So far, he has obtained the first one of the six puppet clones.

Moreover, this puppet clone also comes with two resurrection scrolls! ? "Oshemaru actually ran away? How did he run away?"

"Someone secretly let Dashewan go? Who has the ability and motive?"

". "Wait, brother Hang ran to the Uchiha family, did he want to talk to the patriarch Fuyue about Itachi's practice? ""What?Brother Hang doesn't just want Sharingan, he even wants other people's corpses?Why do you want a dead body? "Here we go, is Brother Hang going to spoil it again?" "

"Is the reincarnation of Indra in this life actually Uchiha Sasuke?"

"Fuyue is such a crazy start. The eldest son Uchiha Itachi, a super genius, can deduce the method of transforming internal energy into chakra at the age of six or seven. The second son Uchiha Sasuke, is Indra reincarnated?" "What? Brother Hang even knows who is the reincarnation of Asura? So he is the son of Namikaze Minato!?"

"Although there is no blood relationship, in a sense, Uchiha Sasuke and Naruto are brothers, right?"

"Brother Hang is awesome, sure enough, not only the corpse, but also an extra pair of Sharingan, and Izanagi's forbidden technique, let me just say, we all know that Izanagi's forbidden technique is powerful, Brother Hang, don’t you know?” “Is this extra pair of Sharingan supposed to be transplanted on me? But, isn’t Samsarayan said to be in a higher form than Sharingan?” “Wait, Brother Hang put the Uchiha clan His body was taken out, what is he going to do?" "Hold the grass, this, is this the power of the reincarnation eye?"

"My mother asked me why I knelt down to watch the live broadcast. It turned out that this reincarnation eye can also manipulate corpses, and even use all the abilities of the corpse at will?" oh!"

"Wait, besides this, can you also give the opponent the special ability of reincarnation eyes on the basis of the original strength?"

"Absorb ninjutsu? Does this reincarnation eye also give the Uchiha puppet the ability to absorb ninjutsu?"

In Longguo's live broadcast room, everyone followed Luo Hang's perspective and saw what Luo Hang did.

And Luohang showed off a wave of reincarnation eye operations for the first time, which shocked all Dragon Country audiences!

Is this the power of reincarnation eyes?

Co-authoring, Brother Hang not only got Samsarayan, but now he also got Sharingan, right?Izanagi got it too?

It feels like Brother Hang is stuck with a BUG?

"Okay, the puppet of the Hungry Ghost Road has been made, and I don't know what kind of people should be found to fill the roles of the other Six Paths?" , Luo Hang nodded in satisfaction!

Of course, if you can gather all six realms in one go in this world, that would be great!

But if there is no suitable target, Luo Hang feels that there is no need to worry!

After all, in the future, I still have to travel through the heavens and worlds.

In the future, there must be many strong people who can make him look good!

Overall, after obtaining the Eye of Reincarnation, one's own strength can be regarded as rising, a step further! .

Chapter 167: Uchiha Madara, Resurrection

In a jungle hundreds of miles away from Konoha Village, Orochimaru dragged his tired body forward with a gloomy expression!

Although he managed to leave Konoha Village this time, just like in the past, the idiot Jiraiya chased him out again, wanting to let him stay!

This time, the strength displayed by Jiraiya made it almost difficult for Orochimaru to escape.

Especially the sage mode of Mt. Miaomu made Orochimaru find it hard to resist!

"Longdi Cave also has immortal mode, should I go to Longdi Cave and try to practice immortal mode?"

After personally feeling the power of Jiraiya's sage mode, Orochimaru muttered secretly in his heart!

However, as soon as this idea appeared, Orochimaru shook his head and put this idea behind him!

My dream is not to gain great power, but to master the immortal life.

Otherwise, it is as strong as the first Hokage and Uchiha Madara, but it is just a meteor passing by. What's the point?

Since Luo Hang has confirmed that the direction of his future efforts is correct, of course he must put all his thoughts on immortality.

To study the immortal mode?Isn't that putting the cart before the horse?

With such thoughts in mind, Orochimaru's original idea of ​​wanting to practice the immortal mode immediately faded a lot!

However, after walking a few more steps, Orochimaru's footsteps stopped.

In front of him, there is a mysterious figure, wearing a cloak and a hood, making his appearance completely invisible.

