Li boldly turned his head, looked around, searching, but there was no one around.But for this kind of thing, Li Bold didn't feel the difference, because after seeing Engong's ability out of thin air, such a matter of sound transmission for thousands of miles, of course, must be a piece of cake for Engong.

Once Li Bold thought about Engong's methods, he would not have to worry about his own safety at all. Thinking of this, Li Boldly said with a smile, "Engong, thank you Engong."

After Li boldly finished speaking, he wanted to kneel down in the direction where Lin Kaiyun disappeared just now.

There is also a reason for Lin Kaiyun to do this, and there is a place where Li Bold is needed, at least through Li Bold, to find the elder of the Maoshan inner sect, that is, the old Taoist priest.

Besides, Lin Kaiyun is not a person who likes to owe others favors.Saving Li Bold's life now is also for the convenience of doing things in the future.

After Li Bold bowed, seeing that no one responded, he got up and dusted himself off, turned around and looked at the corpse lying quietly in the coffin, trembling all over, did not stop for a moment, and went straight to the house ran back in the direction.

The sky gradually brightened, and Zhangshi Town had gradually returned to its daytime hustle and bustle.

Zhao Quan was sitting in a house on the outskirts of Zhangshi Town, sitting on a chair, quietly.

After Zhu Ganzi came back from Yizhuang, he ran to Zhao Quan's house without stopping.

"Clang! Clang! Clang!"

After the bamboo pole knocked on the door, he walked in without waiting for Zhao Quan to open it.Seeing that Zhao Quan was meditating, the bamboo pole unceremoniously picked up the teacup and drank a lot. Then, he told Zhao Quan about the bet he had just made with Li Bold.

After Zhao Quan heard it, he slowly opened his eyes. The bamboo pole looked at Zhao Quan's eyes, and he was startled. Those eyes were full of killing intent.

What happened to Zhao Quan in the Zhang Mansion last night was really embarrassing. Thinking about how many years he has been in the rivers and lakes, he has never been so embarrassed, and he feels aggrieved.

"Bamboo pole, you did a good job on this matter. No matter how hard you work these two days, show me that Li Bold and don't let him run away. If he wants to escape, tell him quickly. I."

Zhao Quan's voice was so harsh, as if he wanted to swallow people alive.

"Daoist Zhao, don't worry, the two of us have cooperated so many times, and my bamboo pole has never lost its chain." Zhugan said very confidently.

"This matter is very important, you can't make any trouble." Zhao Quan said very seriously.

"Definitely." Zhao Quan nodded, then rolled his eyes, and said with a smile,

"Daoist Zhao, then my money..."

Zhao Quan was now full of thoughts on how to kill Li Bold, turned his head to look at the little Taoist priest, and with just one look, the little Taoist walked quickly to the back room and handed a few pieces of silver to Li Bold.

"Money is not a problem, as long as you help me get things done, the benefits will be indispensable to you."

Zhao Quan made a gesture of please while talking.

When the bamboo pole saw Zhao Quan pointing in the direction of the gate, it was obvious that he was telling him to leave.Zhu Ganzi was not unhappy about Zhao Quan's order to chase away guests. Looking at the broken silver in his hand, he left happily.

After a quarter of an hour, Daoist Qian slowly opened the door of Zhao Quan's house.

Seeing the person coming, Zhao Quan still didn't have a good face, and said in a low voice, "Why are you here?"

Daoist Qian looked at Zhao Quan from bottom to bottom, and he could only persuade him, an unprincipled senior brother,

"Senior Brother, what's wrong with you? What happened? I'm right, we cultivators should not do things that hurt the sky, otherwise we will definitely suffer retribution.

Besides, we inherit the Maoshan lineage, even though it is a branch of the Taoist temple at the foot of the mountain, we should go to Maoshan, right?

Moreover, brother, your name is written in the Maoshan roster, so it is also the inheritance of Maoshan.However, it is precisely because of this that whatever the senior brother does, he represents Maoshan, so he should do good deeds.

Brother, you should turn around.I have seen Li Bold, from his appearance, he is not a short-lived person.Brother's Taoism is higher than mine, you should have figured it out a long time ago.

Senior brother, just listen to what I say, and stop doing things that hurt nature and reason. "

Daoist Qian spoke earnestly what was in his heart, but these words were indeed very noisy when Zhao Quan heard them.

Zhao Quan looked at Daoist Qian, feeling annoyed.

