The cells of the first 130 generations of Hokage that were traded from Orochimaru, Luo Hang also specially told them!

"Understood!" Li Limin nodded seriously!

For these supplies, Luohang gave all they could.

As for the puppet of the Hungry Ghost Dao brought back, and the pair of Sharingan with three hook jade, these were not handed over!

Li Limin didn't mean to ask Luo Hang to hand it over either!

After all, to explore various strange worlds, although the harvest is related to the country's destiny, there is a prerequisite, that is, the harvested things Luohang wants. If it is helpful for the future reincarnation world, the supply and demand of Luohang should be guaranteed first!

After all, only if Luo Hang does well in other worlds, will he have an endless stream of gains!

After giving everything that should be given, Luo Hang looked at Huo Qilin again.

Not to mention, someone took special care of it, and Huo Qilin looked very comfortable living in the greenhouse!

In the next reincarnation world, Luo Hang is going to take Huo Qilin to travel together.

With such a great mount, it is still very good at critical times, right?

Luo Hang took some time to make a psychic scroll, which can be regarded as a psychic contract with Huo Qilin!

In the future, when it is not needed, let Huo Qilin find a place he likes to stay, and when it is needed, it will come out through psychic, which is quite convenient!

After staying in the Expedition Department for a few days, I also explained some knowledge about Chakra.

On this day, Luo Hang lay quietly in his room.

Holding a bag of spicy strips in one hand and half a banana in the other, watching TV dramas, looking like a very salty fish!

There is a beautiful life assistant next to him to take care of Luo Hang's daily life, seeing his appearance like a fish, he smiled helplessly!

Luo Hang in the live broadcast room, with the appearance of playing with the whole world between applause, makes people admire.

But after the reunification, the appearance of this salted fish is no different from most young people!

However, this situation is also a good thing.

Generally speaking, men go out and work hard, don't they always look like this when they go home?

This also shows that Luo Hang regards the Expedition Department as his home, right?

"Okay, Sister Mo, there's no need to clean it up. Isn't this very clean? There's no need to mop the floor every day, right?"

Luo Hang looked at his life assistant who had cleaned up the trash and was mopping the floor again, and said something casually!

"Of course I have to procrastinate every day. My job is to take care of your life!" Shaking her head, Sister Mo insisted!

Alright, since that's the case, then Luo Hang won't say anything more, and continue to follow the drama!

However, when Sister Mo was dragging the floor, suddenly, on the wet floor, her feet slipped and she fell to the ground.

And the mop he was holding hit Luo Hang's head by coincidence!

With a bang, Luo Hang's body disappeared in a puff of white smoke!

"I, what am I?" Her own mop hit Luo Hang's head, and Sister Mo was secretly anxious, and she was even more dumbfounded seeing Luo Hang disappear like that!

"Oh? Wait, is this a shadow clone!?"

After being stunned for a moment, Sister Mo also watched Luo Hang's live broadcast, so she quickly reacted and rushed to notify Li Limin!

"Damn it, after a trip to the world of ninjas, he actually learned to use shadow clones to deceive people!"

After understanding what happened, Li Limin shouted dumbfoundingly!

Before, Luo Hang ran out secretly at every turn, and he often quarreled with him because of this matter.

Well now, after going through the ninja world, he is more comfortable using the shadow clone to deceive people!

"However, with Luo Hang's current strength, no one can threaten him, right? Besides, there is also the transformation technique. If he doesn't want to be exposed, he probably won't be exposed!"

Sister Mo, who was holding a mop next to her, thought about it and said!

"Well, I can only think of it this way, this is the most comforting thing!" Hearing this, Li Limin nodded.

"Yeah? Have I been discovered? Presumably, Lao Li has to jump in anger again?"

Luo Hang, who was boarding the plane, raised the corners of his mouth slightly as his shadow clone disappeared, and smiled secretly. He boarded the plane immediately and sat down in the first-class seat!

Really don't (bcfj) say, after so long, I have never sat in first class by plane, this feeling is not ordinary comfortable.

Even the service of the stewardess next to me is much more enthusiastic!

