"Oops!" This time, Kyuubi is still in his own seal, and has been controlled by the pupil power of Sharingan?

Kushina was horrified!

At the same time, in the center of the bustling street in Muye Village, a figure suddenly formed seals with both hands, and then pressed on the ground: "Spiritualism!"

With a bang, a huge white smoke flashed, and then, the figure of the nine-tailed demon fox instantly appeared on the Konoha street.

The [-]-meter-tall Nine Tails instantly caused all the surrounding residents to scream in terror, and then fled in all directions!

Half a year ago, I experienced the Nine-Tails Rebellion. I didn't expect how long it took?Is it coming again?

With Kyuubi being psychic out, Muye Village was like a huge boulder fell directly in the calm lake!

At the same time, Uchiha Madara, who was in the reincarnation form of the dirt, jumped up and landed on Kyuubi's head, overlooking the entire Konoha Village from a high position.

In the end, his gaze was fixed on the statue of the first generation of Hokage in Hokage Rock: "Hashirama, the idea you implemented back then was wrong, but don't worry, sooner or later, I will correct your mistakes!"

"Nine Tails!? How is it possible? Who can summon Nine Tails at this time!?"

Uchiha's residence is far away. Obito and Fugaku, two people with kaleidoscopes, look at Kyuubi's huge figure, and the two look at each other in amazement!

Even with Obito, it was only when Kushina gave birth that the seal was loosened to succeed.

now?But someone channeled Nine-Tails when the seal was played well?

who is it?

"Oops, Kushina..."

Seeing Kyuubi being psychic out, Namikaze Minato's expression became extremely solemn!

The danger of Renzhuli is here, once the tailed beast leaves its body, it will definitely die!

Back then, it was just to take Nine-Tails back as early as possible. With the strong physique of the Uzumaki Clan, Kushina managed to survive until that time.

But what about this time?Will luck be the same as last time?

No matter who is able to summon Kyuubi at this time, it means that the opponent's power is above Obito, right?

"Kyuubi!? How come?" Jiraiya looked in the direction of Kyuubi from a distance, and a shocked expression suddenly appeared on his face.

Could it be?Is there a problem with Kushina's seal, so Kyuubi escaped?

Anbu, Luo Hang is practicing the Sacred Heart Jue, internally watching his own true essence circulating in every corner of his body.

As the cultivation of the Sacred Heart Art became deeper and deeper, Luo Hang's understanding of the mysteries of the human body became deeper and deeper!

"If Orochimaru obtains this Sacred Heart Technique, he should be like a treasure, right? After all, he doesn't need to do so many taboo and inhumane experiments, so he can understand the mysteries of the human body more accurately!"

The true essence in the body circulated for ninety-nine and eighty-one cycles, and the liquefied true essence was stored in the Tanzhong acupoint, turning into a void pill.

At the same time, Luo Hang opened his eyes, and secretly sighed in his heart!

"Huh? This is? Nine-Tails' Chakra? What's going on!?"

Having just finished training, Luo Hang also felt the scorching and unknown chakra erupting completely, like a volcano erupting.

This made Luo Hang stand up abruptly!

"My lord, someone psychically revealed a nine-tailed demon fox on the street. Seeing that the pupils of the nine tails have transformed into the shape of Sharingan, it is obvious that they have been manipulated by the pupil power of Sharingan!"

Soon, an Anbu came to Luo Hang in an instant, and hurriedly reported.

"Nine Tails came out through psychic channeling at this time? And it's still in broad daylight!?" Luo Hang pondered inwardly!

Looking at all the people who have opened a kaleidoscope in the original book.

Sasuke is still a baby now, Uchiha Itachi is just a child, Uchiha Shisui?It's also just a Chunin in Ergouyu's state!It is impossible for Obito and Fuyue to make a move!

So, who else?

"Uchiha Madara!?" After a little thought in his mind, Luo Hang locked his doubts on Uchiha Madara!

The most important thing is to choose this broad daylight to channel Nine Tails on the busiest street in Muye Village.

Such an arrogant and domineering style of acting is also very in line with Uchiha Madara's heart!

Although I realize that Madara may be resurrected, but as the head of Anbu, I can't shrink back, right?

