If Daoist Qian is worried about the future itinerary, then you can also go back, back fifty or one hundred miles, and wait for me at the stele on the way back.

Or Daoist Qian, you can choose to go back the same way and go directly to Li Bold's home.

As for my safety, you don't have to worry about it. I've come, and I can't leave empty-handed, and it's not my Lin Kaiyun's style to leave empty-handed. "

After Lin Kaiyun's words fell, Daoist Qian couldn't help but feel a little moved. Although he said that if he went back now, he would violate the agreement, but his life was saved. If he continued to move forward, the road ahead must be a narrow escape. , and even said that there is no chance of life.

Look at Lin Kaiyun's calm expression again. As an elder who is a cultivator, he has commented on Lin Kaiyun before, but now he wants to say that it is not a moral thing to go back and reincarnate Lin Kaiyun in this underworld. , really violated his own personality, thinking about it, Daoist Qian gritted his teeth and said to Lin Kaiyun,

"Lin Daoyou, since you have said so, then I can't leave you alone in this place as a senior brother. Even if it is death, I will never do such a thing. Besides, I am not greedy for life and afraid of death. generation."

"Haha, Daoist Qian, don't worry, as long as I, Lin Kaiyun, are with you, it's hard for you to die." Lin Kaiyun laughed loudly and said to Daoist Qian when he heard what the former Daoist said.

After hearing these words, Daoist Qian didn't know how strong Lin Kaiyun was and whether he was such an opponent of Hades Ah Cha, but he couldn't help feeling an inexplicable sense of security in his heart.

After the words fell, Lin Kaiyun, Daoist Qian and the female ghost general.Then he ran straight to the direction of the imperial city.

The journey was fairly smooth, although there were many lone ghosts blocking the road and robbing, but after the female ghost general showed her identity, those idle lone ghosts also retreated very sensiblely. Lin Kaiyun saved a lot of things.

An hour later, the two men stopped walking together.

Looking away, a magnificent and tall city wall stands in front of Lin Kaiyun. The towering city wall seems to be 30 meters high and very thick, like a replica of the ancient city wall. Although it is simple, it contains infinite of cold air.

The huge city gate was guarded by a group of ghost guards. Those ghost guards stood motionless in armor.

There is a huge stone slab hanging above the gate, and the four characters "Ghost City of the Underworld" hang prominently on the gate.

Lin Kaiyun looked at the city wall from left to right, and the city wall that could not see the edge of his face wrapped a town of unknown size.This made Lin Kaiyun sigh, how big is this city?The strength of Ah Cha, the king of the underworld, is really not to be underestimated. He can recruit so many ghost guards to work for him.

Daoist Qian was even more shocking than Lin Kaiyun. Daoist Qian had never left Zhangshi Town in his life. Although he had knowledge, it was very limited. Even in his dreams, he had never seen such a huge honesty.At this moment, Daoist Qian had already froze in place.

And the happiest thing is that female ghost general, a joyful mood arises spontaneously, his residence is in front of him, as long as he can enter the city safely, there are many of his subordinates in the city, even powerful ghosts are not Not much, besides, once the underworld king Ah Cha is notified, then Lin Kaiyun and Qian Daochang can be caught and he can take revenge. He even said that he can get a lot of rewards, which makes the female ghost general very happy just thinking about it.

What's even more proud is that this female ghost general also completed the task assigned by the king of the underworld, Acha.Not only did he bring two living people to the place where the living people were detained, but these two living people were cultivators, so it was not a violation of his oath.

"Friend Daoist Lin, are you and I really going to enter the city?" Daoist Qian didn't leave his eyes from the direction of the ghost city when he said this, and he looked stunned.

In Daoist Qian's eyes, as long as he didn't enter the ghost city, there was still a way out for him to go back. Once he entered the city wall of the underworld and wanted to leave, it would be even more difficult.

However, Lin Kaiyun's complexion was as usual, calm and peaceful, and he said to Daoist Qian lightly, "Since we have come here, if we want to go back, it is absolutely impossible, so naturally we have to go in."

Lin Kaiyun said, then turned his head to look at the female ghost general, "What are you waiting for, let's see where you locked the living?"

"Hmph...the place where the living are imprisoned is naturally within the city walls, in the palace of Hades King Ah Cha.

There is a basement under the sleeping hall. The basement is huge and used for refining blood, and the magic circle will also be performed there, why?Are you afraid? "

The female ghost general looked at the city wall in front of her, she was very happy in her heart, she couldn't help but snorted coldly at Lin Kaiyun, even more provocatively, she said to Lin Kaiyun.

"What a joke. I, Lin Kaiyun, have ever been afraid. I'm really sorry. The word fear is not in my dictionary. Let's lead the way."

