But the crooked nut viewers in the Longguo live broadcast room were very unhappy watching it!

Facing a strong man like Uchiha Madara, Luo Hang can actually defeat him?

Let's not talk about the discussion in the live broadcast room.

At this moment, all the people in Muye Village looked at Luo Hang!

Uchiha Fugaku, Uchiha Obito, Orochimaru, and Jiraiya all know about the ability to calculate the past and future!

Now, Luo Hang has another big melon coming out?

That's really good to listen to!

Everyone in the world likes to hear secrets, especially this kind of secret that can be thrown out, which may be enough to shock the entire ninja world, which makes people even more curious!

Not to mention, from the beginning to the end, what Luo Hang said has been verified and is true, and there has never been a time when his calculations were wrong!

"Ahem..." Clearing his throat, Luo Hang spoke.

"What about this story? It starts a long time ago. At that time, there were no ninjas in this world, not even Chakra. There was only a woman named Otsuki Kaguya who came to this world..." Luo Hang said , decided to start with the situation of Otsuki Kaguya at the source!

"At that time, Kaguya Otsutsuki integrated into the lives of humans, and even had two children with humans, one named Yuyi and the other named Hamura!"

"At that time, there was a sacred tree. On this sacred tree, there was a fruit! Otsutsuki Kaguya secretly ate this fruit, and since then, he has possessed incomparable power and is called the goddess of Mao , the ancestor of Chakra." "That fruit is also called the Chakra fruit!"

"The fruit of the sacred tree was stolen, and I was so angry that I turned into a monster called ten tails..."

"The Goddess of Uno became more and more cruel, until finally, two brothers, Hagoromo and Yumura, joined forces to seal Otsuki Kaguya!" "And the ten tails were also divided into nine tailed beasts, which were passed down in the world!" "Yes Oh, Otsuki Yuyi is actually the legendary Sage of the Six Paths!"

"However, no one knows that when he was sealed again, Otsutsuki Kaguya created a life with his own will and the power of Yin Yang Dun. He worked hard for his own unsealed resurrection one day. This life is black. Absolutely...

"So, in order to save his mother, Hei Jue secretly instigated Indra, the eldest son of the Immortal of the Six Paths..."

Luo Hang opened his mouth and explained the situation of Otsutsuki Kaguya, Six Paths Sage, Chakra Sacred Tree, Ten Tails, and even Indra and Asura one by one.

These fabulous stories are narrated from Luo Hang's mouth! "So, is the history of the ninja world like this?" "Did the Sages of the Six Paths really exist?"

"It turns out that Heijue's true identity is actually the will of Otsutsuki Kaguya? No wonder this story is called Heijue's story of saving his mother!"

Listening to Luo Hang's dictation, Uchiha Fugaku and others next to him nodded secretly, and said with a lot of emotion in their hearts!

However, Uchiha Madara, who was in the seal next to him, curled his lips secretly.

Obviously, he didn't believe what Luo Hang said!

Let alone, this guy named Luo Hang, is he telling himself a fairy tale here?

Heijue is transformed by his own will, this is what Uchiha Madara has believed in for many years, of course he will not listen to Luo Hang's one-sided words so easily!

Luo Hang glanced at Uchiha Madara without a trace in his eyes!

Although Uchiha Madara didn't say a word, his expression has fully expressed his meaning!

Of course, with Uchiha Madara's pride and arrogance, if you have any ideas, you don't bother to hide them!

After a slight pause, Luo Hang continued: "Although Indra and Asura are dead, they will, but they are constantly reincarnated, and every generation will always have a super genius with amazing talent. "And in every generation, there will inevitably be a person who looks stupid, but actually has a very high affinity, so that countless people are willing to follow him!" "These two people will inevitably have brothers. Feelings, but in the end, they will fight and kill each other!" "These are the continuous reincarnations of Indra and Asura!" These words made Uchiha Madara's expression slightly moved!

Although Uchiha Madara despises the arrogance of the world, he is also very smart.

Why does the reincarnation of Indra and Asura in Luohang's mouth sound so familiar?

"I know that the reincarnations of Indra and Asura of the previous generation are Uchiha Madara and the first Hokage Senjubashirama!" Luo Hang had already heard about Indra and Asura's question, and the next Uchiha Fugaku learned to answer quickly!

"So? Is this the topic that finally comes to me? Feeling like brothers, but they will definitely kill each other in the end? This is indeed true, but the so-called reincarnation of Indra and Asura, It’s completely nonsense!?”

Talking here, Uchiha Madara is detailed in some parts, but the key points are still unbelievable!

For him, if he doesn't believe something, it is absolutely not so easy to make him believe it!

"Moreover, you also said that the condition for opening the eyes of reincarnation is not simply that the eyes of reincarnation can be opened after the evolution of sharing eyes to the end, but because Indra reincarnated and obtained the power of Asura, which leads to the six paths The power to open the eyes of reincarnation!". …ask for flowers.

Regardless of whether Uchiha Madara believed it or not, Uchiha Fugaku followed suit.