However, the aura on the opponent's body made Orochimaru feel familiar!

"It's you, what's your purpose for releasing me from the prison in Muye Village secretly!?"

Orochimaru stood up straight, with a wicked smile on his face, and asked back!

"My purpose is very simple, I need you to perform the technique of reincarnation!" The figure in a cloak and a hood replied!

"The dirt reincarnated?" However, Orochimaru who heard the words smiled lightly, and a dangerous light flashed in his eyes.

Opening his mouth suddenly, a poisonous snake spit out from Orochimaru's mouth, and instantly bit the figure's neck!

However, through the feedback of the poisonous tongue, Orochimaru frowned slightly, feeling something was wrong!

Sure enough, the venomous tongue bit the hood and shrank back, tearing the cloak on the opponent's body!Finally, the opponent's true face of Lushan was revealed!

"You are, what?"

Looking at the figure in front of him, which has no entity at all, just a dark shadow, Orochimaru asked in astonishment!

Even Orochimaru has been studying forbidden techniques for many years, and has already seen a lot.

However, looking at Hei Jue in front of him, he still felt extremely strange!

It's just a black shadow, but it still has life?What's happening here?

"Oshemaru, I rescued you, and you perform the technique of reincarnation of the dirty soil for me, it shouldn't be difficult!?"

Heijue didn't look angry, of course, even if he got angry, he couldn't see the pitch-black shadow, Heijue continued to say to Orochimaru!

"Although it's really easy for me to reincarnate in the dirty soil, I have no willingness to cooperate with a guy with a hidden dragon and a tail!" Orochimaru looked at Heijue in front of him, shook his head, and expressed his rejection!

If you made such a request before saving yourself, maybe you can discuss it!

Now that I have rescued myself, how can I ask myself again?

I'm not so easy to talk about myself!

"Well, if that's the case, then I can only do it myself..."

Hearing Orochimaru's refusal, Heijue felt helpless and disappointed, and said with a long sigh!

As soon as the words fell, Hei Jue turned into a black shadow and attacked towards Orochimaru!

Orochimaru, as one of the Sannin, a veteran Kage-level powerhouse, even just fought against Jiraiya, already consumed a lot.

But the reaction of the shadow-level powerhouse is still very fast!

However, although Hei Jue's combat power is not strong, his existence is very strange.

Coupled with the fact that Orochimaru doesn't know much about Heijue, Chakra is already consumed too much.

After fighting for a while, Hei Jue really turned into a shadow, covering Dashewan's body, completely covering Dashewan's body.

Obviously, the current Orochimaru is almost under the control of Heijue!

Immediately afterwards, Hei Ze controlled Orochimaru's body and began to act.

Regarding the conditions required for the reincarnation of the dirty soil, Hei Jue has already prepared it!

First of all, it is a sacrifice, a living person can be caught anywhere!

Followed by Uchiha Madara's flesh and blood tissue!

As an existence who witnessed Uchiha Madara's death with his own eyes, it is naturally not difficult for Heijue to obtain Uchiha Madara's body tissue parts!

In the original book, even Obito who has obtained the power of the Six Paths can hardly resist the will of the possessed Heijue when he is weak.

Today's Orochimaru is also in a weak state, can he still be stronger than Obito?

Under Heijue's control, even though Dashewan was unwilling in every possible way, he still made seals with both hands!

Then, he slapped his hands on the ground, and the huge black rune spell was instantly completed: psychic spell, reincarnation of dirt!

The person who was the sacrifice let out a scream, and countless dust-like substances quickly appeared, covering the whole body of the sacrifice.

Immediately afterwards, the screams stopped abruptly, covered by countless dust, and the appearance of this sacrifice also changed greatly.

Wearing a blood-red armor, with long hair like a killer, he looks handsome and has an extraordinary bearing!

"This appearance seems familiar. Where have you seen it?"

Looking at this figure (bcfj) reincarnated from the dirt, Orochimaru was secretly surprised.

At the same time, Orochimaru also keenly sensed the power of this figure!

It's unbelievable, I know about my reincarnation in the dirty soil, the current research is not complete, and the strength of the existence that can be reincarnated from the dirty soil is only about one-tenth of the other party's life!

However, with this level of reincarnation, are the reincarnated guys so powerful?

