Luo Hang's first sentence was reasonable.

Although Nagato is a member of the Uzumaki tribe, he has never heard that the Uzumaki tribe will open the eyes of reincarnation before.

Then, Nagato's pair of reincarnation eyes is indeed a bit strange!

"Konoha, there is the Uchiha clan, this clan has Sharingan, you should know about this!"

"Uchiha Madara, as the most famous powerhouse of the Uchiha clan, his Sharingan has already evolved into an eternal kaleidoscope!"

"However, no one knows that Uchiha Madara's identity is actually the reincarnation of Indra, the eldest son of the Sage of the Six Paths!"

"And the original Hokage was the second son of the Sage of the Six Paths, the reincarnation of Asura!"

"I won't go into details about the love and killing between Uchiha Madara and the first generation of Hokage, but one thing, Uchiha Madara and the first generation of immortals can be regarded as the existence of immortal eyes and immortal body!"

"Back then, Uchiha Madara and the first Hokage fought in the Valley of the End, resurrected with Izanagi, and bit off a piece of the first Hokage's flesh."

"Later, by fusing the cells of himself and the first generation of Hokage, it can be regarded as gathering the power of Indra and Asura at the same time, thus making his Sharingan evolve to the point of Reincarnation Eye!"

Luo Hang opened his mouth and briefly explained how Uchiha Madara opened the eyes of reincarnation!

"So it's like this. It needs the power of Indra and Asura, the sons of the sages of the six paths, to do it. It's not just a simple sharing eye that can evolve to the point of reincarnation eye!"

Listening to Luo Hang's explanation, Obito Uchiha next to him nodded suddenly!

In fact, when Uchiha Madara was able to open the eyes of reincarnation, Obito also thought in his heart, is the end of the evolution of sharing eyes, is it the eyes of reincarnation?

Obito now knows that not all Uchiha people can make Sharingan evolve into Samsarayan.

The main point is that Indra was reincarnated!

"Uchiha Madara, there is a plan for a month's eye, this point, let Obito tell it!"

When it came to the Eye of the Moon project, Luo Hang motioned for Obito to answer.

After all, Obito knows everything about the Moon's Eye plan better than himself!

Obito didn't mean to hide anything, he told how he was tricked by Uchiha Madara, and then walked in the ninja world for him wearing his vest, and told everything in detail!

"The power of the eyes of reincarnation is very strong, but not just anyone can bear it..."

After Uchiha Obito told the details of the Moon Eye project, Luo Hang followed up.

Speaking of this, he paused for a moment, looked at Nagato, and said: "The vitality of the Uzumaki clan is well-known in the entire ninja world, so if you want to keep the eyes of reincarnation, a person from the Uzumaki clan is naturally the best carrier." gone."

"So, when your parents died, the ninjas in Konoha Village killed your parents by mistake and made you open the eyes of reincarnation in pain. It's completely nonsense."

"It's just to plant the seeds of hatred for Konoha in your heart, and then transplant the eyes of reincarnation to you!"

"That Heijue, who claims to be transformed by Uchiha Madara's will, now, Obito has deviated from Uchiha Madara's original plan, so he deliberately provoked it secretly, in order not to let the reincarnation eye fall into our hands... ..."

In the end, Luo Hang explained all the truth about the matter!

Regardless of whether Luo Hang and the others really believed the truth they told.

But when these words came out, Yahiko and the others were all shocked!

After all, this truth, involving Uchiha Madara's plan, is too grand.

Whether it's people like myself or Obito Uchiha, they are all just pawns from Uchiha Madarabu?

Everyone else is dead, but the pawns laid out are still operating according to his wishes?

Moreover, the so-called Eye of the Moon Project is really too exaggerated, right?

A super-large illusion that actually wants to pull everyone in the Quannin world into it?

This crazy idea is simply jaw-dropping!

All right!This so-called truth is just shocking.

But what really shocked Yahiko and the others was that the truth about General Luo Hang was able to justify itself.

It even connects many things in series, which is reasonable!

For example, the Uzumaki clan did not open the eyes of reincarnation before!

