Ninjas, whether they are big or small, the five major ninja villages pay more attention to each other!

It's no secret that Konoha suffered from the Nine-Tails Rebellion twice in the past half a year!

Moreover, Konoha Village was able to calm down the Nine-Tails' rebellion twice!

Even this time recently, the legendary Uchiha Madara was resurrected through forbidden techniques.

This news once again shocked the ninja world!

Immediately afterwards, all parties tried their best to find out the details of the Nine-Tails Rebellion!

One, what happened to the Nine Tails Rebellion this time?What kind of damage was done to Konoha Village! ?

The second is to explore the legendary forbidden technique!Can it bring the dead back to life?

Did such a forbidden technique appear in Muye Village?Naturally, no one can sit still!

If he also mastered such a forbidden technique and summoned the strong who had died, wouldn't the strength of the village be greatly improved?

And the result of the investigation shocked other ninja villages!

Luo Hang, who was famous in the ninja world before, has become a three-tailed jinchuriki, and it is the most perfect jinchuriki form that has never been seen!

In addition, the legendary Uchiha Madara was defeated!

Finally, and most importantly, Kushina, the wife of the fourth Hokage, died because of the tailed beast.

However, Luo Hang actually used a magical ability to bring the dead back to life!

It's not a kind of resurrection like reincarnation, but a real resurrection with flesh and blood!

When this news came out, the ninja world was shocked!

The resurrection of the reincarnation of the dirty soil is already shocking. Unexpectedly, does Muye Village still possess this ability to truly resurrect people?

"Nagato, let's go..."

On the Rain Country side, after learning about what happened in Konoha Village, Yahiko said to Nagato!

"That's right, the legendary Uchiha Madara really appeared, and he also said that Luo Hang's reincarnation eyes belonged to him. It seems that what Luo Hang said back then is the truth!" Xiao Nan also clicked. He nodded and said in agreement!

Of course, the Akatsuki organization also inquired about the situation in Konoha Village, and heard what Uchiha Madara said arrogantly that the reincarnation eye is him.

Therefore, Nagato and the others completely believed what Luo Hang said back then!

"Well, let's go!" After a moment of silence, Nagato also nodded!

Since the Eye of Samsara is not my own from the beginning to the end, then there is no need for me to worry about it anymore!

Moreover, the purpose of the Akatsuki organization is to devote itself to the peace of the ninja world. If it can maintain a good relationship with Konoha Village, the head of the five major ninja villages, this is also a very good thing!

After making up their minds, the three founders of Akatsuki came to Muye Village hand in hand!

It was a normal visit, and it showed Jiraiya's name.

Soon, the members of the Konoha Guard sent someone to notify Jiraiya!

Knowing that the three of Yahiko had come to Konoha Village, Jilai was of course happy, and came out to welcome the three of Yahiko in.

At the same time, let the members of the Konoha medical class take action and transplant a pair of eyes to Nagato!

With Jiraiya's face, of course the medical class would not refuse, it was just a pair of eyes transplanted, this is not a difficult operation, it will be completed soon!

On the other side, after learning that the legendary Nagato and others had arrived in Konoha Village, Namakaze Minato also met him personally!

Don't look at the monk's face to look at the Buddha's face. Since he is the disciple of Master Jiraiya, in a sense, he can also be said to be his own junior, right?

And these days, Luo Hang's focus is mainly on the cultivation of the Sacred Heart Art!

For one thing, it can increase one's true essence.

Second, you can also recover your own injuries!

As for the power of the Chakra system?With Sanwei as the backing, his true essence can also be used as the chakra refining material, so naturally the cultivation of the Sacred Heart Art is the main one!

In this way, day by day, when you have nothing to do, teach Uchiha Itachi and Mitekai well.

Luo Hang is still very satisfied with their progress!

Obito has also returned to the Uchiha clan!

He has untied the knot in his heart, except that he likes to stay in front of Lin's memorial monument for a while every day, his life is quite peaceful!

Speaking of which, with Luo Hang's intervention, the relationship between the Uchiha clan and the Fourth Hokage is now very close!

In addition, Luo Hang has long said that Asura's reincarnation is the son of the fourth Hokage.

Therefore, when he has nothing to do, Uchiha Fugaku likes to bring his little Sasuke to visit Namikaze Minato!

Indeed, for the sake of Indra and Asura, Sasuke and Naruto are already toddlers, and they seem to have a very good relationship.

This matter has made Uchiha Itachi, who has the MAX attribute of his younger brother, feel a little bad recently.

Uchiha Sasuke, isn't he his own brother?

But recently, he has a very close relationship with the children of the Naruto family, what's going on?

Although Xiao Sasuke is quite dependent on himself, but every time he sees that the relationship between him and Naruto is very good, Uchiha Itachi always feels uncomfortable.

Even, feel that your head seems a little green?

When Luo Hang was obviously fine, he also liked to stay on the roof of the building, basking in the sun, blowing in the wind, and feeling the recovery of his injuries bit by bit.

This kind of comfortable life made Luo Hang feel very satisfied!

Now that Obito has been washed clean, if nothing else happens, the tragedy of the Uchiha family will not happen again.

Even the Xiao organization will not go astray.

Even Uchiha Madara knows all the truth of the matter.

Because of my own intervention, the plot of the ninja world has changed so much, and it seems to be developing in a good direction. To be honest, Luo Hang is still in a good mood!

This kind of ability to make the world a better place with one's own efforts, but anyone with a more upright view of the three will feel very proud! ?

There was a burst of shouting, and Luo Hang saw that Maitkai was still very motivated to practice on the street with weights!

In the noodle shop not far away, Kakashi and Obito sat eating noodles and chatting!

