Now, the news of Indra's reincarnation has been told to him!

"This, this child, he seems a little different!" Taking a deep look at Sasuke, Uchiha Madara didn't speak hard, and nodded frankly!

"That's because, like you, he is the reincarnation of Indra!" Luo Hang didn't mean to hide anything, and just threw out the answer!

"So, is that the case? This feeling is really..."

Listening to what Luo Hang said, and looking at Uchiha Sasuke, Madara really felt a little throbbing in his heart!

And this also made Uchiha Madara probably believe Luo Hang's words!

Sure enough?The saying that Indra was reincarnated should be true!

"So, have I been deceived all this time? My life is really miserable enough!"

Realizing that Heijue had deceived him, and thinking about the situation when he left Konoha Village alone, Uchiha Madara laughed at himself!

For a person who is proud by nature, knowing these truths is indeed a very cruel thing!

"Boy Luohang, generally speaking, I still want to thank you for letting me know the truth of the matter. My samsara eyes, I hope you don't humiliate them!" During the seal, Uchiha Madara suddenly raised his hand!

(:Recognize: accurate';, if..! Water! First """ hair;";,! Pirates,; Book: Sell;; Money?? Dead", Mom") See Uchiha Madara raised his hand, Luo Air them all startled 5.9!

However, seeing Uchiha Madara's slow seal, Orochimaru next to him said: "He is reincarnating in the seal to undo the dirt!" Hearing what Orochimaru said, the people around were relieved!

"It's really scary. So, he didn't know when he broke free from the four elephant seals? Is he really worthy of being Uchiha Madara? If my mouth escape didn't play a role, the ship would have capsized today!" Accompanied by Uchiha Madara lifted the filth and reincarnated, and his soul disappeared from the body. Luo Hang felt a wave of fear in his heart!

Uchiha Madara's soul looked very peaceful, and disappeared immediately after ascending to heaven! "By the way, what's going on with Kushina?"

After Uchiha Madara untied the reincarnation of the dirty soil on his own, Jiraiya also remembered that Namikaze Minato had been away for a long time!

Hearing this, Luo Hang's body moved, and he also ran to Namikaze Minato's house!

Arriving at Namikaze Minato's house, Luo Hang found the atmosphere very solemn.

Namikaze Minato hugged Kushina, and the aura on Kushina's body had completely disappeared!Obviously, although he sealed Nine Tails and rushed over, he was still one step too late...

"Minato, let me give it a try? Maybe I can revive her?" After thinking for a while, Luo Hang stepped forward and said to Namikaze Minato! .

Chapter 175: The Efficacy of the Sacred Heart Art, Resurrection

When the Tailed Beast was pulled away for the first time, it was facing Obito.

With Luo Hang's help, he quickly re-sealed Nine Tails and returned to Kushina's body.

As the whirlpool family, the vitality is strong, and it has survived until this time!

But this time, he was facing Uchiha Madara, even though it was a super weakened beggar version of Uchiha Madara!

However, it took a lot of time for several Kage-level powerhouses to join forces before subduing Madara with the help of Orochimaru's sneak attack.

Although Namikaze Minato rushed over at the first time, but the time was still delayed for too long, it was too late!

Holding Kushina's body in his arms, Minato Namakaze said nothing, and exuded an aura of defeat all over his body.

Jiu Xinnai's death obviously hit him hard!

However, at this time Luo Hang stepped forward and said that he could give it a try!

"You, your reincarnation eye, can you resurrect Kushina!?" Hearing what Luo Hang said, Namikaze Minato looked at Luo Hang in surprise, like a drowning person finally grasping a life-saving straw!

"I'm not sure either, but you can try it!" Luo Hang replied!

After all, these days, Jiu Xinnai has also taught himself a lot of ninjutsu about sealing, with such kindness, Luo Hang is still very willing to give it a try!

"That's fine, try it, try it quickly!"

Although Luo Hang said that he was not sure, but even if it was [-]% hope, Minato Namikaze would hold on to it!

At the same time, Obito Uchiha, Jiraiya and Orochimaru all looked at Luo Hang curiously!

Can the legendary fairy eye, the eye of reincarnation that controls life and death, really be able to resurrect the dead?