"Is this? Reincarnation from the filthy soil? Why isn't it born in reincarnation? And, what's the matter with this weak body!?"

After the reincarnation of the dirty soil was completed, the figure in the dark red armor stomach opened his eyes, and in the eyes were the writing sharing eyes of Sangouyu.

At the same time, he looked down at himself and said strangely!

"Master Madara, something happened, so I can only summon you out in advance!" Hei Ze who was possessed by Orochimaru spoke, and said to Uchiha Madara! "It's you, Hei Ze, the time has not come yet, you are in a hurry to let me appear in the form of reincarnation, why?" Frowning slightly, Uchiha Madara was obviously very unhappy, feeling that he was being disturbed !

Facing Uchiha Madara, Hei Ze didn't mean to talk nonsense, and quickly explained the recent situation to Uchiha Madara! "Oh? Is that so? A guy named Luohang is powerful, and can he calculate the past and the future? Interesting!" "I also found Obito, and told him the truth about how I calculated Obito back then." ?"

"Also, did this guy named Luo Hang manage to take away the Eye of Reincarnation left behind by my arrangement?"

"It seems that the current situation is indeed very dangerous, and the direction of the ninja world has completely escaped our control!" Hearing what happened and the current situation, Uchiha Madara nodded suddenly.

No wonder Hei Jue chose to wake himself up during this period of time. It turns out that everything has developed to the current situation? "Luo Hang? It's interesting. It seems that I want to see how he dances in front of me!" After a moment of silence, Madara Uchiha nodded and said!

"Master Madara, you, don't be impulsive, your current strength is far from your heyday, right?" Seeing Uchiha Madara's arrogant and domineering words, Kurojue is a little anxious!

It would be fine if he was originally strong.

But now, Heijue can also feel that Uchiha Madara's strength is far behind that of the heyday! "Well, the strength of me now is not very good, but I can't deal with anyone!" Uchiha Madara heard the words, and said still indifferently!

On the other hand, in recent days, Luo Hang is still practicing hard.

The cultivation of Sacred Heart Jue is on the right track!

After all, the power of the eyes of reincarnation makes me feel heavy. Therefore, practicing the Sacred Heart Jue more will help me to control the power of the eyes of reincarnation!

On the other hand, Uchiha Itachi and Mikey are also growing very fast!Things are going in a good direction!

Now, I have become the three-tailed Jinchuriki, and I have also obtained the eyes of reincarnation, many ninjutsu, sealing techniques, and even forbidden techniques such as Izanagi and Dirty Reincarnation.

From Luo Hang's point of view, the exploration of this world has rewarded him very much!

In about half a year, I will return to the real world.

After thinking about it carefully, it seems that I don't have anything else worth planning?

After all, could he still gather all the nine tailed beasts, summon the golem of the heretics, become the ten-tailed Jinzhuri, and successfully advance to the Six Paths mode?

Not to mention the time, whether it is too late, even if it is too late, once he really does such a thing, he will immediately become the public enemy of the whole ninja world, right?

If there is really nothing worth gaining, Luo Hang feels that it is also a good choice for him to practice hard and improve his strength in the next six months. .

Chapter 168: Uchiha Madara Coming to Luohang?

On this day, at noon, Minato Namikaze was working in the Hokage Building.

As the leader of the five ninja powers, Hokage is naturally in a hurry!

On the other side, Kushina, who is Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, is teasing her little Naruto, with a maternal radiance on her face!

As the saying goes, sit seven times and climb eight times, ninety-nine teeth will grow~!

It has been more than half a year since Luo Hang came to the world of Hokage, so Naruto has also been born for seven or eight months-. Now, he can already crawl on the ground.

Looking at the cuteness of her son, how can Jiuxinna see the slightest grumpiness?

"Oops, this breath is..."

However, when the scene in front of him was incomparably harmonious and peaceful, suddenly, Nine Tails, who was in the seal, suddenly woke up!

"What's wrong? Is something wrong?" Kushina's mind was immersed in the spiritual world for an instant, and she asked Jiuwei.

"Damn it, how is it possible? He, how could he appear again..."

However, Kyuubi didn't answer what Kushina meant, but his tone was full of unbelievable feelings.

Then, the eyes of Kyuubi turned into the form of Sharingan again.

Obviously, this is the appearance of Kyuubi being controlled by the pupil power of Sharingan!

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