Zhao Quan and Daoist Qian have been studying together since they were very young, and they are even closer than relatives.But now, Daoist Qian, not only doesn't help himself, but also says some irrelevant things here, which really makes people feel uncomfortable.

"How do I do things, you don't need you to call me. You have to know, I am the senior brother, you are just the junior brother, don't get it wrong.

If you don't want to help me, then don't make sarcastic remarks here, just stay wherever it's cool, it's not like I can't do without you here. "

When Zhao Quan said this, there was no emotion in his voice. Because of what happened last night, he was injured now. He originally thought that the junior brother was here to help, but in the end, not only did he not help , On the contrary, it is really annoying to say these sarcastic remarks here.

"Of course I know that you are a senior brother, that's why I persuade you like this, you just listen to me this time?" Daoist Qian continued.

"Just you, what are you, and let me listen to you." Zhao Quan didn't give Daoist Qian any face at all.

Daoist Qian looked at his senior brother, as if he was insane, and was very upset in his heart. With the same cold face, he said to Zhao Quan, "Senior brother, if you continue to be obsessed like this, one day you will harm yourself .”

"Hmph! Let me tell you, even if one day I really suffer retribution, I deserve it. I bear it myself. It has nothing to do with you." Zhao Quan couldn't help but snorted coldly as he spoke.

" are hopeless!" Hearing this, Daoist Qian couldn't restrain the anger in his heart. Regarding Zhao Quan, he said everything Daoist Qian could say, and now Zhao Quan Not only did he not have any remorse, but he turned his anger on himself.Now that this is the case, it is useless to think about it.Angrily, he turned and left.

Daoist Qian thought as he walked, this Zhao Quan is a bastard who neglects money.But anger is anger, let's say that this Zhao Quan is his fellow brother.Knowing that this was an outrageous thing, since Daoist Qian knew about it, he had no reason to stand idly by. Since he had no way of doing anything on his senior brother's side, he might as well change his mind.

Thinking about it, Daoist Qian slowly walked towards Li Bold's house.

"Clang! Clang! Clang!"

Daoist Qian looked at the gate of Li Bold's house. The first thing Li Bold did after he came back was to fix the door.

Li Bold's daughter-in-law also ran back to her mother's house because of what happened yesterday, leaving Li Bold alone at home.Due to the current events in Yizhuang last night, Li Bold didn't close his eyes all night.

Now Li Bold is exhausted both mentally and physically.As long as Li Boldly closes his eyes, his mind will be filled with the zombies who hunted for his life last night, and the female ghost he met a few days ago.

When Li Bold heard someone knocking on the door, he opened his eyes instantly. Fortunately, it was daytime. If it was night, Li Bold would never get out of bed.

Li boldly rubbed the panda's eyes, and asked as he walked out, "Who is it?"

"Is this Li Bold's family?" Daoist Qian asked.

"That's right." Li Boldly heard the voice of the visitor, which was very familiar, and then slowly opened the door.

Li Bold saw that the person who came was the Taoist priest he met outside Yizhuang yesterday, and he was overjoyed. After what happened yesterday, now that Li Bold saw the Taoist, he felt very kind in his heart, because Lin Kaiyun was the one who claimed to be a "priest of Taoism." people".Besides, the Taoist priest in front of him is a person who can turn amulets into ghost papers, and he is also a capable person.

Although there must be a big gap between Lin Kaiyun and his benefactor, but he is much better than himself.

Now looking at Daoist Qian in front of him, a trace of curiosity arose in my heart, I only met Daoist Qian once, why did this Taoist find me again?Staying in doubt, Li boldly asked,

"So it's Daoist Qian, are you here to look for me? How do you know I live here?"

Daoist Qian looked at Li Bold in front of him with disbelief on his face. When he saw Li Bold yesterday, his face was clearly gray, and anyone who looked at him looked like he was about to die.How could this person change so much after just one night?Although Li Bold looked very tired, he was very rosy.

What the hell is going wrong here?

It shouldn't be, Daoist Qian knew that his senior brother Zhao Quan had prepared a trap for Li Bold, and Li Bold had already fallen into Zhao Quan's trap.

As for his senior brother's method, he has known it for so many years.What's more, now that Zhao Quan has hated Li Bold to the core, he will never give Li Bold another chance to survive.Now this Li Bold should not be, with the breath of death all over his face, right?

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