Orochimaru in particular, licked the corners of his mouth. For him who pursues eternal life, this kind of scene of being able to see the resurrection of the dead with 12 eyes is very precious information!

Luo Hang didn't talk nonsense, and came to Jiu Xinnai's side!

The innate art of reincarnation is the ninjutsu possessed by the reincarnation eye to resurrect the dead, but the condition for the activation of this ninjutsu is that the performer must die!

Therefore, of course Luo Hang would not choose to use the Innate Art of Reincarnation!

If you want to repay Jiu Xinnai's kindness, you don't need to take your own life to repay it!

When Luo Hang came to Jiu Xinnai's side, all the true energy in his body was mobilized, and at the same time, the Sacred Heart Art also started to work!

In the original book, Luo Xian was able to save the dead Nie Feng at the cost of being seriously injured and dying!

My skill is at least twice as strong as hers. In theory, I should be able to resurrect the dead too! ?

Besides, I have been practicing the Sacred Heart Art for so long, and every time I practice, I will enter the stage of inner vision. I can say that I have an extremely deep understanding of the mysteries of the human body!

The exercises of Sacred Heart Jue started to work, and Luo Hang manipulated these vital essences, pouring them into Jiu Xinnai's body!

"Is this? A power that doesn't belong to this world? It's full of vitality!"

Orochimaru's eyes widened, and he stared at Luo Hang closely, unwilling to even blink, for fear that he might miss some important scene!

Accompanied by the exercises of the Sacred Heart Jue, it was completely poured into Kushina's body, and Kushina's body, like a damaged and turned off machine, was repaired with damaged parts.

At the same time, this stalled machine restarted!

"Does Brother Hang actually have the ability to resurrect the dead? Is it true?"

"Is it the ability of the eyes of reincarnation? I heard that the eyes of reincarnation are the eyes of immortals, which can control life and death!"

"Wait, Brother Hang doesn't have the ability to use the Eye of Reincarnation, is he using the Sacred Heart Art!?"

"Sacred Heart Jue, it seems that it really has the ability to revive the dead, right? But? Has Brother Hang already cultivated to this point?"

"I don't know, I've never seen Brother Hang reveal it before!"

"Look carefully, everyone, stop talking, Brother Hang just said to give it a try, he didn't say anything that can be done!"

In Longguo's live broadcast room, all the audience stared at Luohang in shock!

The resurrection of the dead?This kind of thing has never happened in Blue Star!

After all, it is common sense that people cannot be resurrected after death!

Now, not only can he see it clearly, but even Luo Hang is the one who used such means!

If it is really successful today, doesn't it mean that the Dragon Kingdom has the ability to bring the dead back to life! ?

Not to mention what the audience in the live broadcast room thought.

In front of Jiu Xinnai, Luo Hang's Sacred Heart Jue practiced to the extreme, and at the same time, his face became very pale.

However, Luo Hang did not give up!

Although he couldn't see anything, Luo Hang could feel that the machine that had been turned off was slowly restarting at this moment.

This also allowed Luo Hang to see the hope of resurrecting Jiu Xinnai!

In this way, after a full 10 minutes, finally, Luo Hang's strength reached its limit.

At the same time, there was a faint aura on Jiuxinna's body!

Although the breath is still very weak, even people have not woken up.

However, everyone present could feel that Kushina's body was rejuvenated!

Luo Hang fell limply to the ground, with blood overflowing from his nostrils, eye sockets and corners of his mouth, and his face was frighteningly pale!

Namikaze Minato was overjoyed to see his wife really resurrected.

Now, seeing Luo Hang's appearance, he helped Luo Hang up worriedly: "Luo Hang, you, what's wrong with you? How is your injury?"

"Fortunately, I can't die, I just need to rest for a while!" Supported by Minato Namikaze, Luo Hang looked weak and shook his head slightly!

"Minato, go and see what's going on with Kushina!" Jiraiya, who was next to him, helped Luo Hang, and said to Minato Namikaze!

Nodding his head, Namikaze Minato came to Kushina's side and took a look, his breath was weak, but there was vitality.

Moreover, this vitality is getting stronger and stronger.

After the body of the Uzumaki clan regained its vitality, Kushina's body recovered much faster than ordinary people!

