"The eyes of reincarnation, Luo Hang, have you actually obtained the eyes of reincarnation? Now, you have some demeanor of a sage of the Six Paths!"

Jifu is a big tortoise, who usually likes to sleep when he has nothing to do, and when he feels his chakra changes, it finally senses the existence of the reincarnation eye, and said in an amazed tone!

"How is it? Luo Hang? How do you feel?" Minato Namikaze next to him asked nervously!

"The reincarnation eye is very powerful and heavy, but my body can bear it!"

Feeling the terrifyingly powerful power lodged in his eyes, Luo Hang replied!

Indeed, the power of the Samsara Eye is very heavy, even Luo Hang feels the pressure!

It's like an ordinary person carrying a weight of thirty or forty catties on his back.

Carrying the burden for a long time, carrying it all the time, is naturally very heavy pressure!

It is also thanks to my own skill of more than 500 years, and the support of the three-tailed chakra.

Therefore, the power of the reincarnation eye can still support it.

Otherwise, if such eyes reside on the body of an ordinary person, then it is not the weight of thirty or forty catties, but the strength of three to four hundred catties, or even three to four thousand catties, which is enough to completely crush a person !

Although the power of the reincarnation eye was just acquired by Luo Hang.

However, according to Nagato and even Uchiha Madara's use of the eyes of reincarnation in the original book, Luo Hang certainly understands the power of his eyes of reincarnation and how to develop them!

Seeing that the reincarnation eye transplant operation was successful, and Luo Hang didn't feel uncomfortable, Namikaze Minato and the others secretly sighed that Luo Hang's physique was stronger than that of the Uzumaki clan.Then, everyone dispersed one after another!As for the power to make Luo Hang show a wave of reincarnation eyes?The reincarnation eye just obtained cannot be used immediately. It takes time to get used to it, and then develop it slowly! "Shenluo Tianzheng, Wanxiang Tianyin, and even the round tomb side prison are not the main thing. The main thing is to put together the Six Paths of Payne..." Back in Anbu, Luo Hang was thinking secretly in his heart!

With Liu Dao Payne, he would have six powerful assistants!

And the most important thing is that in the production of Liudao Payne, the original ability can be preserved in the original work!

So, in this timeline, what kind of powerhouse can be made into his own Six Paths puppet?


Just when Luo Hang was secretly thinking about how to make the six-way Payne target, suddenly, there was a loud noise outside the village.

After a while, an Anbu came to Luo Hang in an instant: "My lord, the S-rank rebellious Orochimaru escaped from the prison!" "Oshemaru, did you really escape?" Not too surprised!

After all, Orochimaru is not so easy to imprison.

Moreover, when I met Orochimaru before, I can see that although he is in prison, he is not anxious.

It can be seen that Konoha's prison is useless to him!

However, since I am the Minister of Anbu, it is impossible for Orochimaru to do nothing, right?

Nodding his head, Luo Hang did it himself!

It's just that Orochimaru's ability doesn't mean to fight at all, and he is so focused on fleeing that no one can stop him.

When Luo Hang chased to the edge of Muye Village, he realized that Orochimaru had escaped from the village.

This vast crowd, where to chase him?

"Oshemaru, don't try to escape!" Jiraiya felt as if time had returned to the past, even though he knew that the hope was slim, he still chased him out of the village!

"What's the situation? How did Orochimaru escape for no reason?" Luo Hang asked without any intention of chasing him!

"Someone helped Orochimaru break the seal, that's why he was allowed to escape!" Anbu next to him understood the situation and replied.

"Is there someone to help? Who is it?" Hearing this, Luo Hang frowned slightly.

"I don't know, no one knows who it is!" Anbu shook his head and said!

This answer made Luo Hang feel that something was wrong!

If Orochimaru escaped by his own ability, it would be fine.

However, someone secretly helped Orochimaru escape?Then this matter 113 is different!

Danzo?impossible?Without the power of his position, he is now like a canary in a cage.

When Luo Hang was thinking about who helped Dashewan escape, soon, someone came to clean up the battlefield!

Orochimaru escaped from Konoha Village just now, and the Uchiha clan of the Konoha Guard, of course, tried their best to stop it.