I closed my eyes and fell asleep. As the plane landed, the journey was very smooth.

After taking another taxi, Luohang quickly arrived at Jiayin Building!

In other words, when I came to this world through time travel, I lived in Changshi and Jiayin Building for a few months. If I really want to talk about friends, how many friends does Jiayin Building have?

However, before Luo Hang entered, he found that Jiayin Building was full of people, and there were even people selling tickets nearby!

"Young man, buy a ticket!" An aunt, sitting on a bamboo chair, said to Luo Hang who squeezed forward!

"Buy a ticket, what kind of ticket do you buy?" Luo Hang was a little confused.

"This is the residence of our Dragon Kingdom player Luo Hang before he became an explorer. If you want to go up and visit, you need to buy a ticket, 100 yuan each!" The aunt said!

"This, this..." Hearing this, the corners of Luo Hang's mouth twitched slightly!

So, my rental house in Jiayin Building turned out to be a tourist attraction now?

"Hey, brother, do you want to buy it or not, if you don't buy it, let it go, 100 yuan a piece, you can see the place where Brother Hang lived before, it's a conscience price!"

"Yes, yes, it is said that before my husband became an explorer, he lived in a very poor environment. I want to see with my own eyes what the place my husband lived in was like!"

"Brother Hang is really a big hermit in the city, right? He has the ability to calculate the past and the future, but lives in seclusion here. If he happens to be selected as an explorer, we don't know he has such ability, right?"

"Indeed, even if you don't become an explorer, with Brother Hang's ability, if you want to become rich, isn't that easy?"

Those who came to Jiayin Building were all for Luohang.

Therefore, when the topic of Luohang was discussed, there were immediately endless discussions!

However, Luo Hang, who used a transformation technique next to him, had a weird expression when he heard this!

Just collect the money if you collect the money, it is understandable!

I want to see what kind of place I lived before, and I can understand it, after all, my current reputation is obviously much more famous than any super-first-line one!

However, you say that even if I am not selected, I can easily become rich and powerful, this is a bit of nonsense!

Luo Hang still remembered that when the people from the National Security Bureau came to him, he was still thinking about how to save his salary.

Even, at that time, there was a girl I knew who wanted to ask me to watch a movie, but I declined because I was too shy!

The three worlds traveled over, and the worlds traversed were synchronized with Blue Star's world, so, for Blue Star, three years had passed.

I don't know how the girl from back then is doing now?Are you already married?

Remember that girl at that time, she seemed to be working in a coffee shop?

After thinking about it, Luo Hang turned around and left Jiayin Building, walking towards the coffee shop!

Cedar Tree Coffee House, whose name is quite literary, is located in an inconspicuous corner of the street.

Compared with the hustle and bustle of the main road, walking into the coffee house seems very literary and artistic, and there are not many customers, so it is more peaceful.

The proprietress is a woman who looks about 30 years old, sitting quietly reading a book, and there is a little girl of seven or eight years old next to her.

"Sir, do you need anything?" Seeing Luo Hang walk in, the proprietress spoke softly.

"I want to ask, is Ye Li still working here?" Luo Hang asked.

"Who are you?" Hearing this, the landlady's eyes were a little wary.

"I'm friends with her. I came here twice a few years ago. I know she works here. Isn't she here now?" While speaking, Luo Hang looked around. The person serving coffee and tea in the coffee shop did not know him. people.

"She resigned half a month ago. It seems that her father is sick and needs someone to take care of her!" The proprietress replied.

"Is that so? Thank you very much!" Hearing this, Luo Hang nodded, found a place to sit down, and served a pot of tea.Then he took out his mobile phone and clicked on a wechat avatar... First, he looked at the other party's circle of friends to find out what was going on. .

Chapter 178: Show off your internal strength in front of Luo Hang?

In the circle of friends, it can be seen that Ye Li has indeed been taking care of her father in the hospital recently.

Judging from the photos in the circle of friends, he is a little thinner than Luo Hang's impression.