For example, why Nagato was chosen as the carrier of the reincarnation eye.

Another example is why the Konoha ninja accidentally killed Nagato's parents!

It turns out that all of this is not a coincidence at all?

"Okay, what needs to be said, we have already made it clear, you are also adults, believe it or not, it is up to your own judgment!" After explaining the truth honestly, Luo Hang told Yahiko and others said the man.

"Nagato, without the eyes of reincarnation, it can be regarded as completely eliminating the hope of Uchiha Madara's resurrection. This is also for the peace of the entire ninja world."

"If you still believe in me, you can follow me to Konoha Village, and I can let you transplant a pair of eyes again!" Jiraiya next to him spoke and said something to Nagato!

"Mr. Jiraiya, we are in a bit of a mess right now. I don't know whether we should trust you, so please let us calm down for a while!" Yahiko opened his mouth and said to Jiraiya!

Xiaonan next to him also nodded.

Indeed, my mind is very confused now, and I don't know whether I should believe the truth Luo Hang said.  … "Okay, I will stay in Konoha for the next six months, and I can come to Konoha to transplant my eyes whenever I want!"

He also knew that it would not be so easy for Yahiko and the others to believe in him, so Zilai also nodded and said!

Things have come to this, this trip to the country of rain is completely over!

Luo Hang and the others didn't intend to stay longer in the Land of Rain, and Uchiha Obito used Kamui, and all of them entered Kamui's different space.

Immediately afterwards, when it reappeared, it had already returned to Muye Village!

"Nagato, do you think Jiraiya-sensei and the others can believe the truth?" After Luo Hang and others left, Yahiko asked!

"I think these truths should be believable!" Nagato didn't answer, but Xiaonan who was next to him answered first!

"Oh? Xiaonan, why do you say that?" Yahiko looked at Xiaonan curiously and asked!

"First of all, the truth that Luo Hang said is intertwined, without any flaws at all. It is too difficult to tell a lie so perfectly!"

"Secondly, from the beginning to the end, until now, we, even the people from the Akatsuki organization, have not killed us, they just subdued everyone!" "So, relatively speaking, I am more willing to believe that Teacher Jiraiya and the others did not come here with any malicious intentions!" Xiaonan replied that she was a girl and she was relatively more careful!

This analysis made Yahiko nod silently.

Indeed, even the ninjas organized by Akatsuki next to him were subdued by acupuncture, and their lives were not harmed.

It can be seen that during the battle, Luo Hang and the others kept their hands as much as possible.

"I, I would also like to believe in Jiraiya-sensei!" Although Nagato next to him had his eyes gouged out, relatively speaking, he was more emotional than Yahiko.

Therefore, Nagato also remembers Jiraiya's teaching to them back then even more deeply!

"Hey, if it's possible, why don't I want to trust Teacher Jiraiya! It's just that, over the years, I've seen too many intrigues! 5.9" Seeing that Xiaonan and Nagato both expressed their opinions, Yahiko also felt a little bit sad Said like that!

Let’s not talk about what Yahiko and the others think about the Country of Rain.

On the other side, Luo Hang and the others had already returned to Muye Village.

The reincarnation eye has been successfully obtained, and the next step is the transplantation of the reincarnation eye!

"Luo Hang, you want to transplant the reincarnation eye? Are you sure you can bear it?"

In Konoha Village, Namikaze Minato asked Luo Hang worriedly.

The eye of reincarnation, this is the eye of the fairy in the legend. Seeing Uchiha Madara put it on the body of the Uzumaki tribe as a carrier, it can be seen that the power of the eye of reincarnation must be very terrifying!

Minato Namikaze was really worried about the consequences of Luo Hang's transplanting the eyes of reincarnation!

"Don't worry, I'm not majoring in chakra, but true energy. The Sacred Heart Jue has been practiced to a high level, which is enough to bring people back to life. I still have confidence in enduring a pair of reincarnation eyes!" Luo Hang was very confident. The look of confidence!

Inner strength itself has the effects of keeping in good health and strengthening the body!

