Zhao Quan was about to lose his patience, but he discovered Li Bold's trace, which made him very happy, even ecstatic, and he laughed directly regardless of the feelings of Master Zhang behind him.

"Hahaha, since I'm looking for you, let's go die!"

"Although I have been playing tricks on me for so long, I am very kind, and I will let you die quickly and quickly."

Zhao Quan smirked, and controlled the zombie to jump onto the beam.

And Li Bold was scared to pee when he saw this scene, grandma, didn't the Taoist say that it's okay to hide on the beams?How could it still be discovered?

It's dead now.

Li Bold was so frightened that he was at a loss. He didn't know what to do. After all, although he was called Li Bold, he was not too courageous. In addition, he had been squatting on the beam of the house, and now his hands and feet were numb, so he couldn't go there. dodge.

The zombie controlled by Zhao Quan went on a rampage. He didn't have the patience to catch Li Bold, and broke the beam directly.

Li boldly swiped his foot and fell directly to the ground.

Fortunately, the fat on Li Bold's body played a good role in shock absorption, otherwise he would have fallen to his death.

However, those zombies will not be polite. Seeing Li Bold falling to the ground, they rushed towards Li Bold.

He opened his sharp claws and grabbed Li Boldly.

Seeing this scene, Li Bold was also terrified. He didn't know what to do. After all, he didn't have the slightest idea now, and he didn't know what to do.

Fortunately, Li Bold knew some punching skills, and in his haste, he actually triggered his muscle memory and avoided it.

The zombie missed the blow, and jumped up again, rushing towards Li Boldly again.

Seeing this situation, Li Bold did his best, constantly dodging and dodging the attacks of those zombies, but his speed was nowhere faster than those zombies, and within a short while, Li Bold was thrown by a zombie.

Li boldly hugged the zombie's neck with both hands, and then kicked the zombie's head with his back legs, pressing it hard to the ground.

It has to be said that Li Bold's strength is quite great.

However, although the zombie's skin is very hard, Li Bold has no way to hurt the zombie.

"Why is this like iron!"

Li Boldly cursed angrily, and punched the zombie on the forehead,

He didn't expect that the zombie's skin was so strong.

Li Bold's fist hit the zombie's head fiercely, making a loud bang, but it didn't have the slightest effect on the zombie. Instead, Li Bold's fist was directly hit by the zombie It hurts so much.

Li boldly saw that his fist could not do any damage to the zombie at all, so he prepared to run away.

"Grandma, there are still two tricks!"

Zhao Quan, who was controlling the zombies on the other side, cursed secretly, gritted his teeth, and controlled several zombies in the coffin, and rushed towards Li Bold one after another

Li Bold felt the voice coming from behind him, his face turned pale with fright, and he quickly rolled over to avoid the pursuit of those zombies.

Unfortunately, he was able to hide from the first day of the junior high school, but not the fifteenth day. Finally, after the third zombie threw down Li Bold, the zombie controlled by Zhao Quan had already come to Li Bold's back, opened its bloody mouth, and directly shot at Li Bold. On Bold's neck, he bit it.

And Lin Kaiyun, who had been watching the bustle in the dark, saw that Li Daudao's life was hanging by a thread, so he didn't plan to sit on the sidelines, and shot directly.

I saw that Lin Kaiyun rushed into the yizhuang in one step, jumped directly on the zombie's back, and then stepped on the zombie's shoulders with both feet.

There was only a click, a series of bone shattering sounds resounding in Yi Zhuang, and the zombie also lay on the ground directly.

Lin Kaiyun casually picked up Li Bold and threw him to a safe corner.

Originally, Li Bold thought that he was going to die, but he never expected that he survived.

Although being thrown was a mess, it was much better than being eaten by zombies.

Li boldly rubbed his eyes, trying to wake himself up, and looked at the figure who saved him.

"This person? I seem to have seen it before!!!"

Li Bold looked at Lin Kaiyun's figure and remembered that he had indeed seen Lin Kaiyun before.

"You saved me, thank you so much!"

Li boldly thanked him quickly, but because he was too excited, he spoke very fast, so that what he said became incoherent, which sounded weird.


Lin Kaiyun turned his head to look at Li Bold and made a silent gesture.

After Li Bold saw Lin Kaiyun's gesture, he naturally understood, but why didn't he let him speak?

After thinking for a while, Li Bold didn't think too much, anyway, he would do whatever Lin Kaiyun asked him to do at this moment.

Although Lin Kaiyun killed one zombie, the remaining zombies didn't look angry at all, nor did they look to seek revenge on Lin Kaiyun.

Instead, he continued to pounce on Li Bold.

"Mom! What's going on!"

Li boldly wanted to cry when he saw this, why did these zombies come running towards him!

However, he could only dodge, but those zombies were chasing after them fiercely, and they didn't give Li Bold a chance to breathe.

Although the place of Yizhuang is not small, Li Bold is gradually exhausted, and he is about to be caught by zombies.

"Oh, it seems that I am suffering from exhaustion!!!"

Lin Kaiyun couldn't just leave him alone, and besides, Li Daudao had a very good impression on him.

Seeing that Lin Kaiyun was coming to help him, Li Bold was overjoyed, and quickly waved his arms at Lin Kaiyun a few times!

"move back!"

After Lin Kaiyun roared, he jumped up from the ground, and then slapped those zombies with his palm.

Lin Kaiyun slapped it, and the zombie who was close to Li Bold was sent flying.

Zhao Quan, who was controlling the zombie, felt that someone was making trouble, bit the tip of his tongue angrily, and spat blood on the ground.

"Damn it, you're so nosy, you're courting death!"

The rest of the zombies opened their mouths and spewed out black smoke, wrapping towards Lin Kaiyun.

When seeing these two strands of black smoke, Lin Kaiyun frowned slightly, and cursed in his heart: "What is this!"

Lin Kaiyun didn't dare to be negligent, and with a shake of his figure, he retreated a few meters away, avoiding the two puffs of black smoke.

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