Lin Kaiyun thought for a while, and quickly woke up this guy.

Lin Kaiyun thought about it, raised his hand and pointed, and a strong wind hit the tile above the head of the big bag.


Following the direction of Lin Kaiyun's finger, a string of tiles fell directly from the roof. Of course, Lin Kaiyun was measured, and the tiles fell directly beside Li Daudao.


When Li Bolder heard the sound of tiles falling to the ground and shattering, he couldn't help being startled, screamed, then opened his eyes, and looked around vigilantly.

At this time, it was already pitch black in Yizhuang. Li Boldly looked for the source of the sound just now, and then directly lowered his head and kicked the tiles. Otherwise, I really won’t be able to see the sun of tomorrow.”

After [-] minutes, Li Ting took two steps to the side and looked up, estimated the time, and yelled inwardly, "It will be the third watch soon.

Daoist Qian said that nothing will happen before the third watch, and once it is the third watch, it will be difficult to handle. "

While thinking this way, Li Boldly strode directly into the house.

Now it is better to believe in what is there than to believe in what is not. No matter what, you have to save your own life first.

At this time, Li was bold.The movement was so fast, he pushed open the door of Yizhuang and went straight into the house, looked around, and went straight to the main beam in the middle.

Lin Kaiyun, who was outside the house, also flashed to the house with Li Bold and looked at the fat Li Bold, and couldn't help being surprised, it turns out that the fat man can still move so flexibly.

In Zhang's mansion,

The watchmen outside had already sounded the gongs and drums for the third watch. Zhao Quan put down the teacup in his hand at this moment, bowed his hands to Master Zhang, and walked directly to the center of his magic circle.

The breeze gently blew past the leaders on the table, rustling.Zhao Quan picked up the mahogany sword and pointed to a small coffin facing the table, which was in the air.After drawing two circles, Zhao Quan turned around, picked up the writing brush stained with cinnabar on the table, and began to draw spells on the yellow paper.

"Shh! Shh! Shh!"

With a big wave of Zhao Quan's hand, more than a dozen spells were painted.Then he cast the spell, and Zhao Quan chanted the spell,

"Hurry up like a law, hurry! hurry! hurry!"

With the movement of Zhao Quan's lips, some black rays of light suddenly appeared on his body, these rays of light condensed and formed in the air, and finally gathered into Zhao Quan's hands slowly.

After that, Zhao Quan used the mahogany sword in his hand to stir up the special cracked copper coin square array on the table and scattered it in the air.After waving the mahogany sword twice in the air, the few copper coins became even and landed on the small coffin covered with charms.


Just after the copper coins settled down, the charm affixed to the coffin shone with golden light, and then the coffin lid was ejected with a bang.

However, at the same time, Yizhuang, which was originally very quiet, was also awakened by this loud noise.

The coffin lids in Yizhuang's courtyard seemed to bounce upwards together, flew into the air and hit the ground heavily.

And Li Bold, who was lying on the beam of the house, was just about to pick up the wine jar to take a sip of wine to suppress his shock, when he heard the loud noise outside, the wine jar in his hand slipped directly, fell to the ground and smashed into pieces.

He was quite calm at first, but when Li Bold heard this voice, he was so frightened that he didn't dare to speak, as if his breathing was all wrong.He directly covered his mouth with both hands, as if every inch of fat on his body was firmly grasped on the beam, not daring to relax for a moment.

However, at the same time, more terrifying things are still happening quietly. Under the faint moonlight, Yizhuang.In the coffin in the yard, a figure stood up, jumped up and jumped out of the coffin.

Chapter 492

Lin Kaiyun looked at the corpses that jumped out of the coffins, all of them were wearing official uniforms of the Qing Dynasty. They were clearly zombies left over from ancient times. He did not expect to appear in this small Zhangshi Town.

When Lin Kaiyun first entered Yizhuang, he felt that there was a foreign object in the coffin.But he didn't feel the fluctuation of spiritual power. Obviously, the target of this foreign object was not Lin Kaiyun, so Lin Kaiyun didn't bother with it. After all, Lin Kaiyun is also a person who cultivates the Tao, and the heavens have the virtue of good life, Lin Kaiyun is not just killing indiscriminately innocent people.

After all, all the corpses in this cemetery are family members. Even if they turned into zombies, as long as there is no harm, the best choice is to let the family members go to the ground for peace.

Thinking of this, Lin Kaiyun couldn't help secretly laughing twice.

However, Lin Kaiyun looked at the zombies that jumped out, and he would not make a move easily.

But Li Bold on the beam, his heart was beating non-stop, as if it was about to pop out of his throat.A few days ago, I almost didn't get involved by a few of my friends, and made a company with ghosts.Now he is going to be the appetizer of the zombies. Why did Li Bold catch up to him in the recent unlucky events.

The more Li Bold thought about it now, the more frightened he became. He couldn't help but be grateful to Daoist Qian whom he met today. Fortunately, he was very lucky, and the Daoist also told him how to survive today.I also follow Daoist Qian's method, otherwise I really will die soon.

But Li Bold still can't feel at ease now. After all, he doesn't know how long he will hide on this beam. When he thinks of this, Li Bold is very troubled in his heart, and the sweat on his face keeps pouring out, even a few drops The disobedient fell directly to the ground.

at the same time,

Zhao Quan was too tired to speak at this time, after all, he is now remotely controlling the zombies in this Yizhuang, which is not an easy task.

But no matter how hard and tiring he is, he still intends to grit his teeth and persevere. As long as he controls the zombies in Yizhuang and kills the man named Li Bold, he won't have to worry about it anymore.

But what he never expected was that he couldn't feel the presence of Li Bold in Yizhuang. trace.

In the end, Zhao Quan was so exhausted that he had to give up his plan to control all the zombies in the pile, let a few zombies return to the coffin, and only controlled two zombies to find Li Bold's location.

But to his disappointment, he didn't find Li Bold, and he couldn't feel any living person's breath in Yizhuang.

"Damn it!"

Zhao Quan scolded.

He couldn't help thinking in his heart, could it be that boss Li ran away, but it's impossible.

At this moment, Mr. Zhang, who had been standing behind him watching, couldn't help asking,

"What's the matter with Daoist Zhao? Is Li Bold dead or not? I see that you are sweating profusely. You must have succeeded, right?"

It's not that Mr. Zhang doesn't believe in Zhao Quan, but judging by his current appearance, he seems to be in some trouble.

And Zhao Quan didn't know what to say. After all, he didn't expect that the zombie he controlled would not be able to feel the presence of Li Bold.

Zhao Quan looked at Master Zhang's face, nodded his head forcefully, and then said,

"Master Zhang, don't worry, I just want to kill Li Bold directly and cleanly, so I am more cautious."

After hearing Zhao Quan's words, Mr. Zhang didn't ask too much. Anyway, no matter what the process is, as long as Li Bold can be killed smoothly in the end.

At the same time, in Yizhuang, Li Bold was still nervously hiding on the beam, his heart was beating thumping, as if it had jumped out of his throat, his whole body was soaked, as if he had just Like being pulled out of the water, the water dripped continuously.

Li Boldly couldn't control the drop of these beads of sweat. In other words, if this continues, the sweat on Li Boldly's body will fall on the zombies sooner or later.

Li Bold also thought of this, so he gritted his teeth and moved carefully, hoping to rub all the sweat on his body on the beams.

However, the sky does not follow people's wishes.

Li Boldly thought very well, but when he moved, a drop of sweat happened to fall on the top of the zombie's head.

Even through the hat, Zhao Quan, who controlled the zombies, discovered it.

"Haha! I found you!"

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