Ah Cha, the king of the underworld, was at a loss for words for a while, she felt that what she said was very reasonable, and it was impossible to refute it.

"Then you should quickly put away your breath, otherwise, they won't be able to hold on."

Ah Cha looked at the ghost below, and the terrifying aura emanating from Lin Kaiyun made him tremble with fear.

Lin Kaiyun laughed loudly, and suddenly withdrew his aura, covering Qian Daochang and the others with a golden light, protecting them.

In the sky, the bright golden light disappeared, and all the mantras disappeared, replaced by a sense of peace.

Countless citizens of the ghost city breathed a sigh of relief, but no one sat cross-legged here, and no one absorbed Yin Qi here, but wept bitterly on the ground.

Their Pluto actually made concessions because of them, and even succumbed to that despicable Yangjian Daoist, in order to save their lives, he was willing to be a slave.


"Sorry, we're really sorry."



The sound of crying and resentment reverberated in the city, it was really unbelievable. I never expected that there were so many undead in this city.

Lin Kaiyun admires Ah Cha very much, but since he has become his maid, let's call him "Ah Cha".

Could it be that this person's appearance is really high?

Lin Kaiyun naturally did not believe that Ah Cha could make so many ghosts willingly work for her by virtue of her beauty. There must be her credit for this. She also put in a lot of hard work back then.

Everyone has feelings, and ghosts also have feelings. In this world, whether it is the human world or the ghost world, there is no love for no reason, and no hatred for no reason.

This is her effort.

It's hard to imagine what a huge price Ah Cha paid for today's unity.

"let go!"

Ah Cha jumped up and flew into the air again, his face regained its former majesty, looking down at everyone.

"My subjects, this is my decision. I have made a decision, so I must abide by my oath. It was my recklessness that put the ghost town in trouble. Fortunately, you are all fine.

Don't be sad, Daochang Lin and I have a 100-year promise, 100 years have passed, I may leave for a while, and then I will regain my former glory!

I just hope that after a hundred years, you will still agree with me! "

After a moment of silence, the entire ghost town exploded.

"Pluto, don't worry, no matter 100 years or 1000 years, as long as we are here, you will be our master!"

"That's right, it's just over 100 years, we will work hard to cultivate until 100 years later, we will wash away our shame!"

"Your Majesty Pluto, long live!"


As soon as Ah Cha pressed her hands, she stopped talking. She looked at the crowd below with some reluctance. She had lived in this ghost town for more than 1000 years.

"My people, the most important thing is to heal your injuries as soon as possible without any side effects. Also, remember, my order, no one can become a devil. Even if you want to avenge me, you must Be an upright person! Don't take any chances, I will teach you a profound lesson!"

"Understood, Pluto!"

Lin Kaiyun suddenly said:

"Ah Cha, I didn't say that you can't go back to the ghost town, nor did I say that you won't be revoked as Hades, you are still their master, but you are my maid.

Moreover, you have to deal with things here, but if I have anything, you must show up immediately. "

Lin Kaiyun is not a fool, if Ah Cha doesn't continue to manage the ghost city, how will he get the land veins and the treasures in the ghost city warehouse? This is not what he wants to do, and he won't do it.

The expression on Ah Cha's face froze again. She thought she would become Lin Kaiyun's slave in this world, but now it seems that this stinky Taoist priest did not remove her from the throne, but gave her more freedom.

Lin Kaiyun looked at Ah Cha's reaction, smiled, and said calmly:

"Don't worry, what I said is true, Ah Cha don't need to worry.

Get your men down, and I'm going to have a few words with you. "

Lin Kaiyun glanced at him, Ah Cha quickly looked away, and said to the ghost people below:

"I'm fine, everyone. I believe everyone has heard what Lin Daochang said. I am still your Pluto. In the next 100 years, I may not leave the ghost town. I hope everyone can concentrate on practicing. The power of my ghost town is very weak. So, please practice hard.”

"Yes!" All the ghosts responded.

Now that the Ghost Emperor has said so, they can only do it obediently, and they are still a little worried, but it is useless to worry, so they dispersed.

There was a dead silence in the whole ghost town.

Ah Cha's eyes fell on Lin Kaiyun again.

"Lin Daochang, follow me..."

Ah Cha felt that she was Lin Kaiyun's maid now, and calling herself "my seat" in front of Lin Kaiyun was a bit uncomfortable.

"Speak to Ah Cha in the lobby."

Lin Kaiyun nodded lightly, slowly descended from the air, and came to the front of Daoist Qian and the others.

At this moment, Daoist Qian was also in admiration. It was so powerful. In this dangerous place, he felt like he was on the verge of death. But this mission, not only did it not have any danger, but it even helped him.

Daoist Qian doesn't know what good things are in the warehouses of this city, but the yang attribute here is too strong. If he is allowed to practice here, within a year, no!In two months, or even less, he will be able to break through!

It is simply a good place to practice.

What's more, Lin Daoyou really regards Ah Cha as his maid. This is not to say that Lin Kaiyun is a strong man just by his side, and Lin Kaiyun is an invincible figure in the world. In this world, there is no one who cannot Places to go.

"Friend Lin."

Daoist Qian called out in embarrassment.

Lin Kaiyun had a smile on his face, he was in a good mood now.

"Brother Qian, please wait a moment, I will have a few words with Ah Cha first, and then we will return to Yangjian."

"Don't worry, don't worry, you're busy with your work, don't bother with me. Hungry, just take a walk for a while."

After Daoist Qian finished speaking, Lin Kaiyun stopped talking. He used his pure yang energy to protect the Dharma for 79 living people, and then followed Ah Cha into the hall.

Ah Cha's palace is also the center of this area, very luxurious.

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