"Well, yes, so, before Uchiha Madara was dying, he bit off a piece of the first Hokage's flesh, and after being resurrected as Izanagi, he integrated the cells between the pillars into himself, which is considered to have gathered both Indra and Asura at the same time. The power of the two eyes has evolved to the point of reincarnation eyes!"

Luo Hang nodded in response!

"You boy, how did you know about the battle between me and Hashirama, and even the fact that I bit off the flesh and blood of Hashirama!?" Hearing this, Uchiha Madara couldn't sit still.

Logically speaking, these detailed questions should only be known to me and Hashirama himself, right?

For such a young guy, when talking about the problems of the past, he is so precious! ?

However, Luo Hang did not answer Uchiha Madara's words, and was still telling his own story.

It seems that this story is not for Uchiha Madara, but for these friends around! "Go on, after all, Hei Jue is the protagonist of my story..."

"Heijue is still the same as before. The purpose is to divide Uchiha Madara and Senju Zhuma. Then, how will he do it?" Created!"

"However, these are not difficult for Hei Jue, and it can even be said that he has already been familiar with them!"

"In the shrine of the Uchiha clan, there is a stone tablet there, and Heijue thought of a very perfect way, which is to leave a lie on the stone tablet." "A lie that can break up Uchiha Madara and Senjuzhu! "

"And in order to increase the credibility of this lie, the content on this stone tablet can only be interpreted by a kaleidoscope-level Sharingan!" Uchiha Madara!"

"On the surface, Uchiha Madara is using Hei Ze to help him complete his plan. In fact, Uchiha Madara is just being tricked and deceived by Hei Ze!"

"If I hadn't appeared, the last black sword would have been able to strike at Uchiha Madara's most proud moment, allowing Otsutsuki Kaguya to borrow Uchiha Madara's body to be resurrected!" Luo Hang's words are almost counted. The whole story of Heijue saving his mother is almost finished!

Let’s start from the source of the fruit of the sacred tree, the age of the sages of the Six Paths.

In the end, Heijue successfully stabbed Uchiha Madara in the back, allowing Otsutsuki Kaguya to be resurrected.

This story can be said to be very smooth.

Moreover, it not only involves the past, but also involves the future that has not yet happened.

The magnificent story in his mouth made Uchiha Fugaku, Jiraiya and all of them have a real understanding of the history of the entire ninja world! "You, how did you know about the stele of our Uchiha Shrine!?" Uchiha Madara was really startled by this, staring at Luo Hang seriously and asked!

These words don't seem like simple deception!

Could it be?Was it the Uchiha patriarch who discovered the contents of the stele?Did you tell him?

However, if the content on that stele was interpreted, it stands to reason that he would tell anyone! ?

Could it be?

The story he just told was not fabricated at all?It's not true! ?corpse.

Chapter 174: Minato, I Can Revive Kushina

What Luo Hang originally said, Uchiha Madara only thought that he was talking about fairy tales!

When it comes to the fact that Hei Ze is actually transformed by Otsutsuki Kaguya's will, Uchiha Madara feels that he is deceiving himself.

Heijue is transformed by his own will, Uchiha Madara has always believed in it!

However, when he heard the reincarnation of Indra and Asura, and the conditions for opening the eyes of reincarnation, Madara Uchiha was a little dubious!

In the history of the Uchiha clan, no one has ever opened the eye of reincarnation, but you are the only one who opened it?

Is it really because I am the reincarnation of Indra?

Finally, when Luo Hang said that there was a lie written on the stele of the Uchiha clan that could only be read with the pupil power of a kaleidoscope, Madara Uchiha couldn't sit still! "On the stone tablet of the Uchiha Shrine, is there such a lie that can only be read with the pupil power of a kaleidoscope? I never knew about this!" Fugaku Uchiha, who was next to him, widened his eyes and looked at Luo in shock. Sailing!

Obviously, Uchiha Fugaku is completely unaware of the secret that Luo Hang mentioned!

Glancing at Fugaku, Uchiha Madara could tell that Fugaku's expression was not fake.

In other words, he really didn't know the secret of the stele.

But, how could Luo Hang know?

"Luohang has the ability to calculate the past and future. He knows what happened in the past and what will happen in the future!" Seemingly seeing Uchiha Madara's shocking expression, Obito explained!

"This is impossible!" Uchiha Madara can still trust the ability to predict.

However, even the past can be speculated?

Does that mean he can know anything that happened before as long as he wants to?

"Otherwise? How do you think he knew the truth about you plotting against me!" Seeing Uchiha Madara's disbelief, Uchiha Obito asked back!

"This..." Uchiha Madara was speechless for a while, not knowing how to answer! "Perhaps, it was some kind of coincidence that he found out by chance?" After a moment of silence, Madara Uchiha shook his head and said!

"Well, at the beginning, the two children sat on Hokage Rock, with great ambitions, and their desire to build a ninja village under the cliff, do you remember?" Luo Hang asked directly to Uchiha Madara! "You, you actually..."

