In front was a huge palace. However, the color of the palace was a bit weird, mainly pink, and even a throne was also pink.

It was supposed to be a solemn and solemn palace, but at this moment it seemed a bit out of place.

Ah Cha looked at Lin Kaiyun's expression, feeling a little embarrassed, her age is very old in Yangjian, but in her ghost town, she is still just a little girl.

It's not uncommon for her to like pink.

"Mr. Lin, sit here."

As Ah Cha spoke, she made a gesture of invitation to Lin Kaiyun.

Lin Kaiyun looked at the pink throne, his face twitching constantly. Wouldn't it be too feminine to sit on it?

He looked around and found a chair, which was the closest to the throne, and there was a chair, although it was also pink, but the color of this chair was acceptable to Lin Kaiyun.

"Forget it, since it's yours, I won't go, I'm here."

Lin Kaiyun walked to the chair and sat down.

"Oh." Ah Cha responded.

Ah Cha is very personable, standing side by side with Lin Kaiyun.

Lin Kaiyun spoke.

"Ah Cha, I want to use this ley line, after 100 years, do you have any objection?"

"No objection." Wang Yao said.

"Okay, that's good, I want to occupy more than half of the warehouse in your ghost city, do you have any objections?

You don't have to worry, I just took some natural materials and earthly treasures that are useful to Yangjian, and the concentration of aura in Yangjian is really too low now.

It is really rare that there are heavenly materials and earthly treasures that Yangjian needs here. "

"Ahcha has no objection, do as you say, what Ahcha said, I will definitely do it."

"Also, what you said is that treasures of heaven and earth must have enough yang energy to grow.

From the most yin to the cold, there must be the most rigid and the most yang, just like the veins in this ghost town.

The yang energy in the yang world will also gather here.

"There is a difference between yin and yang in the world, one yang and one yin can last forever, and only when yin and yang are in balance can they come true."

Ah Cha spoke slowly.

Lin Kaiyun didn't know this truth, but secretly sighed in his heart.

"makes sense."

Lin Kaiyun nodded, then looked at Ah Cha.

"Acha, from now on, you are my maid, are you still not convinced?"

There was a wry smile on Ah Cha's face, she must have been very unconvinced, if it wasn't for Lin Kaiyun's unexpected appearance, which destroyed her plan, her strength would have improved by leaps and bounds.

Lin Kaiyun knew what Ah Cha was thinking, without him, this large formation would have been completed, and his strength would definitely have improved a lot.

Now, not only did he have no hope of advancing, but he was caught by him and served as his maid for 100 years. Anyone would feel aggrieved.

"Ah Cha, you don't blame me, do you?"

Lin Kaiyun muttered to himself.

Ah Cha immediately shook her head, and replied hypocritically:

"I will not."

Lin Kaiyun waved his hand and continued:

"It's normal for you to have resentment in your heart.

Moreover, when you were in the ghost town, you also said that you must not take any shortcuts in cultivation.

Although I ruined your plan, I also helped you.

As long as the formation is complete, your cultivation base will advance by leaps and bounds, and your strength will also advance by leaps and bounds. Few people can resist it, and eventually lose their way, and eventually lead to catastrophe. "

Lin Kaiyun paused for a moment, stretched out his hand, and a pill appeared in his hand.

This gift should be regarded as an apology.

Lin Kaiyun had always believed that only when he applied grace and power together could he have the greatest effect, not to mention that the Golden Soul Pill was of no use to him at all.

The Golden Soul Pill quietly floated above his palm, exuding a strong medicinal fragrance.

Ah Cha stared dumbfounded at the pill in Lin Kaiyun's hand, completely shocked by the medicinal power.

"Mr. Lin, what does this mean?"

Ah Cha asked hesitantly, but a glimmer of hope rose in her heart.

With a flick of Lin Kaiyun's fingers, the Golden Soul Pill flew out and landed in front of Ah Cha.

"This is for you, Ah Cha, you stay by my side, I guarantee your safety.

This is a Golden Soul Pill, which can make your cultivation a step further, take it. "

Ah Cha was taken aback. Although she had expected it, Lin Kaiyun still surprised her when she said it himself.

He actually gave it to her.

Chapter 526 Everything is fine

Ah Cha couldn't believe it, and there was a bit of guard in his eyes. This guy is not a bad person, nor is he a good person. Could it be that this stinky Taoist priest bribed her with pills?

Ah Cha looked at Lin Kaiyun puzzled and said, "Mr. Lin, what's the matter? Are you really giving it to me?"

"Well, I gave this to you. You have time to eat this elixir. You have been stuck in this realm for a while. This elixir will help your cultivation."

Lin Kaiyun coughed.

"Mr. Lin, what's wrong with your throat?"

Although Ah Cha lives in a ghost town, there must be something tricky about this unreasonable benefit.She took the Golden Soul Pill ecstatically, and suddenly felt that this stinking Taoist was not so hateful anymore.

"I'm fine!"

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