"Smelly Taoist priest, go to hell!"

The female ghost raised her hands angrily, and suddenly whirlwinds appeared directly under her feet, like countless wind blades obstructing, generally blowing towards Lin Kaiyun.

The same female ghost held up her hands again, trying to control the lantern and kill Lin Kaiyun directly.

But when she raised her hands, the lantern didn't respond at all.

Because Li Bold, who was thrown out by Lin Kaiyun, hit the lantern accurately.

And the lantern stopped spinning unexpectedly, as if it didn't want to hurt Li Bold.

At the same time, it seemed that the female ghost could no longer use the lantern, as if she had completely lost contact.

"How is it possible? You damned person, I should have killed you!"

The female ghost didn't seem to have any accidents, but her eyes were full of murderous intent, looking at Li Bold.

When Lin Kaiyun saw this scene, he thought that he had guessed correctly.

Judging from Li Boldly saying that there was a voice in his head and a series of inferences, Lin Kaiyun knew what kind of secret this Li Boldly must have.

And Lin Kaiyun made an inference in his heart that Li Bold might have something to do with this lantern.

So at the critical moment just now, Lin Kaiyun didn't care about other things, and was going to verify his conjecture, and now he saw that his conjecture was indeed correct.

Although it is not yet known what kind of secret Li Bold has with this lantern, at least one thing is certain, that is, this lantern will never obey the orders of this female ghost again.

And there is no doubt that the fighting ability that saved this female ghost a lot of trouble also made Lin Kaiyun face a lot less pressure.

And when the female ghost was about to kill Li Bold, Lin Kaiyun directly used Baguazhang, knocked down all the wind blades, and at the same time quickly came to the female ghost to stop him.

"Get out of here!"

The female ghost is now angrily and directly grabbed Lin Kaiyun with her paw.

Lin Kaiyun held the Seven Star Longyuan Sword in his hand and gently lifted it up, easily blocking the female ghost's attack, then took out a few copper coins with his left hand, and threw them at the female ghost's abdomen.

When the copper coin was about to touch the female ghost's body, Lin Kaiyun made a formula.

With a bang, the copper coin exploded in an instant. Although the power was not great, it was not as powerful as the previous fireball, but it was enough to hurt the female ghost.

The female ghost took several steps back uncontrollably, which also made him completely lose the chance to attack Li Bold.

"I want you to die!"

The female ghost rushed towards Lin Kaiyun angrily.

"It's a good time to come, let me experience it, what kind of strength do you have in this bronze mirror?"

Lin Kaiyun was also unafraid, and went directly to meet him.

For a while, Lin Kaiyun stood in one place with this female ghost.

Lin Kaiyun's body was wrapped with the Golden Light Curse, so even if he was caught by the female ghost, he would not be injured. Even if the Golden Light Curse broke, Kaiyun's tough body would not be a big problem.

And Lin Kaiyun also showed his knowledgeable side at this time, anyway, the Maoshan inner sect competition was over for him, and he didn't have to suppress his ability anymore.

So Fenghou Qimen, Tongtianlu, Baguazhang and other moves were used by Lin Kaiyun one by one.

Daoist Qian, who was going to help support Lin Kaiyun, suddenly saw Lin Kaiyun using all kinds of abilities like a treasure chest, and was stunned for a while.

It's not that Daoist Qian has never seen the market, the main reason is that Lin Kaiyun's current appearance is too surprising.

I saw that Lin Kaiyun's whole body was shining brightly, and at the same time, he made every move, and there were thunder and lightning flashes from time to time, and at the same time, the gossip seemed to be spinning under his feet. All kinds of trouble.

And whenever this female ghost approached Lin Kaiyun, she would be blocked by the golden light curse, even if the golden light was broken by luck, there would still be a trace of green gossip patterns on Zhonglin Kaiyun's body, as if she was constantly using strange long spells around her, Like forming an impenetrable defensive wall, the female ghost has nothing to do.

And the piece in Lin Kaiyun's hand, at first glance, is an extraordinary magic weapon, very tough and powerful at the same time.

It seems to carry the power of the stars in the sky, and it seems to carry the hot blood, in short, it is dazzling.

And Lin Kaiyun used all these consecutive moves alternately, and it can even be said to be used in a variable manner. Not only did he not fall behind, but he took advantage of it.

This female ghost whose strength has been greatly increased in the bronze mirror is also forced to deal with it, and it seems difficult to resist for a while.

The female ghost couldn't bear it any longer at this moment, and directly roared and cursed,

"What's going on? It's impossible. How can you beat me in this bronze mirror? And what kind of ghosts are you using? Aren't you a Taoist priest? How come these messy things?"

In fact, this female ghost also expressed the doubts in Daoist Qian's heart.

Because he was sure that Lin Kaiyun, like him, was the inheritance of Maoshan Mountain, even if it was because of the development of time and age, there were some differences in some details of Taoism.

But Daoist Qian is not a fool, he can conjure up which is Maoshan's Taoism and which is not Maoshan's, even Taoist moves are not counted.

It can be said that among the various and dazzling moves used by Lin Kaiyun, more than half of them are not Taoist moves.

A Taoist disciple can use these strange moves, which inevitably makes people feel surprised and curious. The most important thing is that Lin Kaiyun is very proficient in using these moves, and can even be said to be proficient.

There is no doubt that Lin Kaiyun can't say that he can start a sect by taking out any of the moves in it, but it is definitely enough to make an apprentice and leave a legacy.

While carrying doubts and questions, Daoist Qian couldn't help feeling a little envious. You must know that he learned most things by himself because his master died early.

And Lin Kaiyun didn't use any moves or kung fu, and it was enough for Daoist Qian to study it for half his life. How could this make him not envious?

Chapter 509 It's time to shine

No matter what doubts the female ghost had, Lin Kaiyun ignored him and used all the means he could to beat up the female ghost.

This situation made the female ghost almost collapse, but he had nothing to do. During this period, he even tried to die again. The lantern attacked Lin Kaiyun, but it didn't work.

On the other hand, Daoist Qian just looked at Lin Kaiyun enviously, and didn't go to help rashly, because the situation in front of him already showed that Lin Kaiyun could clean up this female ghost by himself, so he didn't need his help.

In the end, Lin Kaiyun directly drew dozens of spells out of nowhere, and circled the female ghost like a formation.

That's right, Lin Kaiyun didn't kill the female ghost directly, but trapped him.

Although Daoist Qian could not be said to be knowledgeable, he was not a person who knew nothing. After seeing this scene, he walked up to Lin Kaiyun and asked,

"Friend Lin, did you trap this female ghost? Why did you do that? Just kill him!"

"No, no, it's too cheap to kill him now. We still have a lot of things that this female ghost needs to help us decipher! So let's see if we can get something out of his mouth."

Lin Kaiyun said, looking at the female ghost trapped in the spell, and the female ghost inside was waving her arms ferociously, trying to break through the restraint, but obviously it didn't have any effect.

Daoist Qian's eyes were also on this female ghost at this time, especially when he saw the crazy appearance of this female ghost, he couldn't help feeling a little lingering in his heart. He vaguely remembered the horror of the female ghost before.

But after thinking about it for a while, Daoist Qian had already been restrained by Lin Kaiyun, nodded and said,

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