Even with the exception of Ah Cha, the king of the underworld, it would be very difficult for him to save people just relying on these underworld ghosts to guard him.

Because Lin Kaiyun came to the underworld this time, the first task is to save people, and after saving people, he can go to investigate what the elders of Maoshan Neimen are colluding with this underworld?

If Lin Kaiyun was just guessing before, then now seeing that the underworld and Hades Acha are using living people to refine something or doing something horrible, Lin Kaiyun can also preliminarily know that this underworld is not a good thing.

Of course, it's not that Lin Kaiyun is bragging. If the boldness is his own, then he is still confident that he can wipe out all these ghost guards, and it is even possible to go through this ghost city all over.

But this time, he came to save people. If those hundreds of people were killed because of him, wouldn't he come in vain?

But I can't disagree with Lin Kaiyun's thoughts. Daoist Qian is frowning at this time. In his opinion, the strength of these ghost guards is very strong. He can deal with three or five at most, and no more. .

And the number of people around here is simply outrageous, saving people in such a situation is simply more difficult than going to heaven!

But no matter how difficult it is, they have no turning back. Now even if you want to repent and not save people, it may not be so easy to return to the human world.

And when this group of ghost guards surrounded Lin Kaiyun and Daoist Qian, Daoist Qian's spirit was already tense to the extreme. And fought back.

And Lin Kaiyun at the side also noticed that something was wrong with Daoist Qian, so he lowered his voice and said to Daoist Qian,

"Daoist Qian, don't get excited, these guards probably don't seem to be doing anything."

"Now let's see if this female ghost has any other ideas. If not, we should be able to go down smoothly. If so, then the two of us are welcome."

Anyway, Lin Kaiyun has already made a good plan, the worst plan is to force his way! ! !

Of course, Lin Kaiyun had prepared for the worst, but Daoist Qian had no idea in his heart! ! !

Although he was ready to die generously when he came to the underworld, but he didn't say that he must die. After all, if he can live, he must live.

And at this moment, the female ghost will speak directly,

"You lowly guards are worthy of talking to me directly. Get out of here quickly. I'll bring someone up. What kind of onion are you? You dare to stop us."

"Get out of here now!"

In this underworld, the weak prey on the strong. Although this ghost general is not very strong, he is still number one.

In addition, this female ghost was originally responsible for going to the world to catch the living, but this time it was two Taoist priests who came, which made the guards a lot more vigilant.

However, after being scolded by the ghost general, the guards felt relieved, because the ghost general was angry, which meant that it was indeed their fault this time.

Erlin Kaiyun was already ready to do it, because he didn't know what choice this female ghost general would make. After all, although he had the means to check and balance this female ghost's ghost sword, he had already come to the underworld after all. Guigui may not break the boat.

But now it seems that Lin Kaiyun's worry is a bit unnecessary, because this female ghost general doesn't seem to have any intention of betrayal.

In this case, Lin Kaiyun gradually let go of his hanging heart.

Although he wasn't afraid, he didn't want to have any trouble at this time. It would be best not to fight if he could not fight.

And at this moment, that female ghost, the general, actually blinked at Lin Kaiyun.

Of course, the face of this female ghost can be described as extremely ugly, so Lin Kaiyun doesn't think that this female ghost is really firing at him.

Then there is only one possibility, at least for now, the female ghost will be on the same front as Lin Kaiyun, and this is to remind him.

Chapter 513 Trouble

In fact, the female ghost general was also worried at this time, whether Lin Kaiyun would act impulsively.

After all, this female ghost general knows that Lin Kaiyun, this person is not a good friend, otherwise she wouldn't be able to beat him up.

Although the female ghost general has her own small thoughts in her heart, but it is not yet, so he winked at Lin Kaiyun and told him not to be impulsive.

And Lin Kaiyun also understood now, because he also knew that this time the priority was to save people, and the second was to find clues, so it would be better if he could not attract the attention of others.

In addition, Lin Kaiyun himself and Daoist Qian are two living people, and it is already very noticeable to enter this underworld. If there is any movement here, it may be even more troublesome.

Regarding this, Lin Kaiyun also nodded to the female ghost general, knowing that the female ghost general did not intend to betray him by reprimanding the ghost guard.

It's because in this underworld, strength is fundamentally respected. If he is a ghost and avoids the ghost guards' questioning everywhere, it will make these guards suspicious.

On the contrary, you can only appear normal if you reprimand these ghost guards fiercely and violently.

After seeing Lin Kaiyun nodding, the female ghost general changed her mind. She whispered to Lin Kaiyun that she hoped that Lin Kaiyun would release the restraints on him.

In this way, as a ghost general, he can teach the guard in front of him a good lesson, and only by doing so will people not be suspicious.

Of course, this female ghost can't hide this little thought from Lin Kaiyun.

Because as long as there is this restraint, this female ghost will not dare to betray, and she will not dare to turn against the water, otherwise, Lin Kaiyun can deal with this female ghost at any time.

But once the bondage is released, the female ghost will not have any worries.

This female ghost general is clearly about to betray her.

So he was very careful and looked at Lin Kaiyun with great anticipation.

However, this female ghost general never expected that Lin Kaiyun agreed.

Actually agreed.

This female ghost general was just trying at first, but she didn't expect Lin Kaiyun to really release the restraints on him.

This made the female ghost general feel a little confused.

Did Lin Kaiyun put other restrictions on him? He didn't know, or Lin Kaiyun had some other means to kill him directly.

Originally, they had made a plan, as long as the shackles on her body were removed, the female ghost general would immediately ask the ghost guards to kill Lin Kaiyun and Daoist Qian.

But now the female ghost will hesitate, to be precise, he is afraid, he dare not do this.

He always felt that Lin Kaiyun would not be that stupid, since he was so easily released from the restraints on his body, it meant that there must be someone behind him.

But the female ghost general did not dare to gamble on this point.

Lin Kaiyun looked at all this with a smile. In fact, he didn't know what this female ghost was thinking in her heart. If he knew, he would definitely laugh out loud now.

Because he didn't have any so-called backhands, and he didn't have any other means. He really only put a restraint on this female ghost.

As for why Lin Kaiyun released the bondage after the female ghost general asked.

The reason is very simple, because Lin Kaiyun is not worried about whether this female ghost will betray, and even said that he doesn't care.

Anyway, as long as the female ghost general dares to turn against the water, Lin Kaiyun has many ways to kill the female ghost general in an instant.

In fact, when Lin Kaiyun came to remember, he had two sets of plans in mind, one of which was to rescue those living people easily with the cooperation of this female ghost general.

The second plan is to break in directly and rescue those living people.

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