Among them, several members of the Uchiha clan were killed!

Seeing several members of the Konoha Guard who were killed, Luo Hang's heart moved slightly!

When the corpses of these Uchihas were transported back, after Luo Hang explained a few words, he also came to the residence of the Uchiha clan!

As the patriarch, Fuyue is currently counting the injuries of the Uchiha tribe!

Three tribesmen died, and one of them was an elite who opened the Sangouyu Sharingan. This made Fuyue feel very distressed!

Every member of Sangouyu's family has the strength of a ninja. No matter which family they are in, they are definitely the mainstay. "Minister Luo Hang, why are you here?"

Although he felt sad, seeing Luo Hang's visit, Fugaku Uchiha greeted him and asked calmly.

"Minister Fuyue, I have an unfeeling request. Can you give me the body of this fallen clansman?" Luo Hang didn't mean to beat around the bush, and pointed to the body of the Sangoyu Uchiha clansman next to him!

Don't you just need to make Six Payne?

There is a corpse of the Uchiha clan at the level of Sangouyu. From Luo Hang's point of view, this is naturally an excellent material!

They have already become corpses, it is impossible for these three-gou jade to evolve to the state of kaleidoscope, and Luo Hang has no such extravagant hope!

However, even if it is Sangouyu Sharingan, it is still very capable of replicating most of the body skills, ninjutsu, and even illusions, right?

Not to mention, there is Izanagi's forbidden technique!

Bringing a Payne made by the Uchiha tribe is almost like carrying two resurrection scrolls at any time, right?

Even Luo Hang couldn't refuse such a temptation! .

Chapter 166: The first show of the ability of the reincarnation eye, is there a bug in Luohang?


Although the relationship between Luo Hang and the Uchiha family is very close, he is now the teacher of Uchiha Itachi.

However, not only sharing eyes like Kakashi, but even the corpses of the Uchiha clan?

Even as the patriarch of the Uchiha clan, it is not easy to agree to this period!

Seeing Patriarch Fuyue's hesitation, Luo Hang could also understand his embarrassment.

After thinking for a while, Luo Hang then said, "In exchange, how about I tell you enough information?"

Since it is indeed impossible for Patriarch Fuyue to give him a corpse purely by friendship, then let's use the way of transaction!

"Information? What kind of information?" Fuyu was startled, staring at Luo Hang curiously and asked!

With the ability to calculate the past and the future, everything in the ninja world seems to have no secrets in front of him.

The intelligence he said?What kind of information is worth giving him the corpse of a clansman?

"The current Obito has returned to the Uchiha clan, right? Not long ago, you should know about the opening conditions of the reincarnation eye, right?"

Luo Hang didn't answer, but asked instead!

Since the country of rain had already mentioned what the conditions for opening the eyes of reincarnation were, Luo Hang didn't expect this to become a secret!

"That's right, I already know that the reincarnation of Indra, the eldest son of the Sage of the Six Paths, is necessary to open the eyes of reincarnation!" Hearing this, Fu Yue nodded frankly!

"What if I said that Indra in this life was reincarnated as a member of the Uchiha family? Is this information worth it?" Luo Hang then asked Fuyue back!

"Really?" What Luo Hang said surprised and delighted Uchiha Fugaku.

Then nodded hurriedly, and said: "If it is really this information, as long as I can get it out, I am willing to agree to any conditions!"

The reincarnation of Indra, the last reincarnation of Indra was Uchiha Madara.

Who is Uchiha Madara?One of the two strong men who created the entire Konoha Village.

Why is the leader of Konoha Village called Hokage?The first generation of Naruto was not proficient in fire escape ninjutsu.

The title of Hokage is also due to Uchiha Madara!

Now, Indra was reincarnated into the Uchiha clan again?

Doesn't this mean that the Uchiha clan will once again have a super genius comparable to Uchiha Madara?

Such news is naturally extremely precious to Fuyue, or to the entire Uchiha!

"Actually, this time, Indra's reincarnation is your son, Sasuke Uchiha!"

He didn't mean to play charades either, Luo Hang spoke directly and told Uchiha Fugaku the news!

