Recently, her father's illness has become more and more serious, and it's not that Ye Li never thought about asking Luo Hang for help, but every time she mustered up the courage to send a message, she backed down in the end!

One, I haven't contacted him for several years, and I don't know if he can still remember me!

Second, he and I are really people from two worlds, and it is no exaggeration to describe the gap as a complete mess!

Finally, and most importantly, returning to reality, there is always a lot of news that explorers from a certain country were killed.

Ye Li also didn't want to contact Luo Hang, which would only add to the trouble.

If he brought any danger to him, he would be the sinner of the entire Dragon Kingdom!

Unexpectedly, today Luo Hang took the initiative to send a message to himself?

When I opened the message, there was nothing to say, only a photo, and the photo happened to be the gate of the city's No. [-] Hospital.

Judging from the time on the gate, it is now.

"Luo Hang, is he at the gate of the hospital right now?" Seeing this photo, Ye Li felt nervous and excited.

"Little Li? What's the matter? Are you okay?" Seeing that something was wrong with his daughter's expression, Father Ye asked.

"Dad, I have a friend nearby, I'm going to meet up, call me if you need something!" After thinking about it, Ye Li said.

After explaining, I left the ward!

After washing my face, I ran my hands through my hair so that it wouldn't look so messy.

It's a pity that I didn't bring lip gloss or anything like that with me, so I went out with my bare face like this!

With a nervous and apprehensive mood, Ye Li walked to the gate of the No. [-] City Hospital, looking around curiously.

However, after looking for a long time, there was no trace of Luo Hang!

"Well, it looks a lot more mature than before, and also a lot thinner..." At the entrance of the hospital, looking at the woman who came out, Luo Hang sighed secretly in his heart!

In the blink of an eye, it has been three years!

He was wearing a pair of light blue jeans, a pair of sneakers under his feet, a white shirt on his upper body, his sleeves were rolled up, and his long hair hung down.

She didn't dress up much, but she looked very pure.

Three years ago, someone asked me to watch a movie, but they were too cash-strapped, so they had no choice but to decline.

Now Luo Hang naturally didn't have the embarrassment of the past, walked over, and patted Ye Li on the shoulder lightly!

"You are?" Looking at Luo Hang, Ye Li had a thoughtful expression, completely unfamiliar!

"It's me! Luo Hang, you don't think I will show people my true colors, do you?" Luo Hang explained in his original voice.

That's it!

Hearing Luo Hang's voice, Ye Li suddenly nodded!

Indeed, he has just returned from the world of ninjas, so it is reasonable to be able to change his appearance.

"Why didn't you tell me about the situation in this hospital? Have you been estranged since we haven't seen each other for three years?" He and Ye Li sat down in a nearby coffee shop, and Luo Hang asked.

"Shouldn't men take the initiative to contact women? You haven't contacted me for three years, so you still blame me?"

Sitting down, Ye Li saw that Luo Hang didn't feel that she was so great, she seemed to be superior, so she relaxed a little, and the atmosphere became more harmonious. . .Ask for flowers.

"You know, it's said to be three years, but in fact, I've only been on Blue Star for two months!" Luo Hang replied.

"It's been two months, what else is there to say? I still think you are the most famous star in the whole country, even the world, and you don't like my friend anymore!" Ye Li said.

"In your heart, this is the kind of person I am, Luo Hang?" He rolled his eyes at Ye Li.

"Yes, yes, that's right!" Ye Li nodded with a serious look on her face.

This answer made Luo Hang's face darken!

Immediately afterwards, both Luo Hang and Ye Li laughed out loud. For a moment, the atmosphere seemed to be back to three years ago!

After a while, the waiter in the coffee shop came over with two cups of coffee!

"You are really different now. You used to be reluctant to drink a cup of coffee, but now you don't even blink!" Picking up a cup and taking a sip, Ye Li continued.

"In the past, I mainly spent my own money. Now, all material requirements are paid by the state! You don't need to spend your own money!" Luo Hang said with a grin.

