As soon as Hades Ah Cha's voice came out, the people below immediately reacted.

"I am willing to go through fire and water for Mr. Hades Ah Cha!"

"Pluto, although our cultivation base is low, we will never give in to such a villain!"

"No, Pluto, we would rather die than live!"

"I don't believe that he will kill all the souls in our ghost town. As long as they are still there, we will avenge them sooner or later!"

"Pluto Ah Cha."

Countless ghosts let out shrill screams, and when some ghosts screamed, they had no strength to resist and were completely crushed.

Some people got scared and retreated one after another, but there were still some people who wanted to leave the inner city of the ghost town.

How touching that more people are willing to go through life and death with Hades Ah Cha.

When Lin Kaiyun saw this scene, he felt a little uncomfortable. How did he become a big villain?

He is an honest man!

Lin Kaiyun thought, do I have the responsibility to let those who don't understand the rules enjoy my own warmth?Let his brilliance be remembered in this land?

Lin Kaiyun's expression changed suddenly. He was extremely dissatisfied with Hades Ah Cha's answer, and was also full of murderous intent towards the roar of these resentful spirits. A trace of disdain appeared on his face, and he said calmly:

"Really? Fight me, that's great! I'll let you die!

I want to see how many people are left in your city! "

A chilling air suddenly flooded the entire city, and the golden light, which was just as strong as the sun, was tinged with coldness.

This is not a strong Yin Qi, but a terrifying force that seems to tear his throat.

He still has other ideas about dealing with Hades Ah Cha, that is, his movements just now were too light and his strength was not strong enough!

Now, Lin Kaiyun is going to beat her up hard!


A terrifying killing intent suddenly appeared, accompanied by a huge roar.

In this ghost city, the Yin spirits who were already under the pressure of Lin Kaiyun's aura and barely resisted, finally couldn't bear it, they were squeezed one after another, and their souls were wiped out!

"Oh! No!"

Ah Cha, the king of the underworld, saw her ghosts being beaten to pieces, and there was no possibility of resurrection. She let out a heart-piercing scream.

Lin Kaiyun's eyes turned cold, and he said coldly:

"You killed yourself, so don't blame me?"

The Seven Star Longyuan Sword pointed directly at Ah Cha, and the tip of the sword shone with a cold light.

Hades Ah Cha is a woman after all, even though she is a lofty Hades, but her heart is still very soft, she can ignore her own life, but her soul is the softest place in her heart.

"don't want!"

Hades Ah Cha Lin Kaiyun's question turned a deaf ear, but the majestic Hades Ah Cha shed tears at this moment.

Chapter 525 You Don't Blame Me, Do You?

Lin Kaiyun remained expressionless, but he was thinking in his heart that he had seen Ah Cha's various expressions, some crazy, some ferocious, some hesitant.

Lin Kaiyun couldn't bear it, but he had to be calm. If his villain image was destroyed, his plan would be ruined, and the land veins, the warehouses of the ghost town, and the maids would all be destroyed.

Lin Kaiyun is a very attractive person.

On the surface, he was a villain, but in his heart he was extremely uncomfortable, as if his soul had exploded. Without anyone noticing, Lin Kaiyun had to endure great pain, how difficult it was.

"Stop! I will definitely satisfy all your demands!"

Ah Cha's tears flowed uncontrollably, and the Yin Qi in her body also dissipated.

Without the support of Yin Qi, she fell directly from the air.

Lin Kaiyun was overjoyed when he got the final answer from Hades Ah Cha, but his face was calm. He is from Maoshan, so he can't show any emotions, otherwise it will only look superficial.

Lin Kaiyun hurriedly mobilized his mana, picked up Ah Cha, and dragged him in front of him.

How could this Pluto Ah Cha suddenly become like this?

Lin Kaiyun sighed secretly in his heart, but at last the matter was resolved, Lin Kaiyun felt his body was cold, walked to Hades Ah Cha, and said softly:

"Don't cry, take a closer look, who are those dead people?

When you were in danger, they chose to leave instead of helping you. I am here to help you clean up the traitors in this ghost town. You should thank me very much. "

Ah Cha sobbed and cried, a strong woman, after losing her strength, revealed her fragile side.

When Ah Cha heard Lin Kaiyun's words, his sobbing stopped abruptly, and he turned to look at the ghosts in the ghost town.

The person who was shocked by Lin Kaiyun's pure Yang spiritual power before seems to be...

As Lin Kaiyun said, they are far away from the battlefield.

And those closest to them, only a very small number of people, are still struggling to support, but they have not suffered too much damage.

There was a flash of surprise in Ah Cha's eyes, and a pair of big watery eyes stared at Lin Kaiyun. She didn't understand why this stinking Taoist would do this.

Have a purpose?

In other words, Lin Kaiyun got everything he wanted, so what is the need?

If she replaced Lin Kaiyun with him, Ah Cha would never do that. He is the most powerful man in the world. Since he has released such a threat, he must keep his promise, otherwise how can he gain a foothold in the world!

"Why bother?"

Hades Ah Cha stopped crying, and asked Lin Kaiyun suspiciously.

Lin Kaiyun spread his hands and didn't care.

"Why not? You captured the people in Yangjian, this is a grievance between us.

I want to save you, and you agree, and, you are my maid, I am your master, I want to protect my things, what's wrong?

Those who are loyal to me, I will definitely not let them down!

Isn't that very reasonable? "

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