After all, he was a master and apprentice, so Yahiko also knows Jiraiya's strength very well!

(,Recognize "accurate;:'If. Water! First!, Send,!,, Steal? Book??, Sell "". Money". Die", Mom!") "The strength of Obito and Jiraiya, You all know it well? Then, what about my abilities? Do you understand? Do you have any countermeasures?" Luo Hang raised his hand, and the Xuanyuan Sword appeared in his hand. .

Chapter 163: The Eye of Reincarnation

Sword 23!

The first shot is Wang Bang!

Sword 23's skill was thrown out, and immediately, the invisible sword domain spread.

Everything around was still, as if the pause button was pressed on the TV series that was playing!

However, under this sword domain, Luo Hang's figure was completely uncontrollable, and he walked step by step.

Passing by all the people around, he walked straight in the direction of Nagato!

Nagato's figure couldn't move either, a pair of lavender reincarnation eyes were staring at Luo Hang.

In Samsara's eyes, he could clearly see his surprised eyes!

The ability of this sword 23, no matter how many times you watch it, you will be overwhelmed by its special effect of freezing time and space~. Not to mention, people who have seen this move for the first time-!

Luo Hang stretched out his hand, and grabbed Nagato's reincarnation eye - over!

Get the eyes of reincarnation first, as for Uchiha Madara's conspiracy and other things, let's explain after you get the eyes of reincarnation!


However, although the material time and space were completely frozen, at this moment, Luo Hang suddenly felt an invisible repulsive force appear.

Luo Hang, who was about to touch the eye of reincarnation, felt that under this powerful repulsion, his body was completely out of control, and he was blown away!

Luo Hang, who was blown away by a hundred meters, managed to stabilize his figure and stopped.

As Luo Hang was sent flying out, Jian 23's sword field was also broken.

The time and space that was originally frozen have been restored again!

However, everyone has no intention of continuing to fight!

Obito and Jirai also retreated to Luo Hang's side.

And those members of the Akatsuki organization retreated to Nagato's side!

At this moment, everyone's attention was almost on Luo Hang!

The ability of the sword 23 move just now really shocked everyone deeply!

Isn't that similar to the effect of the hold technique, but it really freezes time and space?

This kind of ninjutsu is simply unheard of!

"Is this his ability? It's really terrifying!" Yahiko took a deep look at Luo Hang and said!

"Shenluo Tianzheng!?" However, Luo Hang put his eyes on Nagato and said in surprise.

The material time and space are frozen, but the force field created by the pupil technique is not affected?

"You really know the ability of my reincarnation eye very well?"

Seeing that Luo Hang broke the pupil technique of his reincarnation eye as soon as he opened his mouth, Nagato said.

"Okay, Ziraiya, don't hide it, show it if you have any skills!"

No more nonsense, I didn't expect Nagato's Shenluo Tianzheng to have developed to this point at this time, Luo Hang opened his mouth and said to Zilai!

"Well, okay!" Hearing this, Zilai also thought about it, then gritted his teeth, as if he had made up his mind.

Then he made a seal with his hands and used a psychic technique!

Two little toads appeared, one on the left and the other on the right, squatting on Jiraiya's shoulders.

It was Toad Senjin Fukasaku and Shima from Mt. Myogi!

Following that, Jilai also began to paint his face, ready to enter the fairy mode!

Luo Hang could clearly feel that the natural power between the heaven and the earth, seemed to be pulled by some kind of force for a while, and quickly gathered on Qi Ye's body.

At the same time, Jiraiya's aura became stronger and stronger!

Luo Hang didn't talk nonsense, and shouted in his heart: "Jifu!"


Sanwei Isofu, who had been staring in Luohang's body for a long time, shared his mind, and immediately contributed his chakra.

The deep blue light enveloped Luo Hang, and the clothes on his body also turned into a gleaming blue robe, and the pattern of two hook jades on the neckline emerged!

Perfect Renzhuriki mode, Isofu mode!

"What state is this? Three-tailed Chakra? Does Jinchuriki still have such a state?"

Seeing Luo Hang's shape change, Obito Uchiha next to him was very surprised!

Back then, Yagura was already known as the perfect Jinchuriki.

My Sharingan controls Yakura, but I have never seen Yakura in such a state!

But, it's all right when it comes to Luo Hang! ?

"Be careful, the Chakra on his body has become strong and stable, this is a very advanced Renzhuli mode!"

Xiao Nan's perception is very good, he stared at Luo Hang, and reminded the people beside him!

"Fairy Mode, open!"

At the same time, the Jiraiya Immortal mode next to it is also ready to complete.

The chakra in the body is mixed with natural power, as if it has been catalyzed by some kind of catalyst, it has also become extremely powerful and very stable!

"Teacher Jiraiya's fairy mode is also very scary!" Nagato also glanced at Jiraiya's form, and then reminded him!

One has turned on the Jifu mode, and the other has turned on the fairy mode. The two people who had reached the shadow-level strength, now their strength has risen again!

"I, am I redundant?" Obito Uchiha next to him had an ugly expression on his face!

Three people team up to come to the Land of Rain!Now, Luohang and Jilai also have the ability to transform, but I don't have it?

For a moment, I felt that my cards were not as good as others!

"So handsome, my husband has always been so handsome, this jifu model is really handsome!"

"Then Jiraiya, does he actually have a similar transformation technique? Immortal mode? It feels very strong just by hearing it!" "And, immortal mode? Immortal? How does this have a proper sense of Long Guofeng's sight! "Hahaha, you guys are really happy to see Brother Tu's expression!"

"Could you both be able to transform together? I can't do it? Who can put this on, can't you be psychologically balanced?"

