Chapter 510 Entering the Underworld

Lin Kaiyun fell into deep thought after hearing Daoist Qian's words. He never thought that Daoist Qian was a little timid before, but now he suddenly sees clearly, and what he said is completely different from what he said. The feeling of dying generously.

Now that Daoist Qian said so, Lin Kaiyun couldn't refuse to reason. Although he felt that the previous Daoist's cultivation base could provide him with very limited help.

But now Lin Kaiyun really couldn't bear to dispel Daoist Qian's awe-inspiring attitude.

Lin Kaiyun shook his head with a wry smile, agreeing with Daoist Qian, but still kindly reminded,

"Daoist Qian, I won't say much, I believe you can understand it yourself, but this is very dangerous. Entering it, I hope everything can follow my command."

"I hope you can promise me this, otherwise I will definitely not agree with you to connect with me."

What Lin Kaiyun said was very straightforward, which meant that he didn't give Daoist Qian the slightest bit of face.

But Qian Daochang didn't have the slightest atmosphere after listening to it. Instead, he was a little happy. He directly cupped his hands at Lin Kaiyun, thanked him with a smile,

"Friend Daoist Lin, thank you for understanding me. Don't worry, I will follow your orders after arriving in the underworld, and I will never refute."

At this time, there is no female ghost struggling and resisting in the spell, and seeing the appearance of Lin Kaiyun and Qian Daochang, I feel very strange.

He didn't expect these two people's IQ to be so low, they didn't see his aggressive method, and they wanted to rush to the underworld with him.

But this is just right, as long as they enter the underworld, these two people are like little chickens, and he can usually crush them to death at will, and if the underworld finds out that they are alive, they will definitely crush them and let him experience it What a feeling of hell.

Lin Kaiyun and Daoist Qian stood side by side, looked at each other, and after a few words, they directly decided on one thing, that is, the two of them must go to the legendary underworld.

After this exchange, Lin Kaiyun turned his head and looked at the female ghost who was known as the ferryman behind him. She looked at the female ghost with a very proud look, as if she had already made up her mind and was sure about Lin Kaiyun. No, they will shoot him to death with real hands.

However, at this moment, Daoist Qian, who was standing aside, looked at Lin Kaiyun with a smile and said to Lin Kaiyun,

"Friend Lin Daoist, I have an idea, I wonder if you can agree?"

"You can say whatever you want." Lin Kaiyun smiled and didn't take the female ghost in front of him seriously.

"You see, this female ghost is not a good one. I don't know what you plan to do with her, Fellow Daoist Lin? In my opinion, it's better to just beat her to death." Daoist Qian spoke with appropriate words. Looking at Lin Kaiyun's tone, he didn't know what Lin Kaiyun was thinking, so he could only probe slowly.

"Actually, what I'm worried about is that even if we don't want to ride and kill her now, he will make trouble when we enter the underworld and stop us from entering the underworld. In this way, the loss outweighs the gain."

How could Lin Kaiyun not know that Daoist Qian's mind to eliminate demons has always been the duty and responsibility of a cultivator. The Daoist Qian in front of him is obviously carrying out this duty to the end.

For Lin Kaiyun, dealing with this female ghost is neither difficult nor troublesome.

However, before Lin Kaiyun could reply to Daoist Lin's words, the female ghost trapped by the spell panicked when she heard Daoist Qian's words.

Daoist Qian doesn't care how much mana and how many Taoist female ghosts he has, but Lin Kaiyun next to him is not easy. And retreat.

The more the female ghost thought about it, the more anxious she felt, her two resentful eyes seemed to be staring out, and she looked at Daoist Qian very viciously, as if she was saying that if this damn stinky Taoist gave him If he had a chance of half a quarter of an hour, he would break Qian Daozhang's neck without hesitation.

"Let me tell you, I am the most trusted person and subordinate of King Acha of Pluto. If you kill me, Lord Pluto will definitely avenge me. You have to bear the corresponding consequences. You should think about it Do it again."

After thinking about it, the female ghost shouted heart-piercingly, trying to impress the two people in front of her with her words, and even force the two people in front of her to let go of her own life, even if she only left a trace of her soul, it would not hurt her. As for.Disappeared between heaven and earth.

However, although the female ghost's plan was good, but Lin Kaiyun's patience was limited. Lin Kaiyun frowned slightly, slowly raised his right hand, and swung it back, only to see this light slap Slapped it over and landed directly on the female ghost's face, Lin Kaiyun said lightly,

"Can't you recognize the situation now? It seems that Ah Cha, the king of the underworld, is the same thing. It's ridiculous that such a subordinate can still serve everyone."

After Lin Kaiyun drew it, the palm wind had already landed on the female ghost's face steadily, and the aura on the female ghost's body was vibrating all the time. If Lin Kaiyun started to focus again, it seemed that the female ghost's aura would be blown away. , causing it to collapse.