"Mizu, Minato, me, am I resurrected?" Kushina opened his eyes, saw Minakaze Minato at a glance, and asked!

However, before Namikaze Minato could answer, Kushina's face changed drastically, and she sat up suddenly: "No, I don't have Kyuubi in my body, is it? Are you dead too?"

"Don't worry, don't get excited, Jiuxinna, you are not dead, and I am not dead either, it was Luo Hang who saved you!"

Kushina's big reaction made Namikaze Minato both worried and moved, and he hurriedly said comfortingly!

"Oh, so it's like this!" Hearing this, Jiu Xinna looked at Luo Hang and the others beside him, and felt a little relieved!

Luo Hang didn't speak, just sat cross-legged, wiped his hand on his waist, and immediately, a blood bodhi appeared.

Opening his mouth and swallowing the blood bodhi, Luo Hang began to perform the exercises of the Sacred Heart Jue to recover his injuries!

A blood bodhi entered the abdomen, and the warm power quickly dissipated and dispersed into the limbs and bones.

This feeling, as if a long drought meets rain, Luo Hang's body frantically absorbs the medicinal power of Blood Bodhi!

Although the effect of increasing skill is already negligible.

However, the healing effect of Blood Bodhi is still very good. With the cooperation of Blood Bodhi, Luo Hang's injury is recovering bit by bit!

Jiraiya and Obito next to him didn't intend to disturb Luo Hang.

However, looking at Luo Hang's eyes, everyone was full of amazement!

Without using the power of the eyes of reincarnation, could he resurrect the dead with his own power?

Such power is simply shocking!People who can predict the past and future are even more terrifying than him!

Kushina who was next to him had just been revived and asked about the situation carefully!

Kushina was also shocked to learn that the person who channeled Nine Tails this time was actually the legendary Uchiha Madara!

The couple had a lot to say, and Minato Namikaze explained the specific situation well!

In this way, at the end, hearing that Luo Hang used the four-element seal to restrain Uchiha Madara, Kushina's heart was filled with emotion that Luo Hang's sealing technique had achieved such an achievement.

Originally, on a whim, I originally wanted Luo Hang to control Sanwei in his body more, so I taught him the sealing technique, but I didn't expect it to play such an effect at a critical moment!

"How is Luo Hang's situation?" Jiu Xinnai asked after seeing 113 Luo Hang, who was cross-legged and adjusting his breath!

The corners of the mouth and nostrils were bleeding. Luo Hang looked very miserable at first sight!

"The injury is serious, that's for sure, but luckily it's not life-threatening, he said he needs to take a good rest!" Namikaze Minato said!

"That's good!" Hearing this, Kushina also nodded!I feel relieved a lot!

"Brother Hang is awesome, it succeeded, YYDS!"

"My husband is so powerful, he can actually bring the dead back to life!"

"Why are there more and more shameless women calling Brother Hang's husband?"

"See, this is our brother Hang! Not only can he know the past and the future, he is not only powerful, but more importantly, he values ​​love and righteousness!"

"That's right. Back in the first world, I was able to break into the palace alone for a promise. Today, in order to repay the kindness of teaching the sealing technique, I was able to risk my own injury and save Jiu Xinnai. What is this? This is the most important thing." Love and righteousness!" "This is the fine character of our Dragon Kingdom!"

"Jimeis, to find a husband, you have to find someone who is so affectionate and loyal. To have such a relationship, you will feel full of security!?" "I really feel sorry for Brother Hang, I almost bleed!"

In the live broadcast room, seeing Luo Hang actually brought Jiu Xinna back to life, countless viewers were shocked for a moment!

On the one hand, I was excited that Yu Luohang could really do such a thing as bringing the dead back to life.

On the other hand, he is proud of Luo Hang's disposition of clear grievances and grievances, emphasizing love and righteousness!

This kind of disposition makes the entire Dragon Kingdom feel proud, right?

Let's not talk about the liveliness of the live broadcast room.

After adjusting the breath for about half an hour, the effect of Xuebodhi was completely digested. Although Luo Hang's face was still pale, he stood up and recovered a lot!

In terms of the game, he was seriously injured to the point where there was only a trace of blood left.

The current health value has recovered to about half of the safe position! .

Chapter 176: The Return

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