To put it simply, this female ghost has a bottom line in her heart, so she is neither panic nor afraid.

But no matter what background is behind this female ghost, even that Acha Lin Kaiyun doesn't care, because he is really extremely angry now.

These hundreds of people are all living lives Lin Kaiyun, it is impossible to just sit idly by, besides, when he investigates the elder of the Maoshan inner sect, he just wants to investigate what the elder has to do with the underworld.

Well, since we haven't found that Maoshan inner sect elder, why not go to the underworld to investigate, maybe we can find some clues!

As for why Lin Kaiyun is not afraid to joke that he has been to the underworld, this underworld is just an organization, in the final analysis it is still in the underworld, it is really coming.It's a very dangerous situation, at worst, he can ask the people in the underworld for help.

Moreover, Lin Kaiyun learned from the female ghost's words that this female ghost should intentionally want to lure them to the underworld. Lin Kaiyun did not want to give up this opportunity.

Lin Kaiyun looked at the female ghost coldly and said very seriously,

"I don't care what kind of nonsense name rings or inscriptions you have, but let me tell you, no matter if it's a knife cutting into a sea of ​​fire, even people from the underworld can't come back to the world to catch the living."

"So I advise you to cooperate and tell me how to get to the underworld, otherwise your death will be very ugly."

Before the female ghost could respond, Daoist Qian panicked after hearing Lin Kaiyun's words, and quickly persuaded Lin Kaiyun,

"Lin Daoyou, don't be impulsive. If what you said before is true, then this underworld organization must be very dangerous, and they are in the same realm as the underworld, and we living people can't go there!"

At this time, Daoist Qian tried his best to persuade Lin Kaiyun. Although Daoist Qian was very angry when the female ghost said that hundreds of people had been arrested, he also felt that the female ghost wanted them to go to the underworld on purpose.

But this is also easy to understand. After all, this female ghost has been caught by Lin Kaiyun now, and she is almost dead. Therefore, if this female ghost wants to survive, she must think of other methods, and it is necessary to lead Lin Kaiyun to the underworld. One of the best ways.

That's why Daoist Qian took the trouble to persuade Lin Kaiyun. After all, he had read some rumors about the underworld in the books. Human beings can't stay there for a long time. Even if the soul leaves the body, entering the underworld is extremely dangerous. Let alone go down with the flesh.

And that female ghost is almost Sima Zhao's heart, and everyone on the road knows it. When he saw Daoist Qian persuading Lin Kaiyun, he said aggressively,

"I just said that the two of you are cowards, and one of you dare not be an enemy of my underworld, so you should let me go, otherwise you can't afford the consequences!"

In fact, this female ghost didn't want to completely lead the two of them to the underworld.

The first thing she wanted was to get out of the backstage of the underworld, so that Lin Kaiyun and Daoist Qian would feel afraid. If these two people were not afraid and wanted to save those who were captured, then there would be a high probability of following this female ghost. into the underworld.

And if that happens, the female ghost will die of laughter.

But this female ghost just finished speaking her provocative words, and she is very proud of herself!

Suddenly seeing Lin Kaiyun rushing directly into the spell, without any politeness, he directly raised his arm and slapped the female ghost fiercely.

Snapped! ! !

This crisp sound resounded throughout the world in the bronze mirror.

Even the female ghost was a little confused, he couldn't figure out why this person beat her?

In this spell, the female ghost is trapped inside and cannot break free, while Lin Kaiyun can come in and out freely.

However, this female ghost never expected that Lin Kaiyun came in directly, not to negotiate with him, nor to discuss going to the underworld with him, but to give him a big mouth.

This made the female ghost a little confused for a while, not knowing what to say.

After more than 30 seconds, the female ghost came to her senses and rushed towards Lin Kaiyun with all her teeth and claws.

"You damn Taoist dare to insult me, I will kill you."

However, the cruel words of this female ghost had no effect in front of Lin Kaiyun.

Because this is just a cruel word, it will not cause any harm to Lin Kaiyun.