"Well, you should be treated like this, because you, the Dragon Kingdom has really changed a lot in the past few years. The most important thing is that you are moving forward at a speed that other countries can hardly catch up with!" ... 0 Regarding the live broadcast of Luohang's expedition, of course Ye Li often watched it, and nodded with emotion.

"By the way, how is Uncle's condition? If I have to take action, it should be fine!" After chatting for a while, Luo Hang said to Ye Li.

"Of course you're fine. The Sacred Heart Art can revive the dead, so what's the problem? Since you're willing to help, then I'm not going to be polite!" Hearing that Luo Hang offered to help, Ye Li did not refuse !

"Okay, let's go!" After paying the bill, Luo Hang got up and went back to the hospital with Ye Li.

"I don't have many friends in this world, you count as one, if there is anything I can help, just ask!" Luo Hang said.

"Friendship between gentlemen is as light as water, and help is mutual. There is nothing that can help you, so I am too embarrassed to ask you, and this action is related to my father's life or death, otherwise..." Looking at Luo Take a look, Ye Li said.

Opening his mouth, Luo Hang felt that Ye Li's words were completely unnecessary!

However, this should also be Ye Li's self-esteem, so Luo Hang didn't say anything more!

Besides, such a self-improvement girl is actually pretty good.

Is it better than other people knowing that they are doing well and wishing to hang on themselves?

Perhaps, this is also the reason why Luo Hang had a better relationship with her in the beginning?

Chatting and talking, Luo Hang and Ye Li returned to the ward.

At this time, there was a man in his early 30s in the ward who was feeling Father Ye's pulse!

"Are you his daughter? Let me tell you, his illness has reached a serious stage. If you give me 20 yuan, I will spend some energy and definitely be able to help you recover from the illness!" Seeing Ye Li come back, the man froze. Said with a serious face.

"That, no need, I have a friend who will help, please trouble me!" Internal strength healing is an option, and now that Luo Hang is willing to sell it, Ye Li naturally believes in Luo Hang even more!

"Him? How can he help you?" Looking at Luo Hang next to him, the man frowned slightly, thinking that Luo Hang was here to grab business.

"I also use internal energy to heal diseases!" Luo Hang replied!

"Hahaha, it's ridiculous. How dare you say that you can use internal strength to cure diseases at such a young age? Have you cultivated internal strength yet?" Hearing this, the man shook his head and said.

While speaking, the man raised his hand, took out a coin, flicked it with his fingers, and the coin was stuck in the wall!

"How?" The man looked at Luo Hang proudly.

This move is enough to make people retreat in the face of difficulties, right?corpse.

Chapter 179: The fourth world is...

The man looked at Luo Hang with a proud expression, waiting to see him retreat in spite of the difficulties!

Before exploring the heavens, the man was a traditional Chinese medicine family!

Later, after returning from Luo Hang's first world adventure, he got a superior inner strength method!

With the inner strength and heart method, as well as the knowledge about acupuncture points and meridians that I have been familiar with since I was a child, plus I tried to prepare a nourishing medicinal bath to match my practice.

In just two years, the man has already developed a good internal strength!

In recent days, she has become even more famous, so, using her internal strength as a basis, to help patients heal their injuries and illnesses, these days, they can earn a lot of money!

Now, he seems to have met his peers?

The man doesn't mind showing his hand to let the other party retreat in the face of difficulties!

Do business with yourself?Isn't this playing big swords in front of Guan Gong?

In addition, with the recent rise of inner strength healing, there seems to be more cases of bluffing and deceiving in the past!

If what I met was a liar, I would actually help the patient avoid being deceived, would it be considered a great deed?

Thinking about it this way, the man nodded secretly, feeling that what he did was very correct!

It's just that, with a flick of my finger, a coin was "one thirty" embedded in the wall. Logically speaking, the people next to me should look at me with expressions of surprise, admiration, and joy, right?

However, the man found that the patient's daughter was staring at him with a very strange look!

"What kind of look is this?" The man's expression was a little stunned, and he found it hard to understand!

"Well, not bad, at least there are some real skills. It's really not bad to have such a cultivation level in just two years!" Looking at the man's means, Luo Hang nodded silently in his heart!

