the money, and we will split half and half tomorrow." Li Boldly disapproved Laughing, he turned around and was about to walk into Yizhuang.

"Brother Bold, don't worry, I'll come over early tomorrow morning, waiting for you, let's go drink." Zhu Ganzi said like Li Bold, giving a thumbs up, looking at Li Bold's back and walking in After entering Yizhuang, I feel refreshed in my heart.

I have already entered here, and I went straight forward, closed the gate of Yizhuang, and did not forget before leaving, took out the chain of the lock dog, tied it tightly to the gate of the clothes, and muttered to myself,

"I'm also helping others. You offended someone yourself, but you can't blame others. Just resign yourself to fate. In your next life, you must entrust a smart person. Don't be so stupid."

After the bamboo pole finished speaking, he tugged at the lock on the door, fearing that it wasn't locked tightly, so he walked towards Zhangshi Town, and came back tomorrow to take a look, and the money was securely in hand.

After Li Bolder stepped into the cloth house, he didn't take it seriously when he heard the sound of locking the door outside. Instead, he couldn't help being surprised when he saw the scene in front of him.

The coffins scattered all over the yard, coupled with the dark atmosphere at night, when the wind blows, an unpleasant smell of decay blows towards the face. At this time, it is very gloomy and terrifying, which makes Li boldly tremble. .

Although the sky hadn't completely darkened yet, it still felt chilly.

Li Boldly raised the wine jar in his hand, took a big sip, turned back and pushed the door, only to find that the door was really locked, he couldn't help but feel a little sad. He locked the door, which also made his heart feel a little chilly.

Li boldly looked at the sun that had just set in the west, and there was still a hint of blush on the horizon. Seeing that it was still early, he drank it directly, took another sip, found a relatively comfortable place, and said while doing it, "The distance between Daoist Qian The time mentioned is still early, it is better to squint for a while. The time will pass faster then."

This Li Bolder was also very big-hearted, he leaned on the pillar and fell asleep directly.

But Li Bold didn't know that there was another person besides him in this incident, that was Lin Kaiyun, Lin Kaiyun just used a blindfold to hide his body.

Seeing that Li Bold fell asleep with such a big heart, he continued to meditate.

It is said that in the courtyard of the Zhang Mansion, Zhao Quan has already set up a magic circle, and everything is ready.

"Pindao, I've already prepared it. Master Zhang, just look at it. As long as the poor dao casts a spell, then Li Daoer's unique skills will not be able to survive the fourth watch." At this time, Zhao Quan was holding a mahogany sword in his hand, and he was very angry with Master Zhang. said respectfully.

Master Zhang looked at the battle in front of him, but he didn't have much confidence in his heart. Master Zhang still had a skeptical view on this, because he had never seen the horror of Maoshan Taoism with his own eyes.

No matter what, Li Bolder has become a stumbling block in Master Zhang's heart.

"Master Daoist, I'm still a long way from Yizhuang, so you can kill Li Daudao here?" Master Zhang expressed his doubts.

"Master Zhang, you don't understand now, haha, the formation of formations doesn't care about the distance, as long as the magic power is high, you can directly obtain human nature.

Since I have accepted your money from Life Channel, I will definitely eliminate this disaster for you. "Zhao Quan swung his mahogany sword twice in front of Mr. Zhang, and said very confidently.

When grandpa heard this, he seemed to have a little confidence in his heart, so he turned around and sat down on the main seat on the side.

Time passed like this, however.In the yard of Yizhuang, Li Dadarer was still soundly asleep.

Lin Kaiyun had already opened his eyes at this time, looked at the time, the second watch was coming soon, and then looked up, Li Daudao's state at this time was no different from a dead pig, only to be sent a knife If this continues, he will surely die.

When Li Bold approached Yizhuang, Lin Kaiyun sensed the existence of other Maoshan Taoist priests, and knew that someone had pointed out Li Bold, but seeing the person in front of him even if he had been pointed out by someone, so what? If you don't follow what others say, you will die.

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