"There's a saying that goes well, blackening is ten times stronger, and whitening is weaker by three points. Could it be that our local brother is also in the same situation? Originally, the beginning of the game caused the Nine-Tails Rebellion, a proper template for the villain's big boss. Now, The cards are not as good as others?"

Focusing on Luohang's perspective, seeing Luohang's Jifu mode and Jiraiya's fairy mode have greatly enhanced their strength, the barrage in the Longguo live broadcast room has become more cheerful and excited stand up.

In this way, the change of Uchiha Obito's expression seems to have become the focus of discussion among the audience for a while.

No matter how you look at it, I feel very happy!

Let's not talk about the situation in the live broadcast room.

After the transformation was completed, Luo Hang slapped his hands, his chakra surged, and he casually made a move of Shui Dun.

Water escape - the art of the Great Waterfall!

Backed by the Chakra of the Three Tails, this move of Water Dun is almost comparable to the second Hokage's Kai Dun.

The monstrous waves immediately swept towards all the members of the Akatsuki organization! "Senfa, Goemon!"

At the same time, Zilai followed suit, cooperating with the two Toad Immortals. …ask for flowers.

The destructive power of a magic trick, completely surpassing that of ordinary ninjutsu, staged a wave of water and fire for everyone in the Akatsuki organization!

Although the strength of the Xiao organization is very strong, but the three of Luohang are here, they are the three shadow-level powerhouses.

Moreover, after the transformation, Zilai and Luohang are definitely among the top existences even among the shadow-level powerhouses!

The Nagato in the original book is indeed very powerful, and it is almost the ceiling of the shadow class.

However, the current Nagato has not experienced so much pain, so he has not fully developed the ability of the reincarnation eye!

The battle started again, and these Junin were no longer threatening to Luo Hang and others!

In Jifu mode, Luohang's speed has soared again in all aspects.

Combined with the ability to tap acupuncture points, he didn't kill anyone, but he tapped acupuncture points one by one.

The power system is completely different from Chakra. After touching the acupoints of these Akatsuki ninjas, they immediately make them unable to move!

In the end, seeing Obito entangle Nagato with the ability of blurring, Luo Hang saw the opportunity and slapped his hands on the ground!

"Sealing technique, diamond chain!"

These days, with Jiu Xinnai's teaching, coupled with sufficient chakra, Luo Hang's sealing technique practice is still progressing well.

A few chains with a sealing effect shot out, penetrated Obito's body, tied Nagato's body, and bound his body tightly!

Although the power of the reincarnation eye is powerful, the ability of the sealing technique is very targeted.

Even Nagato, it will be difficult to break free from these chains that bind his body for a while!

"Nagato!" Yahiko and Konan next to him exclaimed when they saw this.

Seeing that Luo Hang had already arrived in front of Nagato, he immediately rushed over to help!

However, Luo Hang followed up with another strong control effect of Sword 23, which immediately immobilized their bodies!

Then, Luo Hang made a swift move, and Nagato's eyes of reincarnation were directly snapped off!

The nutrient solution prepared earlier was taken out, and the reincarnation eye was put in to soak, and at the same time, it was put back into the storage belt!

"Ah!" As the effect of sword 23 passed, blood flowed from Nagato's eye sockets, and at the same time, a cry of pain came from his mouth!

Not caring about making any more moves, both Yahiko and Konan came to Nagato, looking at him worriedly!

"Okay, Yahiko, we didn't have any malicious intentions today. The reason why we took the eyes of reincarnation is also for the safety of the entire ninja world..."

Seeing that the Eye of Samsara had already been acquired, Jiraiya and the others certainly had no intention of continuing the fight, and explained.

However, neither Yahiko nor Konan paid any attention to Jiraiya's words!

Apparently, they all did it, they even dug out Nagato's eyeballs, so there's no malice?

If it weren't for the current situation of Nagato that makes people worry, Xiaonan and Yahiko would both have a good fight!

"Actually, this pair of reincarnation eyes was not originally Nagato's, so it is not considered lost!"

Luo Hang also followed suit.

"Hmph, you have taken away the eyes of reincarnation, is it meaningful to still say these words at this time?" Yahiko glared at Luo Hang, and said angrily!

"How did Nagato's Samsara Eye come about? Do you want to know the truth of all this?" Luo Hang asked.corpse.

Chapter 164: Talking about the Eye Opening Conditions of Reincarnation Eye

If a person wants to reason with you before doing anything, you may not be willing to talk about it!

But what if the other party tries to reason after they beat you?Your mentality is completely different!

What Luo Hang said now is probably the case!

At the beginning, Jilai also said that he had no malicious intentions, but Yahiko and the others didn't believe it at all, and they couldn't even listen to Zilai and say a few words!

But now, they have been defeated, and even Nagato's reincarnation eyes have been taken away.

However, Luo Hang and the others did not intend to leave, but stayed, still saying that they wanted to tell the truth about the whole thing!

Although there is anger in my heart, but now that we have reached this situation, it seems that there is nothing to lose, right?

"Yahiko, I, I want to hear the truth of what they said, what is going on!"

Yahiko still hesitated and didn't answer, but Nagato, who had his eyes gouged out, spoke!

"Okay, let's talk about it!" After a moment of silence, Xiao Nan also looked at Luo Hang and said!

"The eyes of reincarnation, these are the eyes of the legendary sage of the Six Paths, and such eyes cannot appear on a person for no reason."

"Nagato is a member of the Uzumaki tribe, and there has never been a "one one three" Uzumaki tribe who opened the eyes of reincarnation before, right?" Luo Hang said!

"This, it is indeed like this..." Hearing this, Nagato and the others all nodded!

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