As Lin Kaiyun said, he couldn't help but point his fingers forward. At this time, the female ghost and ghost general's body couldn't help but toss forward.

For the female ghost general just disdain.Lin Kaiyun is very unhappy, if Lin Kaiyun is unhappy, then you should not be happy either.

Although the ghost general was thrown forward inexplicably, she didn't care at all, and continued, "If you lead the way, you will lead the way, but we have something to say first, as long as I bring the two of you to the place where the living are held, you will be free." If you want to let me go, you must keep your word."

The female ghost ghost general didn't wait to leave and didn't reply, and went directly towards the city gate after speaking.

On the side of the solemn gate, the female ghost general took out her waist card again, and waved it in front of the ghost guard guarding the gate, and saw the ghost guard knelt on the ground immediately, and respectfully greeted the female ghost general. Said, "I don't know that General Xi is here and asks the general to forgive me."

"Get up, just let us pass." The female ghost general said this with style.

The ghost guard responded, and quickly moved out of the way. He kept an eye on Lin Kaiyuan and Qian Daochang, who were behind them with sleepless eyes. There was a trace of doubt in his heart, and he couldn't help but sigh such a pure breath, which the ghost guard had never seen before. , and even said that Lin Kaiyun and Qian Daochang are both in body, which is clearly a living person.

In recent days, generals often bring living people into the city, and these ghost guards have also heard about it. It is said that it is the order of Lord Ah Cha, the king of the underworld.

It's just that the living people who were brought in before were either knocked out or tied up. Few of the living people walked in by themselves, which made the ghost guard very curious, so they carefully treated the female ghost will ask,

"I don't know what the general brought. People are not bound or stunned as usual before entering the city?"

When the female ghost general heard the ghost guard's words, she stopped in her tracks, turned her head to look at the person who had spoken just now, and snorted in a very displeased voice,

"Hmph, what kind of thing are you? I am the most proud ghost general under the command of Ah Cha, the king of the underworld. Why is it your turn, a little janitor, to point fingers in front of me? Who gave you the courage? You don't want to live anymore ?"

Although the female ghost general has very little mana left, she still has the style of the past, showing it in front of the ghost guards.

The ghost guard was frightened when he heard this, and he knelt down again to beg the female ghost general to forgive him, but the female ghost general still has no magic power to deal with him, she can only think about saving this life , and then re-cultivate back to his original strength.

If you think about becoming invisible like this, you will never talk to the ghost guard again.

The ghost guard kneeling on the ground cautiously raised his head to look at the two people in front of him, especially the young man standing aside, who didn't seem to have the slightest sign of fear or fear, and was still looking here and there. landscape?It's unimaginable to be so leisurely as if you are back at your own home.

Chapter 512 The Same Front

In this underworld, there are some guards everywhere. When these ghost guards see Lin Kaiyun and others, they are full of doubts. It is impossible for people to enter the underworld.

But when they saw that the ghost led the female ghost, they didn't ask any more questions. After all, the ghost general was considered a very important person in the underworld. At least they, the ghost guards, were sorry.

So these ghost guards obediently gave way to Lin Kaiyun, and after they entered, they returned to their positions to stand guard.

And entering the interior of this long, Lin Kaiyun looked at everything around him curiously. The city in this underworld is also very lively, and it is not much different from some towns above. It is full of people coming and going.

Oh no, it should be said that there are ghosts coming and going in this ghost city in the underworld. The biggest difference is that the people here are all ghosts.

And these ghosts can be seen to have more powerful power than those lonely ghosts in the world.

In fact, it can be understood if you think about it carefully. After all, this underworld is a place for ghosts by nature, and the ghost aura is very strong. Even if you are motionless in this underworld, your strength will naturally increase.

And the closer to Hades Acha, the more yin qi, and the ghosts that can stop and swim there are all class figures in this name.

And under the leadership of this female ghost general, Lin Kaiyun and Qian Daochang, without any hindrance, passed through this ghost city and came to the most core inner circle.

Different from the ghosts coming and going before, there are far fewer ghosts here, and the guards are stricter.

So after feeling that Lin Kaiyun and Daoist Qian were alive, the ghost guard rushed over and surrounded them.

Of course, it was because of this female ghost general, otherwise these people would probably attack immediately.

The head of one of the ghost guards glanced at Lin Kaiyun and Daoist Qian, then greeted the female ghost general respectfully,

"Master Ghost General, could it be that you also captured these two people from the human world? But they seem to have strong energy and blood, and they seem to be cultivators."

And Lin Kaiyun also secretly felt the strength of these ghost guards, they were not weak.

And from Lin Kaiyun's rough look around, there are hundreds of such ghost guards around here alone.

It can also be inferred from Lin Kaiyun, it seems that the strength in this ghost city is very strong!

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