"Sasuke? Is it him?" Hearing Luo Hang's words, Uchiha Fugaku's body was shocked, both surprised and happy.

Is his son Sasuke actually the reincarnation of Indra in this life?

If that's the case, then I have high hopes for Sasuke, beyond everyone's high hopes!

"In addition, I will present you with a matching news, the reincarnation of Asura also appeared, also in Muye Village"! "Luo Hang followed up and said!"

Asura and Indra are two brothers, reincarnated constantly, hating and killing each other.

The last reincarnation was between Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama. It was because Uchiha Madara obtained the power of Senju Hashirama that he successfully opened the eyes of reincarnation!

Today, Indra is reincarnated as his son Sasuke.

If everyone knows about Asura's reincarnation.

"Mr. Luohang, please let me know that I, I, Uchiha, are willing to agree to any conditions!" This time, Fu Yue was even more excited!

If you know who the reincarnation of Asura is in this life, doesn't it mean that your son will know the conditions for opening the eyes of reincarnation in the future?

This is an opportunity for the Uchiha clan to take off again, and Fuyue is extremely excited!

"In this life, Asura's reincarnation is the son of the fourth Hokage, Naruto!" Luo Hang followed suit!

"So it was him? Got it! Thank you, Mr. Luo Hang, for letting me know!" Nodding deeply, Fugaku Uchiha thanked him from the bottom of his heart.

The news of Indra and Asura's reincarnation is really more important to Fu Yue than any intelligence news!

"I'll give this corpse to Mr. Luo Hang. I don't know what else you need!"

Fu Yue not only handed over the corpse next to him to Luo Hang, but even acted as if he could agree to any conditions as long as Luo Hang was willing!

"Since Patriarch Fuyue is so polite, then I will be disrespectful..." Hearing this, Luo Hang smiled slightly, don't let it be in vain.

Besides, the news I gave him is far from being measured by the corpse of a Uchiha tribe!

Then, Luo Hang asked Uchiha Fugaku for Izanagi's forbidden technique, and even wanted to ask for a few more pairs of Sharingan!

"Okay, but I only have a pair of Sharingan here. If you need it, sir, I can give you both!"

This time, Uchiha Fugaku nodded decisively with a very bold look!

Then he took out a scroll, untied the seal on the scroll, and there was a bottle inside.

There is a pair of Sharingan soaked in this bottle, and it has reached the level of three hook jade!

Sharingan is the treasure of the Uchiha clan. Although everyone in the clan has the hope of opening their eyes, they can still play a huge role at certain times.

Therefore, it is not surprising that Fuyue, as the patriarch, has a stock of Sharingan!

It doesn't matter whether Fu Yue really only has this pair, or he is only willing to give this pair to himself, since he has given it, Luo Hang will not hesitate to accept it!

What should be said has been said, what should be done has been done, and what he wants has been obtained, Luo Hang has no intention of saying anything more.

After saying goodbye to Fuyue, I returned to Anbe!

In Anbu, Luo Hang took out the corpses of the Uchiha clansmen, and at the same time, a lavender light bloomed in Samsara's eyes.

Driven by the chakra of the three tails, the pupil power of the eyes of reincarnation began to cover the body of this Uchiha clansman!

As the power of Samsara Eyes came into play, the Uchiha opened his eyes.

The shape of the Sangouyu writing wheel eye in his eyes has turned into the appearance of the eye of reincarnation. This is the appearance that he has been controlled by the pupil power of the eye of reincarnation!

It's a strange feeling, as the pupil power of the Samsara Eye controls this Uchiha clansman, Luo Hang has a feeling that part of his own spiritual consciousness is also divided into this puppet.

This feeling is a bit similar to the technique of shadow clone!

On the surface, because of the pupil power of the reincarnation eye, it shows the shape of the reincarnation eye.

But in fact, the Uchiha tribe's Sangouyu Sharingan still exists!

"Yes, very good, although there is no black stick like Nagato to deepen the control, but within a radius of one kilometer, the control is not a problem!"

After controlling this puppet clone of the Uchiha tribe well, he moved a few times, and even used the many ninjutsu he had mastered before his death with ease, Luo Hang nodded in satisfaction!

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