Looking not far away, the two mothers, Kushina and Uchiha Mikoto have a very good relationship, holding Naruto and Sasuke in their arms respectively, with happy smiles on their faces!

Looking at the gate of Konoha Village, Nagato, Yahiko and Konan are standing at the gate of Konoha Village, saying goodbye to Jiraiya.

Not to mention, with such a picture scroll of life, and comparing the various tragedies in the original book, Luo Hang feels that his heart is much more empty, and the world has become much better!

"Early on, Madara Uchiha and Obito had the so-called Eye of the Moon Project, which allowed everyone to immerse themselves in the illusion of happiness. I have succeeded in doing something that they couldn't do even if they wanted to." ? "

"Nowadays, everyone's life is indeed very happy, but this is real, not just the illusion of Unlimited Yuedu!"

Looking at the picture scroll in front of him, Luo Hang felt refreshed, and at the same time, silently nodded in his heart!


Just when Luo Hang felt relaxed and happy, and his mood became better, suddenly, his heart moved slightly.

He found that the true energy in his body flowed naturally, passing through his meridians.

After that, it became much stronger!

Feeling something in his heart, Luo Hang closed his eyes and let go of his mind to feel the operation of the Sacred Heart Art.

After an unknown amount of time, Luo Hang opened his eyes and found that the sky had already darkened.

Is it as if time turns from day to night in the blink of an eye?

Feeling his own true energy again, these true energy became more condensed, and the true energy stored in the Tanzhong acupoint also became stronger.

Moreover, the liquid-like true essence has also become more viscous, and it seems that there is a tendency to transform from a liquid void pill to a solid primordial pill!

My true energy has also become thicker, the original skill of more than 500 years, now to feel it, I am afraid that it has been around 600 years!

Although compared with Di Shitian's 2000-year skill, it is still far behind.

However, after an epiphany, his skill can increase for hundreds of years. Luo Hang still feels very satisfied with such growth!

". "So, the Sacred Heart Jue, is it worthy of the word Sacred Heart?Is it not just a simple need for cultivation, but also an epiphany and an improvement in the state of mind? "

This epiphany made Luo Hang see a more definite growth direction of the Sacred Heart Art!

This is of course a good thing for Luo Hang!

With the improvement of mood, Luo Hang felt that his mental state was even better.

Moreover, when practicing Sacred Heart Jue, the growth rate of true energy has also been significantly improved!

"Luo Hang, what happened to you all of a sudden? It seems that nothing happened, and your strength has grown a lot!"

In the spiritual world, Sanwei Isofu clearly felt Luo Hang's promotion, and asked in surprise!

"It's an epiphany. It's a very mysterious thing. It's hard to describe it in words. It's a simple metaphor. It's that the mood suddenly improved a lot, and then, many things suddenly became clear!" Luo Hang explained casually. Well done)


"The state of mind? A long time ago, the old man of the six paths also said that the strength of strength is only inferior after all, and the strength of the mind is the most important thing. I didn't understand it before, but now, I understand it a little bit!"

Hearing this, Jifu replied.

After calculating the date, there are still about two or three months in the last time, and I will return.

In the following days, Luo Hang rested quietly, allowing his injuries to heal.

The cultivation of Sacred Heart Jue also made Luo Hang's skills deeper!

Vaguely, it seems that some concepts of space have been touched!

Di Shitian's Sacred Heart Art has the ability to move in space, which made Luo Hang secretly happy. Could it be that he is about to unlock such an ability?

Of course, the development of the sealing technique and the eyes of reincarnation has not been left in the afternoon!

In this way, the days passed day by day, seeing that the day of his return was getting closer and closer, Luo Hang found Namikaze Minato.

I invited everyone to a party with a lot of food and drink, and it was the last supper!

When everyone was drunk, Luo Hang left a letter that he had prepared a long time ago as a farewell.

Finally, I came to the Hokage Rock alone!

When I came here, it was at night, and when I went back, it was also at night!

In the void, the dimensional gate appeared out of thin air.

Luo Hang stepped into it and left the world of Hokage...

Chapter 177: Tickets are charged for visiting Luohang's previous residence

As always, when Luo Hang returned, he passed through the Dimensional Gate, and the members of the Expedition Department headed by Li Limin had already prepared to line up to welcome Luo Hang's return!

"How is it? How is the injury?" Li Limin stepped forward and asked about Luo Hang's situation first!

"It's okay, I've been recuperating for a few months, and I've recovered!" Luo Hang replied!

Then, he threw all the basic knowledge about chakra and various evasion techniques to Li Limin!

"We don't need this filthy reincarnation, we can only seal it up!"

After classifying the knowledge thrown out by Luo Hang, Li Limin shook his head and said after seeing the information about the reincarnation of the dirty soil!

"Huh? Can't use it? Why?" Luo Hang looked at him with some surprise.

Reincarnation from the dirty soil, this is one of the most awesome forbidden techniques in the Naruto world, right?He actually said it was useless?

"We already know the conditions for reincarnation in the dirty land. From the pure land, according to our understanding, it is to summon the soul of the dead from the underworld, and then let this soul survive in the bodies of other sacrifices."

"However, for us, the underworld is just a myth and legend, and does not really exist. Therefore, it does not meet the conditions for using the reincarnation of the dirty soil!" Hearing this, Li Limin explained!

"Oh? So that's the case? It makes some sense!" Hearing Li Limin's explanation, Luo Hang nodded suddenly!

So, it would be nice to have a dedicated part behind you to serve yourself!

After all, one person counts the short, and two count the long!

Besides, Luo Hang never thought of himself as a smart person.

The reason why I can explore these worlds and gain a lot is because I know the plot in advance!

"By the way, these cells of the first generation of Hokage, you should be careful, if you transplant them casually, they will be very aggressive!"

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