The female ghost agreed softly.

Lin Kaiyun didn't care about it at all, and the female ghost's yelling continued, "This is to teach you a lesson, remember in the future not to interrupt when others are talking.

Especially when you can't figure out the strength of others, then you should be more cautious in what you say and do. It's really been a waste of years of cultivation. "

I saw the female ghost bent her body slightly, her hands crossed her chest and covered her chest fiercely, as if as long as she let go, her breath would leak out.

When the female ghost heard Lin Kaiyun's words, she didn't dare to refute at all. Even after being beaten, her trembling voice was lowered a bit.

However, Lin Kaiyun didn't use all his strength in that slap just now, but moved slightly, but at the moment Lin Kaiyun waved his hand, there was a trace of Lin Kaiyun's true energy mixed with the palm wind.

It was because of this trace of true energy that the female ghost in front of her was even more exhausted.

The female ghost kept thinking about what happened to Lin Kaiyun in front of her, how strong she was, and just a slight move of her hands made herself so vulnerable.

In the eyes of the female ghost, Lin Kaiyun seemed to be a terrifying existence at this moment.

Although the slap on Lin Kaiyun just now was just an unintentional act, but after listening to Daoist Qian's words, Lin Kaiyun also felt that Daoist Qian's words had a little insight, and Lin Kaiyun also very much agreed.

Because Daoist Qian said, kill this female ghost first. In Daoist Qian’s eyes, although female ghosts are divided into good and bad, the female ghost in front of him is a heinous ghost. .

Lin Kaiyun doesn't care whether he kills the female ghost in front of him or not. Anyway, in Lin Kaiyun's eyes, this female ghost is just a guide, and now the passage has been opened.The role of the female ghost in front of him has been achieved, and it is useless. If his life is saved, unnecessary troubles may arise in the future. This is something Lin Kaiyun is very unwilling to see.

"Daoist Qian, I totally agree with what you said. Since this female ghost is of no use to us, it's useless to keep it. It's not a bad idea to take off his head."

As soon as Lin Kaiyun's words fell, he raised his head slightly, and looked at the female ghost fiercely. Just as he was about to strike again, at that moment, the female ghost trembled all over.

The female ghost knew in her heart that if Lin Kaiyun exerted a little more force, then she would definitely end up lost in spirit.

For the female ghost, the most important thing now is to keep her own soul no matter what.

The female ghost just blinked her eyes, and she was convinced of this idea in her heart, no matter what, he didn't want to die.The female ghost quickly looked at Lin Kaiyun and when Lin Kaiyun's eyes met, the remaining aura became weaker, and the entire soul's body trembled involuntarily.These are words with a majesty and indubitability that have never been heard before.

Exhausting the female ghost with all her strength, she shouted loudly to Lin Kaiyun, "Please, don't kill me, you have to trust me, I'm still very useful."

When Lin Kaiyun heard the female ghost's words, the finger he was about to wave paused slightly in mid-air.

Seeing this, the female ghost said without hesitation, "You may not know that the underworld is very big, and you will lose your way just after entering the underworld. stay home.

However, I am different. I have lived in this underworld for an unknown number of years, and I can come and go freely even with my eyes closed.

Besides, I know where the living people are held, without my guidance, if you want to find the place where the living people are held, it will be as difficult as going to heaven..."

The voice of talking with the ghost was hoarse, as if exhausting all the strength in his body.The female ghost knew that this was his last struggle. If Lin Kaiyun in front of him couldn't listen to her words, then she had only one way to go, and that was to be wiped out. She didn't even know how she died. She had already died once, and she didn't want to die again. experience the second time.If it happens again, I really don't even have the qualifications to be a ghost. This is something that the female ghost really doesn't want to see or think about.

Just now the female ghost wanted to use the identity of Ah Cha, the king of the underworld, to suppress the two in front of her, but Lin Kaiyun and Daoist Qian had no choice but to show no fear of the underworld king.

Of course, if it's just Daoist Qian himself, then Daoist Qian.I have to take it into consideration, but Lin Kaiyun doesn't think so anymore. In Lin Kaiyun's eyes, he is very curious about what the underworld looks like, and it is even more important to achieve his own goals. Just a code name.

Of course, these are female ghosts, and they would never have been expected.

It is impossible to say that the female ghost is not afraid of herself, the king of the underworld, Ah Cha, but saving her own life is the most important thing now.

As for leading Lin Kaiyun and finding where they are going, what does that matter?In the eyes of the female ghost, even if she knew that she was betraying Ah Cha, the king of the underworld, she could still keep a trace of her soul.

However, things are two-sided. If I tell the two people in front of me where the living people are imprisoned, or even tell Lin Kaiyun the residence of Underworld King Ah Cha, it is not good, and Hades King Ah Cha will reward me.

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