Looking at Luo Hang in astonishment, Uchiha Madara shook his head after a while and said, "Is this the words handed down from Zhujian back then?" If a person doesn't believe in ghosts, even if he sees ghosts, he will try everything possible Sex to refute what you see!

Similarly, Uchiha Madara doesn't quite believe in Luo Hang's speculated ability.

Therefore, even though Luo Hang said something about his youth, Uchiha Madara still felt that it might be the words passed down by Senjujuma by chance, and Luo Hang knew about it!

"Really? At the beginning, the two children liked to swim in the water by the river?" Luo Hang asked noncommittally!

"This, this..." Uchiha Madara was speechless again!

Maybe, maybe it was still Hashirama who said it.

However, with Hashirama's temperament, he probably wouldn't show off the things he lost to himself most of the time, right? "Then let me tell you another secret that only you know?"

Seeing that Madara Uchiha looked half-believing, Luo Hang followed suit and said, "When the village was established, the village was named Konoha because the first Hokage was proficient in Mudun!" The leader of the Hokage, because you are proficient in fire escape, so you named it Hokage. At that time, you and Senshouzhujian agreed that you would be the first generation of Hokage, right?" "But, as I said, Indra's reincarnation will be He is a genius, proud of his talent and arrogant, so he doesn't fit in well!" "Although Ashura's reincarnation is a bit silly, he is very friendly, and people around him are always willing to follow him!"

"Thus, in the selection of the first generation of Hokage, although Senju Hashirama wanted you to be Hokage according to the agreement, the will of the villagers and the patriarchs of the major families are all more in favor of Senju Hashirama!" You just happened to be hiding in the dark and overheard those words!?"

Although it was a questioning sentence, Luo Hang's words were completely affirmative!

Uchiha Madara didn't have much reaction to the previous words.

However, after hearing Luo Hang's last half sentence, Madara Uchiha looked at Luo Hang in disbelief!

Indeed, by chance, I heard in the dark that people in the village were willing to recommend Senju Hashirama to become the first generation of Hokage. At that time, I was in a bad mood!

And this kind of situation of hiding in the dark and hearing these words, is it really only you who knows in the whole world?

However, after so many years, he never said anything about it, but Luo Hang still knew about it! ? "You, do you actually have the ability to calculate the past and the future!?"

At this time, although emotionally unwilling to believe in Luo Hang's ability to calculate, but rationally, Uchiha Madara also gradually believed in Luo Hang's ability!

After all, these things can be said, apart from the ability to calculate, there is really no other explanation, right? "Uchiha Madara? Hehe, dare to doubt our Koko's calculation ability? What about now? Are you dumbfounded?" "Hahaha, seeing Uchiha Madara's bewildered face is very joyful!"

"So, is it true? Hei Ze is the real old Yin Bi, even Uchiha Madara was deceived by him!"

"Unexpectedly, that's how the name of Hokage came about. It was possible to become the first generation of Hokage in Konoha Village, but it has fallen to the point where it is today. The ability of that Heijue to deceive people is indeed powerful. Such a person If it is in modern times, where can't it be a sales champion!"

"Brother Hang started from the ancestor of Chakra. I finally have a clear idea of ​​the history of the ninja world. Brother Hang, YYDS!"

"Don't say it's us, even the people in this world don't know where the source of Chakra is, but our brother Hang is very precious! Let me ask, with such a calculation ability, our brother Hang can get these harvests, Isn't it a reasonable thing!"

In Longguo's live broadcast room, although all viewers know that Luohang's calculation ability is powerful.

However, as Luo Hang opened his mouth, he told the history of the ninja world from the source.

This ability to live history still deeply shocked all audiences again!

"This, this kind of ability is simply cheating, does the brain really care about it!?"

As for those crooked audiences, they were also dumbfounded, and it was precisely because of this that they wanted to cry even more!

Naturally, Luo Hang couldn't see how the audience in the live broadcast room were amazed.

At this time, his attention was on Uchiha Madara!

There is still half a year left, and I will leave the ninja world!

And after leaving?

Heijue hides in the dark, and maybe he will find a way to revive Uchiha Madara. At that time, it will be another battle of the century!

Before he leaves, if he can help this ninja world avoid a disaster, Luo Hang is still willing!

After all, Uchiha Madara is in front of him now, as long as he convinces him of Hei Ze's conspiracy. …

Luo Hang is still willing to do this kind of easy work!

"Patriarch Fuyue, please go and bring Sasuke here!" At this moment, Luo Hang felt that he should show another trump card, and said to Fuyue next to him!

"Okay!" Hearing this, he probably understood Luo Hang's meaning, Uchiha Fugaku nodded, and immediately left using the instant body technique!

After a while, Sasuke, who was less than one year old, was carried over!

"Looking at him, do you have any special feelings?" Luo Hang asked Uchiha Madara!

In the original book, Uchiha Madara did not know the news of Indra's reincarnation.

However, when I met Sasuke during the fourth Ninja World War, I still felt a little close and looked at him differently.

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