This made Daoist Qian feel very strange. He really wanted to understand what was going on, so he smiled and said boldly to Li,

"Where is your home, I can figure it out. Brother Li, what's the matter? Why don't you invite me in?"

Li boldly scratched his head in embarrassment, he wanted to sleep well, and now his eyelids are fighting.

However, looking at Daoist Qian in front of him, he thought to himself, if Daoist Qian hadn't said what he said yesterday, he would have already fallen into the mouth of that zombie.

Thinking that Daoist Qian also helped him, Li Daoda did not refuse, and said with a smile, "Of course it's no problem. It's my honor that Daoist Qian can come to my little brother's house. Hurry up, please come inside."

Li boldly said, and let Daoist Qian into the room.He poured Daoist Qian a glass of water very respectfully, no one usually came to Li Bold's house.

Of course, Mr. Zhang is an exception.Li Bold's daughter-in-law specially prepared high-quality tea for Mr. Zhang. As soon as Mr. Zhang left, Li Bold's daughter-in-law naturally hid the good tea.

Li boldly smiled and looked at Daoist Qian, and said, "Daoist Qian came here today, is there something for you?"

Daoist Qian had just finished arguing with Zhao Quan and walked all the way. He was thirsty and didn't care about cold water or tea, so he took a big gulp.After quenching his thirst, he said,

"Brother Li, a man named Zhu Ganzi made a bet with you, but you agreed again?"

"You know all about this?" Li Boldly said curiously.

"Pindao can figure it out by pinching his fingers, you don't have to care about it." Daoist Qian said, he put his fingers on his chest and froze for a few times, and after a moment of thought, he continued,

"Pindao not only counted these things, but according to common sense, my brother must have a very ominous face, and today I looked at my face, but there was no one. Did you meet someone?"

Chapter 496 The Starving Ghost of the Restaurant

at the same time,

Lin Kaiyun didn't stay idle either, but started investigating in Zhangshi Town.

After all, he wanted to find traces of the old Taoist priest from the inner sect of Maoshan.

In fact, there are people in Maoshan's inner sect, not to mention Lin Kaiyun, even his master Lin Jiu doesn't know.

However, since the old Taoist priest had been here, he would definitely leave clues.

Therefore, Lin Kaiyun decided to go to the mayor's house in Zhangshi Town.

Although there is only one mayor in Zhangshi Town, he is also the local emperor of Zhangshi Town.

Therefore, as long as the mayor of Zhangshi Town can help to find it, then he can easily find the trace of the old Taoist priest.

The mayor of Zhangshi Town is Wang Qiang, a middle-aged man in his 50s.

When Lin Kaiyun arrived at the mayor's house in Zhangshi Town, according to his identity, he naturally didn't need to notify, and went directly over the wall and entered the living room.

"Hello, are you Mayor Wang?" Lin Kaiyun asked who was sitting on a chair drinking tea.

"I am, who are you? How did you get in?" Mayor Wang raised his head and asked.

Mayor Wang was still very calm. Although he didn't know how Lin Kaiyun got in, he didn't appear too flustered.

"I am a disciple of Maoshan. I am here to ask you for help. I hope you can help me find it."

Mayor Wang frowned when he heard this.


Hearing this name, Mayor Wang immediately had many bad thoughts in his heart, but he still forcibly held back and asked, "I want to know what is it?"

"This..." Lin Kaiyun hesitated for a moment, then said, "I want to find an old Taoist priest."

Only a little bit was revealed, and Lin Kaiyun didn't say much.

"Oh? What kind of old Taoist priest?" Mayor Wang asked again.

"I don't know." Lin Kaiyun shook his head.

Mayor Wang put down the newspaper in his hand and said,

"You go! I don't know what you're looking for. Since you're a Taoist priest, I won't hold you accountable for breaking into my house."

Mayor Wang's tone was a bit unkind.


Mayor Wang was still a little annoyed at Lin Kaiyun's intrusion.

Lin Kaiyun smiled, not angry, and said with a smile,

"Help me, I can give you benefits, such as divination for you!"

After hearing what Lin Kaiyun said, Mayor Wang really changed his color. He stood up, followed behind Lin Kaiyun, and said:

"Do you really know divination?"

"Of course, I not only know how to divination, but also know how to calculate. Do you want to try?" Lin Kaiyun replied proudly, but there was a cold light in the depths of his eyes.

"Sit, please sit down!"

Mayor Wang became interested inside.

"Let me tell you first, I will only divination for you, but I won't divination too much information, and you also know that we have rules in Maoshan, I can only help you calculate some information."

"It's okay, I just want to ask about my career." Mayor Wang waved his hand.

"No problem, but you have to tell me the whereabouts of that old Taoist first." Lin Kaiyun said casually.

"no problem."

"Well, where is that old Taoist priest?"

"I once saw an old Taoist priest. I don't know if it's the one you're looking for. It's the building in the northeast corner of the county called Tianyuan Restaurant." Mayor Wang said immediately.

Lin Kaiyun nodded after listening to it, without any doubt, and directly gave a divination to Mayor Wang.

Of course, Lin Kaiyun was three points true and seven points false, he fooled Mayor Wang and left.

After leaving, Lin Kaiyun went straight to Tianyuan Restaurant.

This restaurant is very quaint, to put it simply, it is very old.

But there are quite a few people who eat, and they look very embarrassed when they eat, and they all gobble it up.

The most surprising thing is that the meals on the table are extremely simple, without any sense of deliciousness.

"Strange, these diners look strange!" Lin Kaiyun felt very puzzled.

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