Not to mention that his body has already been transformed into true energy, and now he is still majoring in Sacred Heart Art!

How about physical fitness?Luo Hang feels that he is not weaker than the Whirlpool Clan at all, right? .

Chapter 165: Uchiha's Payne is equal to two resurrection scrolls

"Damn, really hateful, this guy named Luo Hang, I really want to kill him!"

In a dark secret room at the time, a shadow that was as black as ink was splashed on it, and at this moment, it was shouting angrily!

This black shadow is none other than Hei Jue, who Luo Hang calls the chief director of Naruto World!

Transformed by Otsuki Kaguya's will, it has been hidden in the darkness since ancient times, secretly provoking battles in the ninja world!

From the beginning when the two brothers Indra and Asura turned against each other, and then later deceived Madara, saying that he was transformed by Madara's will!

There is also a message on the stone tablet of Uchiha's house that deliberately deceived Madara, which caused Madara to leave Konoha Village.

Even at the last critical moment, Madara was stabbed in the back, allowing Otsutsuki Kaguya to use Madara's body to be resurrected...

All of this, on the surface, is Madara secretly manipulating Obito and Nagato.

In fact, it is Kurojue who is manipulating Uchiha Madara again!

Now, Uchiha Obito has been washed clean, and he knows that Uchiha Madara plotted against him secretly!

Even the reincarnation eye on Nagato was taken away.

The layout left by Uchiha Madara in the early days has completely collapsed, right?

Uchiha Madara's plan collapsed, and Kurojue's goal of resurrecting Otsutsuki Kaguya naturally also collapsed!

Today's Hei Jue is indeed very angry!

Originally, Banbu had ended the game, but I was secretly steering him, and all developments were within the plan.

However, it was because of that Luo Hang's appearance.

First blocked Obito who created the Nine-Tails Rebellion, and then instigated Obito, letting him know that the tragedy on him was all caused by Madara.

Now, even the eyes of reincarnation have been taken away!

Hei Jue's anger towards Luo Hang in his heart has really reached the point where it cannot be added!

However, even though he clamored to kill Luo Hang, Hei Jue also knew that he couldn't do it.

After all, his combat effectiveness is actually not that great!

"What should I do? How can I bring the situation back?"

After Hei Jue vented his anger for a while, he immediately began to think secretly in his heart!

Fighting is not Hei Jue's forte, but secretly arranging these things is what he is best at!

In this way, after silently thinking for a while, a plan slowly took shape in Hei Jue's mind.

At the same time, it became clearer! ...

Heijue, hidden in the dark, let's not talk about the layout for now!

On the side of Muye Village, it is in a secret room.

Namikaze Minato, Kushina, Jiraiya and the others all gathered.

And Luo Hang was lying on the bed, quietly waiting for the operation!

Next to the operating table, in a jar of culture fluid, was the lavender, six concentric eyes of reincarnation soaked in it!

"Are you ready?" The medical ninja who presided over the transplant next to him asked Luo Hang!

"En!" Luo Hang nodded!

Eye transplantation is not a difficult operation in the world of Naruto!

Thinking about how poor the conditions were at the beginning, Kakashi succeeded in transplanting Sharingan!

Thinking about the Fourth Ninja World War, Uchiha Madara's reincarnation eyes were even more plug-and-play.

It can be seen that this operation is not big!

As the operation began, Jilai who was next to him also performed an illusion, immersing Luo Hang in the illusion.

And the medical ninja next to him has already started to remove Luo Hang's eyes first, and then implanted the eyes of reincarnation.

After about half an hour or so, the operation was completed.

After Jiraiya dispelled the illusion, Luo Hang opened his eyes and could clearly feel the difference in his vision!

Moreover, with the existence of the eyes of reincarnation, the chakra of Sanwei Isofu in the body is also aroused, echoing the eyes of reincarnation!

The Chakra of the Tailed Beast is part of the Ten Tails!

And the Jinchuriki of the ten tails can become the existence of the Sage of the Six Paths. It is reasonable to say that there is an inseparable connection between the eyes of reincarnation and the tailed beast!

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