Luo Hang explained that he asked Anbu to cooperate with the Konoha Guard to quickly take charge of the evacuation and evacuation of ordinary people.

Immediately, with a movement of his body, he left Anbu and came towards the place where the nine-tailed demon fox was!

The huge Nine-Tails stands in the bustling center of Konoha Village. Uchiha Madara, wearing a dark red armor, stands condescendingly with his arms folded.

Under the control of his pupil power, the nine-tailed demon fox had an astonishing momentum, but it did not attack.

Uchiha Madara also seemed to be quietly waiting for something, and ignored the escape and evacuation of these people.

This posture, as if these people are not worth noting ants to him!

Not only that, even more and more ninjas gathered around, and even Jiraiya these people appeared, and they ignored it.

Still with a contemptuous figure, standing quietly on the head of the nine-tailed demon fox!

Not to mention, this look of not paying attention to anything in the world is so imposing, it really makes people dare not move easily, just looking at Uchiha Madara in horror!

In this way, after about a few minutes, Luo Hang's figure also appeared!

"It really is him..." The figure fell beside Namikaze Minato, seeing the figure standing on the head of Kyuubi, Luo Hang's heart froze secretly. . …ask for flowers.

Sure enough, it's Uchiha Madara!

From the looks of it, it was the reincarnated body of the filthy earth, not a real resurrection! ?

"Luo Hang, do you know who he is?" Namikaze Minato asked with a serious look on his face!

"I know, Uchiha Madara!" Luo Hang nodded and replied!

Hearing this, Namakaze Minato couldn't help turning his head to look at him!

It is not surprising to be able to recognize that it is Uchiha Madara.

However, Luo Hang's calm expression made Namikaze Minato a little strange.

How did he manage to say Uchiha Madara's name so calmly?

You know, in the ninja world, just the name of Uchiha Madara gives people a feeling of invincibility!

"Has it finally appeared?"

When Luohang and Namikaze Minato were talking, a black shadow appeared beside Uchiha Madara.

Then, Madara Uchiha, who had a domineering shape, opened his eyes and looked towards Luo Hang.

"Hold the grass, what's going on, as the strongest tailed beast, Nine Tails is too shameless, isn't it? Has someone been psychic out twice in a year?"

"Look at the person standing on the head of Nine Tails, there is another one!"

"Not to mention, the Obito before gave people a mysterious and eerie feeling, which is a proper visual sense of the villain's big boss, but this figure, where it stands, gives people a sense of domineering!"

"What the hell? There are cracks on this person's face? It feels like a pottery figurine?" "Uchiha Madara? Holding grass, is this Uchiha Madara?" "Created Konoha Village One of the two great gods?"

"Damn it, I've heard the name Uchiha Madara more than once in Brother Hang's mouth! Designing Brother Tu, secretly manipulating Nagato, and planning the Moon Eye Project, you can be regarded as brother who is not in the ninja world, but the ninja world has always been The legend of brother is spreading! Now, have you finally seen his true face in Mount Lu?"

"This posture, this aura, is it worthy of being the ultimate big boss in the ninja world? I don't think anyone will object to saying that he is the ultimate big boss?" "But, didn't Brother Hang say that? This Uchi Bo Ban died a long time ago, why are you standing here again today?"

"Wait, Uchiha Madara opened his eyes as soon as Brother Hang came over, and the words were addressed to our Brother Hang, right? Is this aimed at Brother Hang?" It exploded.

Following Luo Hang's perspective, he learned that the legendary Uchiha Madara was actually here, and appeared in such a domineering way, that he had even been waiting for Luo Hang early.

The audience in Longguo's live broadcast room were all blown up for a while!

"Hahaha, let you guys from Dragon Kingdom be arrogant, are you okay now? You have provoked the legendary Uchiha Madara and ruined Uchiha Madara's plan. Uchiha Madara is here for revenge!" Of course, compared to The audience in the Dragon Country and the audience in other countries were overjoyed, thinking that Luo Hang must die today!

Moreover, with this kind of joyful mood, the major event that happened in the Dragon Kingdom live broadcast room caused countless crooked viewers to rush into the Dragon Kingdom live broadcast room to watch the fun!

Not to mention the thoughts of the audience in the live broadcast room.

