"You don't need to look, you have to trust your eyes." It was Lin Kaiyun who spoke, and Lin Kaiyun didn't tell Li Bold that he just walked into his own magic circle.Of course, he didn't refute Li Bold's conjecture, so there's nothing wrong with letting Li Bold think so.Lin Kaiyun snorted coldly and continued,

"I will show up when it gets dark today. Just prepare the bronze mirror and things to lure the female ghost before nightfall."

As soon as Lin Kaiyun's voice fell, the bamboo pole pushed the door open.He poked his head and kept looking inside, looking for traces of Li Bold, and seeing that Li Bold was still alive, he couldn't help but see some differences in his eyes.

how can that be possible?How could Li Daduan be still alive? Daoist Zhao Quan is a capable person. I have seen it before, but he didn't kill Li Boldly.

Leaving aside the fact that I will lose five taels of silver, is it possible that I can't even get the rest of the money?

Bamboo Pole looked around the week while thinking.Especially the beams on the roof that were thicker than his waist were all broken.

Looking down again, the pillar supporting the house was also broken aside, and the crack was clearly formed just now.Looking at the scene in front of him, the bamboo pole couldn't help being shocked,

Could it be that Li Bold's kung fu is so outstanding, why haven't I heard of it before?

The bamboo pole walked forward slowly, seeing that the lids of the coffins in the yard were all open, he couldn't help being curious, looked at his head, and carefully looked inside.

Seeing the pale face of the zombie inside baring its teeth, it was horrifying. With just one glance, the bamboo pole immediately took a few steps back, feeling extremely terrified in his heart, and once again lamented Li Daudao's tough life.

However, Li Bold, who was standing on the other side, hadn't recovered from Lin Kaiyun's disappearance just now.

Li Bolder was still thinking, what kind of shit luck did he have, to be able to meet an expert outside the world.

In addition to being shocked, Li Boldly recited silently for a while about what Lin Kaiyun ordered him to do just now.

Although Li Bold has no education, he saw a female ghost a few days ago, and this time he encountered a zombie, and even a mysterious expert helped him. This made Li Bold feel awed by it.Li boldly swore secretly that he would never bet with others again, because he was frightened by ghosts.

At this time, Li Boldly believed that his life belonged to Lin Kaiyun. As long as Lin Kaiyun confessed, even if he lost his life, he would repay it.

What's more, Lin Kaiyun also promised Li Bold to rescue his friend. Although the chance of Li Bold's friend's survival is very slim, it can be regarded as an explanation in his heart.

"Oh, Li Bold, you are not bad, I admire you even more now, you are indeed the most courageous person in Zhangshi Town!"

The praise of the bamboo pole rang in Li Bold's ears, Zhu Ganzi couldn't help giving a thumbs up in his heart, and took out five taels of silver from his pocket, and handed it to Li Bold.

At this time, Li Bold's eyes were a little dull, and he turned his head to look at the bamboo pole in a dull manner.

As the bamboo pole came in, a gust of wind blew into the room from the outside, which made Li Bold tremble.It also made Li boldly realize how happy it is to be alive and able to breathe air.

Li Bold didn't pay attention to the bamboo pole that greeted him, he didn't know what he was thinking, and walked towards the outside of Yizhuang in a daze.

"I said, brother, what's wrong with you? Could it be that you were scared stupid by the zombies? Why don't you talk?"

Seeing Li Boldly doing this, Zhu Ganzi quickly followed him, turning his eyes left and right, thinking that Daoist Zhao Quan found out what he said last night, and Zhao Quan told him that as long as he can do one more thing for him, not only the remaining balance will be paid. Give the bamboo pole together, but also pay the bamboo pole 50 taels of silver.

Bamboo Pole was reluctant at first, but he thought that not only would he get the money he would get later, but he would also be able to earn 50 taels more. This kind of easy job, he naturally couldn't shirk it.The success or failure of the matter depends on what Li Bold thinks.

After Li Bolder took the five taels of silver handed over by the bamboo pole, he held it firmly in his hand. He must keep the money, looked at the bamboo pole with a dazed expression, and said,

"Brother, this matter is over, do you have anything else to do?"

Li Bold was really not happy at all about Zhu Ganzi's praise.

