"Okay, Fellow Daoist Lin, then I'll listen to you, because logically speaking, this female ghost has arrested a lot of people. If something can be found out, it would be a good thing to save these people."

At this time, the female ghost trapped by Lin Kaiyun no longer struggled, because he had tried his best, but there was no way to break free, and it would be a waste of effort to continue, so it is better to save the strength to prepare for the final attack. Always resist.

At this time, the female ghost was standing inside Lin Kaiyun's spell like this, looking at Lin Kaiyun viciously with her two eyes full of murderous intent.

Now she can't wait to smash Lin Kaiyun to ashes, but there is no way, he doesn't have that strength.

So since this female ghost has no way to move, she can only live with her mouth, so she shouted viciously,

"You damn Taoist priest, I advise you to let me go, otherwise you can't bear the consequences."

"Pfft haha!!!"

Lin Kaiyun couldn't help laughing after hearing the female ghost's vicious words, and finally he looked at the female ghost as if he was insane and said,

"I've seen one who begs for mercy, even swore to turn into a ghost, and one who made me die, but it's the first time I've seen someone like you."

"Come, come, tell me, as a Taoist priest, it is my duty to subdue demons and eliminate demons. Killing a female ghost like you is the most correct thing to do. Tell me, what are the consequences?"

The female ghost was so angry with Lin Kaiyun's mocking words that she shouted out loudly,

"Let me tell you, I am not an ordinary female ghost. I am from the underworld. I was also a ferryman before I was alive, and I am also a ferryman after death. No one can pinch you except Ah Cha, my lord of the underworld. kill me!"

"If you attack me without the approval of my lord Ata, then you are ready to bear the wrath of the entire underworld!"

"Underworld? Ah Cha?"

Lin Kaiyun originally planned to read the female ghost's joke, but after hearing these two words, he was instantly stunned.

Daoist Qian also frowned, with a question mark on his face. In fact, he had heard of Hell, and the books left by his master also recorded some situations including the Eight Divisions of Hell. He knew about it, but this What is the underworld?

Why has he never heard of it.

When Daoist Qian looked at Lin Kaiyun and was about to find Yun Lin Kaiyun, he suddenly saw Lin Kaiyun's expression was a little stagnant.

Daoist Qian is not a fool, he immediately noticed something was wrong, he felt that Lin Kaiyun must know what this underworld is.

"Lin Daoyou, do you know what this name is? What's going on? If it's convenient, can you tell me about it?"

At this time, Daoist Qian had all his eyes on Lin Kaiyun, and he asked if he had an answer waiting for you to shoot.

At the same time, Daoist Qian's nerves were still quite tense at this time, and even while waiting, his hands were slightly clenched, and his throat fluttered from time to time, swallowing saliva.

It's not that Daoist Qian is so timid, the main thing is that he realized that this might not be a trivial matter.

After hesitating again and again, Daoist Qian still asked. In fact, Daoist Qian didn't know whether he was right or wrong in asking, and whether it would bring him other disasters. Because of this, Daoist Qian's current The psychology is a little uneasy.

However, it can only be said that Daoist Qian was worried a little too much. Lin Kaiyun did not show any strange expression after hearing Daoist Qian's inquiry.

Lin Kaiyun just smiled faintly, and then explained,

"What do you say in this underworld? How should I explain it to you?"

"You should know the underworld, right?"

Although Daoist Qian didn't know what Lin Kaiyun meant by asking this question, he still nodded affirmatively. He still understood the hell.

Lin Kaiyun continued to explain,

"Since you know the underworld, you should know that this underworld has always been a place to manage souls, and there are eight divisions to manage it together."

"And this underworld is actually in this underworld, but it's just a separate force!"

"Of course, since this underworld can be separated from the underworld, of course it has some skills, and not all of them are the souls of people after death."

"To be precise, most of the people in this underworld should be the aborigines of the underworld."

"And this splintering force is now getting bigger and bigger, so it has the strength to compete with the underworld faintly, and is not even satisfied with the soul being handed over to the underworld, so a series of rules for ferrymen have been established, which can also compete with talents and ghosts." The same goes to the world to capture the dead souls."

"Actually, this world is not so much a place as it is an organization!"

"And this female ghost who claims to be a ferryman before she was alive is now a ferryman, so she must be a member of the underworld organization!"

Lin Kaiyun went a little farther than he understood the underworld, and told Daoist Qian.

After hearing the information, Daoist Qian was obviously a little hard to understand. He stood there in a daze, obviously absorbing the information.

And Lin Kaiyun didn't urge him, because Lin Kaiyun didn't care too much about whether Daoist Qian could mess with it or if he misunderstood it.

As for the female ghost who shouted disdainfully after hearing Lin Kaiyun belittle her,

"You lowly mortals are not qualified to comment on me. Let me tell you, I hold an important position in the underworld, and I am not a little ghost for propaganda. If you do anything to me, you will definitely be retaliated by my lord Ah Cha! "

Lin Kaiyun looked up and down at this embarrassed female ghost, and said mockingly,

"From what you said, you have quite a status, why can't I see it?"

After seeing Lin Kaiyun's words, the female ghost said very arrogantly,

"That's because you are blind and have no vision. Let me tell you that I am a ghost ferryman in the underworld. There are hundreds of ferrymen under my command. I just don't want to cause unnecessary trouble this time, so I didn't bring anyone up, but if you hurt me, you will definitely not be able to walk around."

Lin Kaiyun looked at the female ghost with disdain, and shouted,

"It's ridiculous that you are still a ghost general. How dare you call yourself a general with such strength?"

"And you also said brazenly, why don't you want to cause unnecessary trouble, then tell me, you are hiding in Li Bold's house, and you have been catching people in Zhangshi Town. Is this a way of not wanting to cause trouble?"

After hearing what Lin Kaiyun said, the female ghost suddenly understood.

He had wondered before why there were two Taoist priests who suddenly used Li Bold to lure him out.

Now this female ghost is finally confirmed, feeling that she caught Li Bold's cronies and friends, so she attracted the attention of these stinky Taoist priests, so she came to deal with him.

But after understanding this point, the female ghost was even more annoyed, because in the female ghost's view, these people are just souls, anyway, they are all going to die in the end, and if they are captured by themselves, they will die sooner or later The difference is death.

Moreover, this female ghost did not capture people to satisfy her own selfish desires. In fact, he was ordered by his superiors, so he was even more confident.

So the female ghost looked at Lin Kaiyun sarcastically and said with a smile,

"You two really don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth. I told you that I caught those people. What can you do?"

"I can tell you right now that those people are in the underworld! Not only did I arrest these few people, I also arrested a lot of people in other townships and counties. There are more than a hundred of them. What can you do? Are you It's ridiculous to want to go to the underworld to rescue these people!!!"

Lin Kaiyun had a very displeased look on his face after hearing what the female ghost said.

He didn't expect that even if this female ghost was really that shit general from the underworld, she would dare to come to this world so boldly and blatantly to arrest people?

And since this female ghost dared to admit it so decisively, and told them that those people were in the underworld, it was obvious that someone instructed this female ghost to do this.

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