Luo Hang also noticed that Uchiha Madara's eyes seemed to be on him, and his heart tightened slightly!

Is this Uchiha Madara really coming for himself?corpse.

Chapter 169: King of pretending to be B, Uchiha Madara

Muye Village is the head of the five ninja kingdoms!

Today, the sky is bright again, and there are many junin, not to mention elite jnin, even if they are kage-level powerhouses, there are quite a few in Konoha Village now!

Even if Kyuubi is pulled away, Kushina, a Kage-level powerhouse, is lost.

However, in Konoha Village today, there are at least three Hokages, four Hokages, Uchiha Fugaku, Uchiha Obito, Luohang and Jiraiya who live in seclusion!

In a Ninja Village, there are currently six Kage-level powerhouses sitting in town.

This lineup alone does not tarnish the title of the top five ninja powers!

But what?After Uchiha Madara channeled Kyuubi, he just stood quietly on Kyuubi's head, with a look of contempt for the world.

Even if these kage-level powerhouses surrounded them one by one, he was facing the entire Konoha Village alone.

However, Uchiha Madara's expression still did not change at all, that expression obviously did not take such a lineup into his eyes!

"Are you talking to me?"

Finding that Uchiha Madara was staring at him while talking, Luo Hang replied!

"Are you Luo Hang? You look quite young!" Uchiha Madara followed suit, which was considered to be a response to Luo Hang's inquiry!

"As far as I know, when you died, you were already very old, but now you are reincarnated in such a young appearance, what's going on?"

"One one three" Luo Hang followed suit, asking the question in his heart!

That's right, in the original book, when everyone is reincarnated from the filth, they are the same as they were when they died.

Only Uchiha Madara is an exception.

Only he returned to his youthful state after being filthy, which made Luo Hang feel very strange.

The past life is an unsolved mystery in the hearts of many comic fans!

However, Uchiha Madara did not answer Luo Hang's question, as if he was too lazy to answer Luo Hang's question.

His eyes were still interested, and he said: "During the days when I was away, I heard that you danced very actively. Now that I am standing in front of you, can you still dance?"

Uchiha Madara, the soul dance king, made the corners of Luo Hang's mouth twitch slightly at this question from the soul, and his expression became even more weird!

"Holding the grass, this Uchiha Madara is really coming for our brother Hang!"

"Don't be afraid, don't panic, Brother Hang has the entire Muye Village standing here, there is nothing to be afraid of!"

"Yes? Really? Theoretically speaking, the entire Muye Village is indeed standing on Brother Hang's side, but why do I still not feel the slightest sense of security?"

"I, I thought I was the only one who felt this way!"

"This Uchiha Madara's aura is too scary, right?"

"Can you still dance? Uchiha Madara's words are too pretentious, right?"

In the live broadcast room, as Uchiha Madara's soul asked questions, countless viewers were blown up.

I just think Uchiha Madara's words are really too pretentious!

"Uchiha Madara, don't underestimate Konoha Village!" Before Luo Hang could speak, Minakaze Minato next to him spoke!

Although he was shocked by Uchiha Madara's aura for a while, but thinking of Kyuubi being psychic out, Kushina doesn't know how long he can last.

Namikaze Minato, who is eager in his heart, doesn't have so much time to let Uchiha Madara chat!

"Konoha!? It's because Hashirama's wood escape ninjutsu was the best in the world, so the village is called Konoha! Does a village without Hashirama still have the right to be called Konoha?"

Hearing this, Uchiha Madara glanced at Namikaze Minato.

Uchiha Madara, who is the number one Hashirama blow in the ninja world, spoke up, and it really is a topic that can't be separated from blowing a wave of Senju Hashirama!

Speaking of this, after a slight pause, Uchiha Madara then said: "Because of my Hokage, the leader of Konoha Village is called Hokage, so, is a junior like you qualified to bear the name of Hokage?" What's the number!?"


I have to say that every sentence of Uchiha Madara's words seems to be as good as pretending to be B!

However, everyone has to admit that with Uchiha Madara's ability, he just pretended to be B when he said these words to others!

In fact, for him, it was really just stating the facts!

No nonsense, Namikaze Minato really doesn't have that much time to talk nonsense.

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