"Bold brother, your courage really opened my eyes. How about I take a gamble with you this time? If you win again, I'll give you 20 taels of silver, how about it?" Zhu Ganzi said with a smile.

However, at this time, Li Bold couldn't help resisting in his heart. Even if he was given more money for cigarettes, he didn't want to gamble anymore.

After all, his life was just picked out of the zombie's mouth. What if he encounters ghosts and bumps into other zombies later?If he hadn't met Lin Kaiyun, wouldn't he have died directly.

Li Bold also has some rookies in his heart. This bamboo pole hits him up before getting into the car, and now he has to spend money on himself. Even if he has money, he doesn't need to waste it like this.

And Li Bold was also very curious at this time, what was the reason that made Zhu Ganzi bet so much money with him?He frowned and turned to look at the bamboo pole and asked,

"20 taels of silver. I don't have such a lot of wages if I work for a year. Brother, is what you said true?"

Hearing Li Boldly's question, the bamboo pole directly took out a bag of money from his pocket, shook it back and forth, and said to Li Bolder with a smile,

"Don't you know my pig liver's character? I did what I said. I didn't squint at the ten taels of silver you won in a bet yesterday. I gave you five taels directly. How is it? The truth Prove that I am not a cheater."

When Li Bold heard this, he nodded. What Zhu Ganzi said was true, and the five taels of silver had already arrived in Li Bold's pocket, and his surname was already Li.

Thinking of the money in his pocket, Li Dada felt better, and said, "Tell me and listen first, and see what you are betting on?"

"It's actually very simple. I'll bet you that you'll stay in this Yizhuang for another night." Zhu Ganzi said with an expression on his face that you definitely wouldn't dare.Then he said,

"Actually, I've always heard people say that there are zombies in this Yizhuang, but now I really saw it. But I'm even more curious, how did you spend last night?"

Seeing Zhu Ganzi's expression, Li Bold felt a little excited in his heart, and he put aside what happened last night.Without even thinking about it, he responded directly,

"It's really interesting. I think Li Bold is a famous person. Is there anything else you dare not bet on?"

It's just that as soon as Li Dada finished speaking, he immediately raised his hand, covered his mouth, and pinched his face severely.Is this crazy?Why did you promise him again?

Chapter 495 Another Bet

Who is Zhu Ganzi? He is a person who hangs around in the market every day, looking at people everywhere to make a living.Now with Li Bold's expression, you can tell what Li Bold is planning in his heart just by looking at the bamboo pole.

Of course, the bamboo pole didn't give Li Bold a chance to repent, and directly stuffed the heavy money bag into Li Bold's hand, and said with a smile,

"Okay, brother bold, we've settled for that. Two days later, we're still meeting here."

After Zhu Ganzi finished speaking, he patted Li Bold on the shoulder, and before Li Bold could react, Zhu Ganzi ran away.

Li boldly took the money, reflecting that he just said it was the best, so what did he agree to, there was nothing at all.

"I said, Brother Zhuganzi, come back to me."

How could Zhu Ganzi stop when he heard the shouts behind him? Zhu Ganzi had already collected 20 taels of silver in vain, and it was not for nothing.

"Li Daudao, let's just say that. Two days later, at this hour, I'll be waiting for you to come here. As long as you can spend another night safely in this Yizhuang, then this money will be with you." Your last name.

Let's make a deal like this. My wife still has something to wait for me at home, so I'll take a step ahead. "

After Zhu Ganzi finished speaking, he couldn't help but quicken his pace even more.

"Hey, you..."

And that Li Boldly looked at the back of the bamboo pole, and was about to tell him to stop, but he forcibly didn't say the last words.Because he had already opened the money bag at this moment, and the money in front of him was genuine, so he couldn't help feeling a little unspeakable in his heart.

Not only because Li Bold is a person who really cares about face, but also because of the previous worry, Li Bold is very afraid that someone will say that he is timid.What worried him even more was that if he won the 20 taels of silver, he would be considered a well-off family in the future.

How is this good.

The more Li Bold thought about it, the more entangled he became, he kept walking back and forth in the Yizhuang.

"You don't need to worry, as long as I'm here, you don't have to worry about safety."

Li Bold was taken aback when he heard this, and his heart was already ecstatic. Who else could have such a voice except benefactor.

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