She is not a super beauty, but she is quite attractive. Of course, she hardly wears makeup in normal times, but it gives people a sense of solidity!

A girl's family takes care of her seriously ill father in the hospital. This kind of filial piety is quite admirable.

He didn't leave the city, so Luohang took a taxi and came to the city's No. [-] Hospital.

In the ward of the No. 50 Hospital of the city, a man about [-] years old was lying down with a tube inserted in his neck!

Uremia can be said to be the most unsolvable disease in current medicine.

In a mild state, it is nephritis, which in short means weakened kidney function.

If it gets worse, it is uremia, and dialysis is usually required.

In short, the detoxification effect of the kidney function is not good, and dialysis is to use other techniques to eliminate toxins in the blood to achieve the effect of assisting the kidney function.

However, the blood is drawn out, cleaned, and recirculated back, just like this is scary!

And if you want to cure it, you have to do a kidney transplant!

However, kidney source is something that everyone is queuing up to wait, even queuing up to grab, and it is extremely scarce.

In addition, even if the kidney source can be successfully obtained, the cost of hundreds of thousands is not something ordinary families can afford!

"Little Li, it's really hard for you. You were made to accompany me day and night in the hospital at such a young age!" Looking at the busy daughter next to him, who had lost a lot of weight, Father Ye felt very uncomfortable.

"Dad, you can rest easy and recuperate. After the dialysis today, you can go home and rest for two days!" Ye Li said comforting her father!

"Hey, like me, I have to come for dialysis twice a week. What is the life of a human being? I might as well die, so as not to drag you down in the future!" With a long sigh, Father Ye thought about his daughter's current life. I have reached the marriageable age, but I don't even have a partner, and I feel even more guilty.

In this day and age, there are more men than women, and when they reach the marriageable age, there are always boys chasing after them.

What's more, my daughter is not ugly, and if she dresses up a little, she is also a beautiful woman!

If the news of the blind date is released, it will definitely be more sought-after.

However, until now there is no object.

Father Ye also understood that it should be the cause of his illness!Let many boys retreat in spite of difficulties, right?

Father Ye doesn't blame boys for being realistic, after all, it's not easy for everyone. Taking his daughter's words, it's almost like dragging himself such a medicine jar, a bottomless pit, and it's reasonable for boys to retreat when they face difficulties!

"Dad, what did you say that it's not a burden, a family, how can there be such a thing as a burden?" Ye Li shook her head and said.

Speaking of this, he paused for a while, and then said: "Dad, recently I contacted a master who has achieved success in practicing internal skills. He said that he can make people push the palace and activate the blood, and cured many people, but the fee is a bit expensive. Let the master take a look at some time, maybe it will be successful?"

If it were three years ago, it would be a bluff to say this.

But with the advent of exploring different worlds, many martial arts have already been spread in the Dragon Kingdom.

In recent years, internal energy healing has become a new medical method, and even many hospitals have added internal energy healing departments!

When conventional methods are useless, internal strength healing seems to be an effective choice.

Speaking of healing with internal strength, a young man flashed in Ye Li's mind!

However, Ye Li quickly shook her head and threw out the thoughts in her mind!

Now, I and him are already people in two worlds, and not disturbing each other is the greatest respect for each other, right?

Ding Dong!

At this moment, Ye Li's cell phone rang suddenly.

Ye Li picked up her phone and looked at it, and a familiar but unfamiliar profile picture popped up on WeChat, which surprised her.

"Luo, Luo Hang!?" Ye Li rubbed her eyes when she saw the news sent by WeChat, she couldn't believe it!

Three years ago, I met Luo Hang by chance. The two boys and girls were eating, drinking, and shopping, and the atmosphere was very good.

It can be regarded as a relationship that is more than friends and less than lovers!

At that time, Ye Li had a good impression of Luo Hang, and even took the initiative to ask him out!

However, since Luo Hang became an explorer of Dragon Kingdom three years ago, Ye Li understood that she and Luo Hang belonged to two worlds.

Even if I watched the live broadcast every time, I knew that Luo Hang had returned to Blue Star, so I didn't dare to disturb her!

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