Facing the female ghost Lin Kaiyun who was rushing towards her with her teeth and claws open, she was not polite, and directly manipulated the support to restrict the female ghost's movements, and then slapped her back with another big mouth.

Lin Kaiyun didn't show any mercy this time, he almost used all his strength to slap the female ghost to the edge of the spell.

This time, the female ghost didn't say any harsh words, but learned to be smart. He knew that there was no point in saying harsh words now.

Lin Kaiyun roared in a cold tone,

"Assuming you're sensible, I'll tell you to stop talking nonsense, and don't show off your fool-like airs."

The female ghost was very angry after hearing Lin Kaiyun's words, but she couldn't say anything, because the female ghost knew that if he said any more words, he might be beaten severely.

So, under the vicious eyes of the female ghost, she calmly walked out of the spell.

And Daoist Qian did not hesitate after seeing Lin Kaiyun coming out, and immediately came to Lin Kaiyun, and continued to persuade him earnestly.

And Lin Kaiyun directly raised his hand, interrupting Daoist Qian's words,

"Daoist Qian, I understand everything you said, but I know that there are tigers in the mountains, and I prefer to go to the mountains of tigers. I will not hide it from you. I am ready to confirm this underworld."

"First of all, you also heard that a hundred people were captured by this female ghost and taken to the underworld. What is the concept of these one hundred people?"

"There could be 100 families suffering, maybe 100 parents who lost their kids, maybe 100 wives who lost their husbands, maybe 100 kids who lost their dads."

"Daoist Qian, do you think we can just sit back and ignore this kind of thing?"

"And this underworld, I also want to investigate some things. If this underworld is full of things like female ghosts, and the so-called underworld king Acha is also a vicious person, then I should notify the underworld in time, no matter how much I pay. For the price, we should also annihilate these self-respecting guys."

As he spoke, Lin Kaiyun also entered it himself, and it was indeed as he said, this is a hundred living beings.

If Lin Kaiyun was just making an excuse at the beginning, now Lin Kaiyun sincerely wants to rescue these people.

Saving one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. Although this is the principle of Buddhism, if you can save the lives of these 100 people, it will definitely be a matter of immeasurable merit.

But after persuading Lin Kaiyun's money all the time, after hearing Lin Kaiyun's words, the Taoist leader froze in place.

In an instant, Daoist Qian felt that his awareness was too poor. As a cultivator, he didn't have Lin Kaiyun's awareness.

These three or 40 years are like living in the stomach of a dog.

Daoist Qian shook his head helplessly, as if he was laughing at himself, and then looked at Lin Kaiyun and said very sincerely,

"Lin Daoyou, since you have made up your mind, I will not persuade you anymore. I have to say that your words have shocked me. I have no other requests. I just hope that I can go down with you to save people."

Daoist Qian's words were also full of sincere emotions. He had already weighed them repeatedly in his heart, and even the persuasion just now seemed a little stupid.

Lin Kaiyun looked at Daoist Qian with some surprise. He didn't expect that Daoist Qian would be able to not fear life and death. You must know that Daoist Qian had spent a lot of effort just now, trying to persuade him.

However, even though Daoist Qian had this realization, Lin Kaiyun shook his head and rolled towards Daoist Qian in reverse,

"Daoist Qian, in fact, you don't need to go to the underworld with me. It is really dangerous to be wrong just now. Since this is the case, there is no need for two people to go together. Don't be angry if I say a word. If two people say something, the effect will be just me. There shouldn't be much difference."

Daoist Qian smiled, and was not angry because of Lin Kaiyun's words.

"Lin Daoyou, I understand that I have always wanted to learn a few advanced Taoism or methods all my life, so when I meet powerful people, I always want to flatter them. To be honest, when I met you , If I hadn't considered that you were too young, I would have opened my mouth to ask for advice."

"But what you said just now made me wake up in an instant. A person's life is more important than Mount Tai, or lighter than a feather. I think no matter what my cultivation is, now is the time for me to shine .”

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