If this man has no skills at all and comes here with the intention of bluffing and deceiving, Luo Hang doesn't mind teaching him a lesson.

However, judging by his skill, his internal strength is not bad, at least he has some ability, so Luo Hang has no intention of teaching him a lesson!

"So, do you want me to show my hand and compare?" Luo Hang opened his mouth and said to the man in front of him!

"That's right, if you just talk and don't practice your words, if you really have the ability, I'll be convinced!" Luo Hang's words made the man restrain his mind, and nodded to Luo Hang and said!

"That's good!" Hearing this, Luo Hang didn't have too many bells and whistles, so he raised his hand!

The coin embedded in the wall next to it was suddenly sucked out by Luo Hang and fell directly into his palm!

"Brother, you lost your money, I'll give it back to you!" Luo Hang said as he handed the coin back to the other party!

"This, this is, the dragon catcher!?"

Seeing that Luo Hang was able to suck out the coins inlaid in the wall while flying in the air, the man stared at Luo Hang in disbelief with an expression of seeing a ghost!

"It's unbelievable. In just two years, someone can learn the dragon catching skill? You, how did you practice it?"

Somewhat dull, he took Luo Hang's coin, this man looked suspicious of life!

In the past two years, my internal strength has been cultivated quite well, and I thought that my progress could be regarded as a top genius!

But today, someone else captured the dragon kung fu with one hand, which really frightened him!

It takes at least 30 years for the skill required for Dragon Capture Kung Fu to be considered as reaching the threshold of cultivation!

"That's right, it's easy to laugh at a beginner!" Luo Hang smiled and said humbly.

"Compared to yours, my skill is far behind. I admit that I can't compare with you, but you are pretending too much, right?" Luo Hang's words made the man say with a weird expression!

Yes, it is indeed comforting to speak modest words.

However, being too modest is hypocrisy, or even pretending to be B! ?

In just two years, he was able to learn martial arts such as capturing the dragon hand. How can he be ridiculous?

This is ridiculous, so should I find a crack in the ground and get in?

Hearing what the man said, Luo Hang smiled slightly, but didn't say much!

This man is straightforward, since his skills are not as good as others, and he has met a true god, he will not be ashamed here.

Clasped fists with both hands, saluted very quackly, then turned and left!

"Well, if there is hope, I really want to see how such a true god heals people, but unfortunately, people don't want me to see it!"

After walking out of the ward, the man turned his head and took a look, then sighed, turned and left!

It's just that I always feel that my skills are good, and I feel a little complacent in my heart.

Today I really understood what it means to have a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people!

"Little Li, who is this?"

Father Ye next to him didn't speak, but he could tell that Luo Hang was a martial arts practitioner, and his martial arts skills were very high!

Looks like he is still a handsome young guy with such good martial arts?

"Father, this is my friend. His internal strength is very profound, so let him help you cure your illness. Don't worry, with my friend here, your illness will definitely be cured!"

Ye Li also knew that there would be no benefit if Luo Hang's identity was exposed, so she didn't introduce the meaning of Luo Hang's identity in too much detail, but mainly explained the purpose of Luo Hang's coming here!

No nonsense, Luo Hang directly used the technique of the Sacred Heart Jue, and the true energy full of vitality slowly merged into Father Ye's body!

With Luohang's current understanding of the human body, he not only quickly repaired the damaged kidneys, but also nourished many hidden injuries in the body organs as he got older!

This is of course much easier than resurrecting Kushina.

In just 10 minutes, Luo Hang withdrew his hand, and let out a breath of foul air from his mouth, feeling a little tired.

It's like doing ten push-ups, but it's not a big problem!

"I, I feel so much more relaxed all over my body!" After Luo Hang finished casting the spell, Father Ye keenly felt the changes in his body.

I'm 50 years old, and now I feel like I'm back in my 20s!

"Okay, my physical condition has improved a lot now, if you want to continue to maintain it, you should practice your internal strength well!" Luo Hang smiled slightly and said exhortingly!

"Dad, you look ten years younger!" Ye Li, who was next to her, also said with surprise on her face!

Now that he has recovered, naturally, Father Ye is going to go through the discharge procedures!

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